Alphabetical list of Private Acts — Boards of Trade

  • Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal

    • — amalgamation of The Montreal Board of Trade and The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal under the name of, 1992, c. 57

  • Board of Trade of Metropolitan Toronto

    • — name changed from “The Board of Trade of the City of Toronto”, 1958, c. 57

    • — 1932-33, c. 68, s. 5 amended, 1963, c. 76

  • Board of Trade of the City of Toronto

    • — 8 V, c. 24, ss. 1, 6, 9, 10, 16 amended, 1869, c. 47

    • — amalgamation with the Toronto Corn Exchange Association, 1884, c. 46

    • — 8 V, c. 24, s. 21 amended, 1886. c. 56

    • — members of, 1888, c. 99

    • — 1884, c. 46, s. 9 amended, 1886, c. 56; 1889, c. 100

    • — powers extended, 1890, c. 39

    • — gratuity fund, 1896, c. 45

    • — gratuity fund, 1898, c. 117

    • — consolidation; 8 V, c. 24, 1872, c. 45; 1884, c. 46; 1886, c. 56; 1888, c. 99; 1899, c. 100; 1890, c. 39; 1896, c. 45; 1898, c. 117 repealed, 1932-33, c. 68

    • — 1932-33, c. 68, s. 11 amended, 1958, c. 57

    • — name changed to “The Board of Trade of Metropolitan Toronto”, 1958, c. 57

  • Board of Trade of the District of Quebec

    • — name changed from “Quebec Board of Trade”, 1889, c. 99

    • — Corporation deemed to have a continuous corporate existence since March 19, 1842, 1964-65, c. 79

  • Board of Trade of the town of Chatam

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 47

  • Board of Trade of the Town of Ingersoll

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 54

  • Board of Trade of the town of Lévis

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 48

    • — 1872, c. 48, s. 11 amended, 1875, c. 58

  • Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal

    • — amalgamation with The Montreal Board of Trade under the name of “Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal”, 1992, c. 57

  • Chambre de Commerce du district de Montréal

    • — powers extended, 1895, c. 88

  • Dominion Board of Trade

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 66

  • Federation of Chambers of Commerce of the Province of Quebec

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 99

  • King’s County Board of Trade

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 67

  • Lumber Exchange of St. John, New Brunswick

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 53

  • Montreal Board of Trade

    • — consolidation act; 4-5 V, c. 90, s. 1 amended, 1875, c. 57

    • — 4-5 V, c. 90, ss. 6, 8, 9, 10 repealed; meetings; elections; officers, 1875, c. 57; ss. 2 to16; 1880-81, c. 34 amended, 1886, c. 55; ss. 6 to 9, 14 to 16, 21, 24, 25 repealed, 1992, c. 57

    • — united with the Montreal Corn Exchange Association under name “The Montreal Board of Trade and Exchange”, 1880-81, c. 34

    • — 1886, c. 55, s. 13 amended, 1892, c. 70; 1964-65, c. 78

    • — 1892, c. 70, s. 1 amended, 1964-65, c. 78

    • — amalgamation with The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal under the name of “Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal”, 1992, c. 57

  • Montreal Board of Trade and Exchange

    • — union of the Montreal Board of Trade and the Montreal Corn Exchange Association, 1880-81, c. 34

    • — consolidation act; 4-5 V, c. 90, s. 1 amended; 1875, c. 57, ss. 2 to16; 1880-81, c. 34 amended, 1886, c. 55

  • Montreal Corn Exchange Association

    • — united with Montreal Board of Trade under name “The Montreal Board of Trade and Exchange”, 1880-81, c. 34

  • Oshawa Board of Trade

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 68

  • Ottawa Board of Trade

    • — 20 V, c. 86, ss. 1, 4, 9, 16 amended; ss. 24, 25 added, 1886, c. 57

  • Quebec Board of Trade

    • — 4-5 V, c. 92, ss. 1, 2, 11, 12, 16 amended; ss. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 repealed, 1889, c. 99

    • — consolidation; 1841, c. 92; part of 1845, c. 67 and 1889, c. 99 repealed, 1964-65, c. 79

    • — English name changed to “Board of Trade of the District of Quebec”; French name changed to “Chambre de Commerce du District de Québec”; power to use both English and French name, 1964-65, c. 79

  • Saint John Board of Trade

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 44

    • — power to invest in Saint John Board of Trade Building Company, Limited, 1917, c. 81

  • Sorel Board of Trade

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 49

  • St. Catherines (Ontario) Board of Trade

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 46

  • St. Johns Board of Trade, Province of Quebec

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 52

  • St. Thomas (Ont.) Board of Trade

    • — incorporated, 1869, c. 48

  • Stratford Board of Trade

    • — incorporated, 1868, c. 80

  • Toronto Corn Exchange Association

    • — incorporation, 1872, c. 45

    • — amalgamation with the Board of Trade of the City of Toronto, 1884, c. 46

    • — 1872, c. 45, s. 1 amended; 1884, c. 46, s. 9 amended, 1886, c. 56

    • — 1872, c. 45 repealed, 1932-33, c. 68