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dopiaza (um administrador do grupo) diz:
04 de Ago de 12 - Note: The old-style Flickr Authentication API has been deprecated since July 31st 2012. Only the new OAuth authentication is now officially supported. More info here.

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Título Autor Respostas Última resposta
IPTV Flickr saputnik1 1 13 horas atrás
Flickr Facet support irshad350 1 17 horas atrás
contacts activity bernat... 7 4 dias atrás - get <err code="4" msg="Invalid date_posted" /> back The Hems Family 1 4 dias atrás
Downloading too many Geotag photos at one time returns weird results Yangyoung阳 3 7 dias atrás
Announcing new Flickr PuSH API methods : Nils 12 8 dias atrás

Sobre Flickr API

A Flickr group for Flickr API projects.

Driving awareness of the Flickr API, projects that use it and those incredible ideas that programmatically exposed systems produce. Think Google API + Amazon API + Flickr API with a bit of GMail thrown in.

The developers of Flickr rightly pointed out they want to keep technical discussions directly related to the API on the mailing list.

If you have photos or screenshots that illustrate your use of the API, then feel free to add them. Please be selective though - people don't necessarily want to see a dozen almost identical screenshots of your app - just one or two that show off the most interesting aspects.

Please don't add non-API related photos here. Not even Kittens, Babies or Sunsets. They will be rejected.

Informações adicionais

Este grupo é público Este é um grupo público.

  • Os membros podem postar 3 coisas na galeria por dia.
  • Mídias aceitas:
    • Fotos
    • Vídeo
  • Conteúdos aceitos:
    • Fotos/vídeos
    • Capturas de tela/Screencasts
    • Ilustração/Arte/Animação/CGI
  • Níveis de segurança aceitos:
    • Segura
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