Alphabetical list of Private Acts — Banks

  • Albion Mines Savings Bank

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1874, c. 64

    • — continued, 1885, c. 14

    • — amalgamation, 1891, c. 112

  • Alliance Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 79

    • — Treasury Board certificate, 1904, c. 44

  • Anglo-Canadian and Continental Bank

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 81

    • — name changed to “Anglo-Canadian Bank”, 1909, c. 43

  • Anglo-Canadian Bank

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 64

    • — time extended, 1887, c. 53

  • Anglo-Canadian Bank

    • — name changed from “Anglo-Canadian and Continental Bank”, 1909, c. 43

  • Bank of Acadia

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 55

  • Bank of Agriculture

    • — incorporated, 1868, c. 85

  • Bank of Alberta

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 128

    • — 1914, c. 128, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1915, c. 71

  • Bank of Brantford

    • — charter continued, 1869, c. 49

    • — 1869, c. 49 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

  • Bank of British Columbia

    • — incorporated, 1966-67, c. 98

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Bank of British North America

    • —   application of An Act relating to Banks and Banking, 1877, c. 54

    • —   1877, c. 54 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Bank of Hamilton

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 53

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

    • — The Bank of Hamilton Pension Fund, incorporated, 1908, c. 116

  • Bank of Liverpool

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 42

    • — corporate reorganization, 1878, c. 24

  • Bank of London, in Canada

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 52

    • — winding-up, 1888, c. 50

  • Bank of Manitoba

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 60

    • — 1872, c. 60 continued; s. 8 repealed, 1874, c. 62

  • Bank of Montreal

    • — winding-up of the Annuity and Guarantee Funds Society of the Bank of Montreal, 1885, c. 12

    • — Pension Fund Society of the Bank of Montreal, incorporated, 1885, c. 13

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

    • — redivision of shares, 1903, c. 82

    • — Pension Funds of Molsons Bank and Merchants’ Bank of Canada vested in Pension Fund Society of the Bank of Montreal, 1929, c. 95

    • — 1885, c. 13, s. 1 explained, 1936, c. 59

    • — investment of Pension Fund; 1936, c. 59, s. 1 amended, 1949, c. 24

  • Bank of New Brunswick

    • — name changed from “The President, Directors and Company of the Bank of New Brunswick”, 1880, c. 45

    • — capital stock, 1886, c. 59

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Bank of Nova Scotia

    • — corporate name, 1874, c. 59

    • — amalgamation with Union Bank of Prince Edward Island, 1883, c. 48

  • Bank of Ottawa

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 56

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Bank of Saint John

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 56

  • Bank of Saskatchewan

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 145

    • —   time extended, 1913, c. 192

  • Bank of the United Provinces

    • — name changed from “The London and Canada Bank”, 1875, c. 60

    • — name changed back to “The London and Canada Bank”, 1876, c. 43

  • Bank of Toronto

    • — charter continued, 1869, c. 49

    • — capital stock, 1869, c. 52

    • —   1869, c. 49 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Bank of Upper Canada

    • — winding-up, 1867, c. 17

    • — property and powers vested in H.M., 1870, c. 40

  • Bank of Vancouver

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 166

    • — 1908, c. 166, s. 4 amended; time Extended, 1909, c. 144

  • Bank of Western Canada

    • — incorporated; power to use English or French name, 1966-67, c. 99

  • Bank of Winnipeg

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 49

    • — 1884, c. 49, s. 5 amended; time extended, 1885, c. 10

  • Bank of Winnipeg

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 83

  • Bank of Winnipeg

    • — incorporated, 1908. c. 173

    • — time extended, 1909, c. 153

  • Bank of Yarmouth

    • — capital stock, 1886, c. 63

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Banque Canadienne Nationale

    • —   name changed from “La Banque d’Hochelaga”, 1924, c. 103

  • Banque de St. Hyacinthe

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 77

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Banque de St. Jean

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 15

    • —   member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Banque d’Hochelaga

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 13

    • — directors; annual meeting, 1874, c. 58

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

    • — name changed to “Banque Canadienne Nationale”, 1924, c. 103

  • Banque du Peuple

    • — charter continued, 1869, c. 49

    • — acts relating to continued, 1870, c. 41

    • — capital stock, 1885, c. 8

    • — 1869, c. 49 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

    • — winding-up, 1897, c. 75

    • — release of directors, 1899, c. 123

  • Banque Internationale du Canada

    • —  incorporated, 1911, c. 37

  • Banque Jacques-Cartier

    • — capital stock; amalgamation, 1877, c. 55

    • —   capital stock, 1879, c. 54

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

    • — power to change name to “La Banque Provinciale du Canada”, 1900, c. 102

  • Banque Nationale

    • — charter continued, 1869, c. 49

    • — 1869, c. 49 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

    • —   capital stock, 1888, c. 48

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

    • — redivision of shares, 1907, c. 110

  • Banque Provinciale du Canada

    • —  name changed from “La Banque Jacques-Cartier”, 1900, c. 102

    • — redivision of shares, 1906, c. 145

  • Banque Rurale

    • —  incorporated, 1923, c. 104

  • Banque Saint Jean-Baptiste

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 59

    • — time extended, 1876, c. 41

  • Banque Ville-Marie

    • —  incorporated, 1872, c. 51

    • — winding-up, 1880, c. 47

    • — 1880, c. 47 repealed; capital stock, 1880-81, c. 35

  • Barclays Bank (Canada)

    • — incorporated, 1929, c. 92

  • Bedford District Bank

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 40

  • Brant County Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 51

  • British Canadian Bank

    • — name changed from “North-Western Bank”, 1883, c. 53

    • — time extended; head office, 1886, c. 61

  • Canadian Bank of Commerce

    • — charter continued, 1869, c. 49

    • — capital stock, 1869, c. 56

    • — amalgamation with Gore Bank, 1870, c. 42

    • —   1869, c. 49 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Canadian Bankers’ Association

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 93

    • — 1900, c. 93, ss. 2, 8, 15, 16, 17 amended; ss. 4, 7, 13 repealed, 1980-81-82-83, c. 40

  • Canadian Commercial and Industrial Bank

    • — incorporated, 1974-75-76, c. 114

  • Central Bank of Canada (Montreal)

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 78

  • Central Bank of Canada (Toronto)

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 50

  • Central Bank of New Brunswick

    • — winding-up, 1872, c. 57

    • — acts of directors confirmed, 1885, c. 11

  • Chartered Bank of London and Canada

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 80

  • Chartered Bank of London and North America

    • — incorporated, 1876, c. 40

    • —   1876, c. 40, ss. 2, 5, 8 amended; ss. 3, 7 repealed, 1882, c. 59

    • —   name changed to “The Chartered Bank of London and Winnipeg”, 1882, c. 59

  • Chartered Bank of London and Winnipeg

    • — name changed from the “Chartered Bank of London and North America”, 1882, c. 59

  • Citizens’ Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 106

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 81

    • —   time extended, 1906, c. 81

  • City and County Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 107

  • City Bank (Montreal)

    • — charter continued, 1869, c. 49

    • — s. 10 of charter amended; share conversion, 1869, c. 51

    • — amalgamation with Royal Canadian Bank under name “The Consolidated Bank of Canada”, 1876, c. 44

    • — 1869, c. 49 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

  • Colonial Bank (Canada), (Montreal)

    • — incorporated, 1915, c. 72

    • — 1915, c. 72, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1916, c. 59

  • Colonial Bank of Canada (Winnipeg)

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 83

  • Commercial Bank of Canada

    • — amalgamation or winding-up authorized, 1867-68, c. 18

    • — amalgamation with Merchants’ Bank under name of “The Merchants’ Bank of Canada”; 1867-68, c. 18, ss. 11 to 20 repealed, 1868, c. 84

  • Commercial Bank of Manitoba

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 50

  • Commercial Bank of New Brunswick

    • — winding-up, 1871, c. 38

  • Commercial Bank of Windsor

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Consolidated Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated; amalgamation of City Bank and Royal Canadian Bank under name of, 1876, c. 44

    • — directors, 1879, c. 52

    • — capital stock, 1879, c. 53

    • — winding-up, 1880, c. 46

    • —   liquidators discharged, 1882, c. 65

    • — 1869, c. 49 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

  • Continental Bank of Canada (Montreal)

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 66

  • Continental Bank of Canada (Toronto)

    • — incorporated, 1976-77, c. 58

    • — 1976-77, c. 58, ss. 8, 10 amended, 1980-81-82-83, c. 40

  • Crown Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 57

    • — Treasury Board Certificate, 1903, c. 111

    • — merged with the Northern Bank under name “The Northern Crown Bank”, 1908, c. 137

  • Dominion Bank

    • — incorporated, 1869, c. 60

    • — Guarantee and Pension Fund Society of the Dominion Bank; incorporated, 1887, c. 55

    • — pension fund name changed to “The Pension Fund Society of the Dominion Bank”, 1899, c. 112

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

    • — capital stock, 1910, c. 89

    • — pension fund name changed to “The Pension Fund Society of the Toronto-Dominion Bank”, 1956, c. 66

  • Eastern Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1928, c. 78

  • Eastern Townships Bank

    • —   capital stock, 1903, c. 115

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Exchange Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 50

    • — capital stock, 1880-81, c. 36

  • Exchange Bank of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

    • — capital stock, 1882, c. 60

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Farmers Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 77

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 92

    • — time extended, 1906, c. 94

  • Federal Bank of Canada

    • — name changed from the “Superior Bank of Canada”, 1873, c. 79

    • — time extended, 1874, c. 57

    • — capital stock, 1885, c. 9

    • — winding-up, 1888, c. 49

  • Gore Bank

    • — charter continued, 1869, c. 49

    • — amendment of charter, 1869, c. 54

    • — amalgamation with Canadian Bank of Commerce, 1870, c. 42

    • — 1869, c. 49 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

  • Great West Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1920, c. 102

    • — time extended, 1921, c. 84

  • Halifax Banking Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 54

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Home Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 127

    • — Treasury Board Certificate, 1904, c. 83

  • Imperial Bank

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 74

    • — name changed to “Imperial Bank of Canada”; time extended, 1874, c. 61

  • Imperial Bank of Canada

    • — name changed from “Imperial Bank”, 1874, c. 61

    • — amalgamation with Niagara District Bank, 1875, c. 61

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Klondike and Dawson City Bank

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 105

  • London and Canada Bank

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 55

    • — name changed to “The Bank of the United Provinces”, 1875, c. 60

    • — original name re-adopted; 1874, c. 55, ss. 2, 3, 4 amended; time extended, 1876, c. 43

  • Manitoba Bank

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 61

  • Manufacturers’ Bank of Canada

    • — name changed from “Victoria Bank of Canada”, 1874, c. 60

  • Maritime Bank of the Dominion of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 58

    • — capital stock, 1884, c. 47

  • Mechanics’ Bank

    • — corporate reorganization, 1876, c. 42

  • Mercantile Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1952-53, c. 67

  • Merchants’ Bank of Canada

    • — amalgamation of Commercial Bank of Canada and Merchants’ Bank under the name of, confirmed, 1868, c. 84

    • — capital stock, 1878, c. 23

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

    • — Pension Fund, incorporated, 1910, c. 125

    • — Pension Fund vested in Pension Fund Society of the Bank of Montreal; 1910, c. 125 repealed, 1929, c. 95

  • Merchants’ Bank of Halifax

    • — incorporated, 1869, c. 59

    • — capital stock, 1870, c. 43

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

    • — name changed to “The Royal Bank of Canada”, 1900, c. 103

  • Metropolitan Bank (Montreal)

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 39

    • — winding-up, 1877, c. 56

  • Metropolitan Bank (Toronto)

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 76

  • Molsons Bank

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

    • — Pension Fund, incorporated, 1902, c. 77

    • — capital stock, 1905, c. 124

    • — Pension Fund vested in Pension Fund Society of the Bank of Montreal; 1902, c. 77 repealed, 1929, c. 95

  • Monarch Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 125

    • — time extended, 1906, c. 127

  • Niagara District Bank

    • — capital stock, 1868, c. 83

    • — charter continued, 1869, c. 49

    • — amalgamation with the Imperial Bank of Canada, 1875, c. 61

    • — 1869, c. 49 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

  • Northern Bank

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 168

    • — Treasury Board Certificate, 1904, c. 105

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 135

    • — merged with the Crown Bank of Canada under name “The Northern Crown Bank”, 1908, c. 137

  • Northern Crown Bank

    • — merger of the Northern Bank and the Crown Bank of Canada under name of , 1908, c. 137

  • Northland Bank

    • —   incorporated, 1974-75-76, c. 116

  • North-Western Bank

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 62

    • —   1882, c. 62, ss. 2, 3, 6 repealed; capital stock, 1883, c. 53

    • —   name changed to “The British Canadian Bank”, 1883, c. 53

  • Ontario Bank

    • — charter continued, 1869, c. 49

    • — amendment of charter, 1869, c. 53

    • — head office, 1871, c. 37

    • — head office, 1874, c. 63

    • — capital stock, 1882, c. 57

    • — 1882, c. 57, s. 4 amended, 1882, c. 58

    • — 1869, c. 49 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Pacific Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 174

    • — time extended, 1904, c. 113

    • — Treasury Board Certificate, 1905, c. 145

    • —   1903, c. 174, ss. 2, 3 amended, 1906, c. 139

    • —   name changed to “United Empire Bank of Canada”, 1906, c. 139

  • People’s Bank

    • — Dominion incorporation of Quebec Savings Bank under name of, 1968-69, c. 57

  • People’s Bank of Halifax

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • People’s Bank of New Brunswick

    • — act of incorporation extended, 1890, c. 42

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Pictou Bank

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 76

    • — capital stock, 1886, c. 62

    • — winding-up, 1887, c. 54

    • — charter continued until winding-up complete, 1891, c. 111

  • Planters’ Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 63

  • President, Directors and Company of Farmers’ Bank of Rustico

    • — corporation continued, 1883, c. 49

    • — amalgamation, 1891, c. 113

  • President, Directors and Company of the Bank of New Brunswick

    • — capital stock, 1869, c. 57

    • — corporation continued; name changed to “The Bank of New Brunswick”, 1880, c. 45

  • President, Directors and Company of the Bank of Prince Edward Island

    • — relief from forfeiture of charter, 1882, c. 56

  • Provincial Bank

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 48

  • Quebec Bank

    • — charter continued, 1869, c. 49

    • — amendment of charter, 1869, c. 50

    • — 1869, c. 49 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Quebec Savings Bank

    • — Dominion incorporation under name “The People’s Bank”, 1968-69, c. 57

  • Royal Bank of Canada

    • — name changed from “Merchants’ Bank of Halifax”, 1900, c. 103

    • — 1900, c. 103, s. 2 amended, 1900, c. 104

    • — head office, 1906, c. 157

  • Royal Canadian Bank

    • — charter continued, 1869, c. 49

    • — power to wind up or amalgamate, 1869, c. 58

    • — amalgamation with City Bank under name “The Consolidated Bank of Canada”, 1876, c. 44

    • — 1869, c. 49 repealed, R.S.C., 1886

  • School Savings Bank

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 67

  • Securities Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 100

  • Sovereign Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 114

  • Stadacona Bank

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 73

    • —   winding-up, 1880, c. 48

  • St. Lawrence Bank

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 52

    • — name changed to “The Standard Bank of Canada”; capital stock, 1876, c. 45

  • St. Stephen’s Bank

    • — act of incorporation extended, 1890, c. 43

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Standard Bank of Canada

    • — name changed from “The St. Lawrence Bank”; amendment of charter, 1876, c. 45

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Sterling Bank of Canada (London, Ont.)

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 194

  • Sterling Bank of Canada (Toronto)

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 160

  • Summerside Bank

    • — act of incorporation extended, 1890, c. 44

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Superior Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 59

    • — name changed to “Federal Bank of Canada”, 1873, c. 79

  • Three Rivers Bank

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 14

  • Toronto Savings Bank

    • — winding-up, 1872, c. 61

    • — conveyance to Home Savings and Loan Company (Limited), 1879, c. 55

    • — “Toronto Savings Bank Charitable Trust”, investment powers of, 1890, c. 40

  • Traders’ Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 51

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Union Bank of Canada

    • — name changed from “Union Bank of Lower Canada”, 1886, c. 58

    • — redivision of shares, 1898, c. 118

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

    • — 29 V, c. 75, s. 16 amended, 1912, c. 159

  • Union Bank of Halifax

    • — capital stock, 1886, c. 60

    • — member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Union Bank of Lower Canada

    • — 29 V, c. 75, s. 6 amended, 1869, c. 55

    • — capital stock; name changed to “Union Bank of Canada”, 1886, c. 58

  • Union Bank of Prince Edward Island

    • — amalgamation with Bank of Nova Scotia, 1883, c. 48

  • United Empire Bank of Canada

    • — name changed from the “Pacific Bank of Canada”, 1906, c. 139

  • Unity Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1972, c. 24

  • Victoria Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 75

    • — name changed to “Manufacturers’ Bank of Canada”, 1874, c. 60

  • Western Bank

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 41

  • Western Bank of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 64

    • —  member of Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1900, c. 93

  • Weyburn Security Bank

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 177

  • York County Bank

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 41