Alphabetical list of Private Acts — Insurance

  • Aberdeen Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1920, c. 82

    • — time extended, 1922, c. 64

  • Acadia Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1960-61, c. 66

  • Accident and Guarantee Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 87

    • — name changed to “The Sterling Accident and Guarantee Company of Canada”, 1907, c. 135

  • Accident Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 105

    • — name changed to “The Accident Insurance Company of North America”, 1880-81, c. 54

  • Accident Insurance Company of North America

    • — name changed from “The Accident Insurance Company of Canada”, 1880-81, c. 54

  • Acme Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1931, c. 71

  • Adanac General Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1960, c. 49

    • — power to use English or French name, 1963, c. 44

  • Agricultural Mutual Assurance Association of Canada

    • — Dominion incorporation under name “Agricultural Mutual Fire Insurance Company”, 1878, c. 40

  • Agricultural Mutual Fire Insurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation; power to change name to “The London Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Canada”, 1878, c. 40

  • Alberta-Saskatchewan Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 33

    • — time extended, 1913, c. 61

    • — name changed to “The Commercial Life Assurance Company of Canada”, 1919, c. 93

  • Albion Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1956, c. 51

    • — name changed to “ Metropolitan General Insurance Company” by letters patent issued on  February 16, 1988

  • Alert Guarantee Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1923, c. 84

  • Alliance Assurance Association of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 93

  • Alliance Mutual Life Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Alliance Nationale”, 1956-57, c. 41

    • — 1945, c. 44, s. 16 added; Act repealed, 1986, c. 64

  • Alliance Nationale

    • — incorporated, 1917, c. 69

    • — 1917, c. 69, ss. 2, 5, 7, 11, 17 amended, 1924, c. 101

    • — 1917, c. 69, ss. 2, 11 amended, 1929, c. 91

    • — consolidation; 1917, c. 69; 1924, c. 101 and 1929, c. 91 repealed, 1945, c. 44

    • — 1945, c. 44, s. 8 repealed; s. 9 amended, 1956-57, c. 41

    • — name changed to “Alliance Mutual Life Insurance Company”, 1956-57, c. 41

  • Allstate Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1960, c. 50

    • — power to use English or French name, 1964-65, c. 56

  • Allstate Life Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1963, c. 45

  • Anchor Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Anchor Marine Insurance Company”, 1880, c. 69

  • Anchor Marine Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 103

    • — powers extended; name changed to “Anchor Insurance Company”, 1880, c. 69

  • Ancient Foresters? Mutual Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1934, c. 67

    • — name changed to “Toronto Mutual Life Insurance Company”, 1939, c. 59

  • Anglo-Canadian Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 57

    • — name changed to “The National Union Insurance Company”, 1908, c. 131

  • Anniversary Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1966-67, c. 100

  • Annuity Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 55

    • — 1905, c. 55, s. 7 amended, 1907, c. 59

  • Armour Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1920, c. 83

    • — time extended, 1922, c. 65

  • Artisans, Life Insurance Cooperative Society

    • — name changed from “La Société des Artisans”, 1970-71-72, c. 68

    • — 1970-71-72, c. 68 repealed, 1987, c. 57

  • Associated Canadian Travellers

    • — incorporated, 1939, c. 60

    • — 1939, c. 60, ss. 4, 5 amended, 1953-54, c. 73

  • Atlantic Marine Insurance Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 94

  • Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1968-69, c. 58

  • Atlantic and Pacific Fire and Marine Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1876, c. 53

  • Baloise Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1953-54, c. 69

    • — name changed to “Elite Insurance Company”, 1959, c. 56

  • Beaver Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 68

    • — name changed to “Beaver Insurance Company”, 1952-53, c. 56

  • Beaver Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Beaver Fire Insurance Company”, 1952-53, c. 56

  • Beaver Mutual Fire Insurance Association

    • — amalgamated with The Toronto Mutual Fire Insurance Company under name “The Beaver and Toronto Mutual Fire Insurance Company”, 1869, c. 70

  • Beaver and Toronto Mutual Fire Insurance Company

    • — amalgamation of The Beaver Mutual Fire Insurance Association and The Toronto Mutual Fire Insurance Company under name of, 1869, c. 70

    • — powers extended, 1873, c. 101

    • — winding-up; change to stock company under name “The Commercial Fire Insurance Company of Canada”, 1877, c. 72

  • Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “The Canadian Steam-Users? Insurance Association”, 1882, c. 102

    • — powers extended, 1889, c. 97

    • — powers extended, 1892, c. 68

    • — 1875, c. 95, ss. 2, 4, 8 amended; s. 18 repealed, 1959, c. 57

  • British America Assurance Company

    • — member of The Canadian Lake Underwriters? Association, 1868, c. 90

    • — directors; capital stock, 1872, c. 98

    • — 1872, c. 98, s. 5 amended; powers extended, 1874, c. 86

    • — consolidation, 1882, c. 99

    • — directors; capital stock, 1893, c. 75

    • — powers extended, 1901, c. 90

    • — 1882, c. 99, s. 4 repealed; 1893, c. 75, s. 6 repealed; capital stock, 1904, c. 51

    • — 1893, c. 75, s. 5 amended; 1882, c. 99, ss. 6, 13 amended; by-law powers, 1906, c. 64

    • — by-law validated, 1907, c. 65

    • — consolidation; 1882, c. 99; 1893, c. 75; 1901, c. 90; 1904, c. 51; 1906, c. 64 and 1907, c. 65 repealed, 1920, c. 84

    • — 1920, c. 84, ss. 5, 8 amended, 1956-57, c. 42

  • British American Fire and Life Assurance Company

    • — officers of Company, 1869, c. 67

  • British Canadian Accident Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 51

  • British Colonial Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 52

    • — charter continued, 1912, c. 68

  • British Columbia Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 53

  • British Consolidated Assurance Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1925, c. 64

  • British Empire Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1928, c. 66

  • British National Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1922, c. 66

  • British Northwestern Fire Insurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1910, c. 70

    • — name changed to “British Northwestern Insurance Company”, 1952, c. 58

  • British Northwestern Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “British Northwestern Fire Insurance Company”, 1952, c. 58

  • British Pacific Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1959, c. 58

  • Caledonian-Canadian Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1955, c. 65

  • Canada Accident and Fire Assurance Company

    • — name changed from “The Canada Accident Assurance Company”, 1919, c. 94

    • — power to use English or French name, 1963, c. 46

  • Canada Accident Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 106

    • — 1887, c. 106, ss. 6, 9, 10, 11 amended; powers extended, 1899, c. 98

    • — name changed to “The Canada Accident and Fire Assurance Company”, 1919, c. 94

  • Canada Agricultural Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 104

    • — winding-up, 1878, c. 38

  • Canada Farmers? Mutual Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Canada West Farmers? Mutual and Stock Insurance Company”, 1868, c. 93

  • Canada Fire and Marine Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1876, c. 51

  • Canada Guarantee Company

    • — 14-15 V., c. 36, ss. 5, 12, 24, 30, 31, 32 amended, 1873, c. 22

    • — 14-15 V., c. 36, s. 28 amended; s. 29 repealed, 1880, c. 71

    • — 14-15 V., c. 36, ss. 6, 7, 33 repealed; s. 28 amended; capital stock, 1880-81, c. 57

    • — name changed to “The Guarantee Company of North America”, 1880-81, c. 57

  • Canada Hail Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 84

  • Canada Health and Accident Assurance Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1945, c. 43

    • — 1945, c. 43, ss. 3, 5, 7 amended; power to use English or French name, 1966-67, c. 101

  • Canada Life Assurance Company

    • — 12 V., c. 168, ss. 5, 19 amended; s. 7 repealed, 1879, c. 71

    • — powers extended, 1893, c. 76

    • — policy-holders, 1899, c. 99

    • — 1899, c. 99 repealed; 1879, c. 71, s. 2 amended; redivision of shares, 1909, c. 59

  • Canada Marine Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1869, c. 69

  • Canada Mutual Marine Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 100

    • — 1873, c. 100, ss. 3, 5, 13 amended; by-law power, 1874, c. 92

    • — 1873, c. 100, s. 5 amended; guarantee fund, 1877, c. 71

  • Canada National Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 60

    • — corporation continued, 1911, c. 52

  • Canada Plate Glass Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 102

  • Canada Preferred Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 88

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 61

    • — 1913, c. 88, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1917, c. 61

  • Canada Provident Association

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 107

  • Canada Security Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1920, c. 85

    • — 1920, c. 85, ss. 3, 5, 6 amended; s. 9 repealed, 1962, c. 30

  • Canada Weather Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 91

  • Canada West Farmers? Mutual and Stock Insurance Company

    • — name changed to “Canada Farmers? Mutual Insurance Company”, 1868. c. 93

  • Canadian Alliance Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1943-44, c. 34

  • Canadian Association of Financial Planners

    • — amalgamation with the Canadian Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors under  “The Financial Advisors Association of Canada”, 2003, c. 29

  • Canadian Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors

    • — name changed from “The Life Underwriters? Association of Canada” by Ministerial order on December 1, 1997

    • — 1924, c. 104 repealed, 2003, c. 29

    • — amalgamation with the Canadian Association of Financial Planners under “The Financial Advisors Association of Canada”, 2003, c. 29

  • Canadian Commerce Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1928, c. 67

  • Canadian Commerce Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1950, c. 57

  • Canadian Credit Indemnity Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 57

  • Canadian Equity Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1956, c. 53

    • — name changed to “Guildhall Insurance Company of Canada”, 1963, c. 47

  • Canadian Fire Insurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1897, c. 76

    • — 1897, c. 76, s. 3 amended; capital stock, 1904, c. 58

    • — 1897, c. 76, ss. 3, 7 amended; 1904, c. 58 repealed, 1946, c. 78

    • — amalgamation with “The Canadian Indemnity Company”, 1962, c. 31

  • Canadian Foresters Life Insurance Society

    • — Dominion incorporation of Canadian Order of Foresters under name of, 1968-69, c. 59

  • Canadian General Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1922, c. 68

    • — power to use English or French name, 1960-61, c. 67

  • Canadian General Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “The General Animals Insurance Company of Canada”, 1924, c. 86

  • Canadian Home Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1949, c. 22

  • Canadian Horse Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 107

  • Canadian Indemnity Company

    • — incorporated, 1916, c. 52

    • — time extended, 1918, c. 64

    • — 1916, c. 52, ss. 3, 7 amended, 1946, c. 79

    • — amalgamation with Canadian Fire Insurance Company, 1962, c. 31

  • Canadian Lake Underwriters? Association

    • — incorporated, 1868, c. 90

  • Canadian Live Stock Insurance Association

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 77

  • Canadian Mercantile Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1937, c. 46

  • Canadian Merchant Service Guild

    • — incorporated, 1919, c. 99

    • — 1919, c. 99 repealed, 1980-81-82-83, c. 177

  • Canadian Merchant Service Guild

    • — incorporated, 1980-81-82-83, c. 177

  • Canadian Mutual Aid Society

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 91

  • Canadian Order of Foresters

    • — Dominion incorporation under name “Canadian Foresters Life Insurance Society”, 1968-69, c. 59

  • Canadian Pacific Railway Employees? Relief Association

    • — incorporated, 1885, c. 23

  • Canadian Pioneer Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1960-61, c. 68

  • Canadian Premier Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1955, c. 66

  • Canadian Provident Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 97

  • Canadian Provincial Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1956, c. 56

  • Canadian Railway Accident Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 118

    • — powers extended, 1899, c. 106

    • — name changed to “The Globe Indemnity Company of Canada”, 1914, c. 119

  • Canadian Railway Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 119

    • — name changed to “Dominion Fire Insurance Company”, 1899, c. 107

  • Canadian Reassurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1960, c. 51

  • Canadian Reinsurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1952-53, c. 60

  • Canadian Re-insurance Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1929, c. 74

  • Canadian Shipowners Mutual Assurance Association

    • — incorporated, 1952, c. 59

  • Canadian Sick Benefit Society

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 80

  • Canadian Slovak Benefit Society

    • — incorporated, 1945, c. 47

    • — time extended, 1948, c. 86

    • — time extended, 1951, c. 67

  • Canadian Slovak League

    • — incorporated, 1953-54, c. 76

  • Canadian Steam-Users? Insurance Association

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 95

    • — 1875, c. 95, s. 8 amended, 1882, c. 102

    • — name changed to “The Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Canada”, 1882, c. 102

  • Canadian Surety Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 60

    • — 1911, c. 60, s. 6, 7 amended, 1917, c. 62

    • — 1911, c. 60, s. 6, 7 amended, 1928, c. 68

  • Canadian West Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 74

  • Capital Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 62

  • Casualty Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 63

    • — time extended; 1911, c. 63, ss. 3, 7 amended, 1913, c. 100

    • — 1911, c. 63, s. 4, 7 amended; 1913, c. 100, ss. 1, 2 amended; s. 5 repealed, 1915, c. 62

    • — power to use English or French name, 1964-65, c. 57

  • Central Canada Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 75

    • — 1907, c. 75, ss. 4, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18 amended; ss. 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 16 repealed, 1910, c. 83

  • Century Insurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “The Pacific Coast Fire Insurance Company”, 1966-67, c. 106

  • Century Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 93

    • — 1901, c. 93, ss. 4, 5, 12, 13 amended, 1903, c. 104

    • — 1901, c. 93, s. 9 amended, 1904, c. 66

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 80

  • Certas Direct Insurance Company

    • -  Company authorized to apply to be continued as a body corporate under the laws of the Province of Quebec (Company was originally created by letters patent in September 1993 and has had several different names since), 2001, c. 44

  • Citizens? Insurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Citizens? Insurance and Investment Company”, 1876, c. 55

    • — capital stock, 1883, c. 81

    • — capital stock; 19-20 V., c. 124; 27-28 V., c. 98 amended; 1876, c. 55 amended, 1891, c. 116

  • Citizens? Insurance and Investment Company

    • — name changed to “Citizens? Insurance Company of Canada”, 1876, c. 55

  • Colonial Mutual Life Association

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 120

  • Columbia Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1926-27, c. 89

  • Commerce General Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Commerce Mutual Fire Insurance Company”, 1953-54, c. 70

  • Commerce Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 76

  • Commerce Mutual Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1926-27, c. 90

    • — name changed to “The Commerce General Insurance Company”, 1953-54, c. 70

  • Commercial Casualty and Surety Company, of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 77

  • Commercial Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Beaver and Toronto Mutual Fire Insurance Association”, 1877, c. 72

  • Commercial Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “The Alberta-Saskatchewan Life Insurance Company”, 1919, c. 93

  • Commercial Travellers? Association of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 96

    • — accident insurance, 1876, c. 68

    • — mortuary benefits, 1882, c. 120

    • — 1882, c. 120, s. 10 amended, 1955, c. 67

  • Commercial Travellers Mutual Insurance Society

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1924, c. 85

    • — time extended, 1926-27, c. 91

  • Commercial Travellers? Mutual Life Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 95

  • Commonwealth Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1947, c. 82

  • Compagnie d?Assurance contre l?incendie de Rimouski

    • —  name changed from “La Compagnie d?Assurance Mutuelle contre le feu des Comtés de Rimouski, Témiscouata et Kamouraska”, 1906, c. 116

  • Compagnie d?Assurance Mutuelle contre le feu des Comtés de Rimouski, Témiscouata et Kamouraska

    • — Dominion incorporation; powers extended, 1906, c. 116

    • — name changed to “La Compagnie d?Assurance contre l?incendie de Rimouski”, 1906, c. 116

  • Confederation Life Association

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 54

    • — 1871, c. 54, ss. 8, 21 amended; ss. 18, 19 repealed; surrendered policies, 1874, c. 88

    • — 1871, c. 54, ss. 13, 21 amended; transmission of shares, 1879, c. 72

    • — 1871, c, 54, ss. 1, 4, 8, 10, 21 amended; powers extended, 1890, c. 45

    • — 1871, c. 54, s. 4 amended, 1930, c. 60

    • —  French name changed to “La Confédération, Compagnie d?Assurance-Vie”, 1963, c. 48

  • Consolidated Fire and Casualty Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1930, c. 61

    • — 1930, c. 61, ss. 6, 7 amended, 1940-41, c. 33

  • Consolidated Life Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1930, c. 62

  • Continental Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 68

    • — time extended, 1914, c. 120

  • Cooperants, Mutual Life Insurance Society

    • — company continued, 1987, c. 57

  • Co-operative Fire and Casualty Company

    • — incorporated, 1951, c. 68

    • — 1951, c. 68, s. 16 amended, 1959, c. 59

    • — conversion into joint stock company, 1963, c. 49

  • Co-operative Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1946, c. 80

    • — 1946, c. 80, s. 4 amended; s. 4A added, 1960-61, c. 69

  • Crown Casualty Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 83

  • Crown Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 97

    • — capital stock, 1908, c. 99

    • — name changed to “Crown Life Insurance Company”; power to use English or French name, 1963, c. 50

  • Desjardins Mutual Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated; power to use English or French name, 1959, c. 60

    • — 1959, c. 60, ss. 12, 13 added, 1990, c. 53

  • Dominion Burglary Guarantee Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 78

    • — powers extended, 1894, c. 121

    • — 1893, c. 78, ss. 2, 9 amended; powers extended, 1901, c. 95

    • — name changed to “The Dominion Guarantee Company, Limited”, 1903, c. 113

  • Dominion of Canada Civil Service Mutual Benefit Association

    • — incorporated, 1877, c. 82

  • Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “The Dominion of Canada Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company”, 1929, c. 77

    • — 1887, c. 105, s. 2 amended, 1930, c. 63

    • — 1887, c. 105, ss. 2, 4 and 1898, c. 102, s. 2 repealed; capital stock, 1955, c. 68

    • — power to use English or French name, 1964-65, c. 59

  • Dominion of Canada Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company

    • — name changed from the “Manufacturers? Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company, 1898, c. 102

    • — 1887, c. 105, s. 1 amended, 1899, c. 108

    • — name changed to “The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company”, 1929, c. 77

  • Dominion Fire Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Canadian Railway Fire Insurance Company”, 1899, c. 107

  • Dominion Fire Insurance Company (Vancouver)

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 73

    • — 1904, c. 73, ss. 3, 4, 5, 8 amended, 1907, c. 82

    • — 1904, c. 73, s. 7 amended, 1920, c. 87

    • — preferred stock, 1923, c. 85

    • — 1904, c. 73, ss. 3, 5 amended; by-law powers, 1928, c. 69

    • — 1904, c. 73, s. 3 amended, 1929, c. 76

    • — name changed to “Dominion Insurance Corporation”, 1953-54, c. 71

  • Dominion Fire and Marine Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 97

    • — winding-up, 1882, c. 109

  • Dominion General Benefit Association

    • — incorporated, 1945, c. 50

  • Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association

    • — power to insure Patrons of Husbandry property, 1885, c. 93

  • Dominion Gresham Guarantee and Casualty Company

    • — name changed from the “Dominion Guarantee Company, Limited”, 1912, c. 87

    • — consolidation; 1893, c. 78; 1894, c. 121; 1901, c. 95; 1903, c. 113 and 1908, c. 102 repealed, 1912, c. 88

  • Dominion Guarantee Company, Limited

    • — name changed from the “Dominion Burglary Guarantee Company (Limited)”, 1903, c.113

    • — 1893, c. 78, s. 11 amended; 1894, c. 121, s. 1 amended; powers extended; agreement with Gresham Life Assurance Company of London, England, 1908, c. 102

    • — name changed to “The Dominion Gresham Guarantee and Casualty Company”, 1912, c. 87

  • Dominion Insurance Corporation

    • — name changed to “The Dominion Fire Insurance Company (Vancouver)”, 1953-545, c. 71

  • Dominion Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 95

    • — 1889, c. 95, s. 13 repealed, 1921, c. 74

    • — French name changed to “La Dominion, compagnie d?assurance sur la vie”; power to use English or French name, 1964-65, c. 58

  • Dominion Mutual Life Assurance Society

    • — name changed from “Mutual Insurance Company of Canada”, 1875, c. 80

  • Dominion Mutual Life Guarantee Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1869, c. 68

  • Dominion Plate Glass Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 95

  • Eastern Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 96

    • — conveyance to Union Assurance Society of London, 1895, c. 81

  • Eastern Canada Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 83

    • — 1907, c. 83, ss. 4, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18 amended; ss. 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 16 repealed, 1910, c. 92

  • Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1936, c. 54

    • — name changed to “The Economical Mutual Insurance Company”, 1952, c. 60

  • Economical Mutual Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Company”, 1952, c. 60

    • — name changed to “Economical Mutual Insurance Company”; power to use English or French name, 1964-65, c. 60

  • Elite Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Baloise Fire Insurance Company of Canada”, 1959, c. 56

  • Empire Accident and Surety Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 118

  • Empire Fire and Marine Assurance Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1876, c. 52

  • Empire Fire and Marine Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 21

  • Empire Life Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 75

    • — time extended; 1911, c. 75, s. 2 repealed, 1913, c. 111

    • — time extended, 1914, c. 121

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 63

    • — time extended, 1917, c. 63

    • — time extended, 1919, c. 95

  • English and Colonial Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 56

  • Ensign Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1921, c. 77

  • Equitable Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1952, c. 61

    • — time extended, 1955, c. 69

    • — time extended; name changed to “Equitable General Insurance Company of Canada”, 1956-57, c. 44

  • Equitable General Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1960-61, c. 70

  • Equitable General Insurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Equitable Fire Insurance Company of Canada”, 1956-57, c. 44

  • Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1936, c. 55

  • Equity Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 81

  • Equity Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 103

    • — 1887, c. 103 revived, 1893, c. 79

    • — name changed to “St. Lawrence Insurance Company”, 1893, c. 79

  • Factories Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Montmagny Mutual Fire Insurance Company”, 1910, c. 128

  • Family Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1963, c. 51

  • Farmers Central Mutual Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1967-68, c. 40

  • Federal Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1937, c. 47

  • Federal Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Federal Life Assurance Company of Ontario”, 1898, c. 103

  • Federal Life Assurance Company of Ontario

    • — Dominion incorporation; name changed to “Federal Life Assurance Company of Canada”, 1898, c. 103

  • Federation Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1947, c. 83

  • Fidelity Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1921, c. 75

  • Fidelity Life Assurance Company

    • — name changed from “The Saskatchewan Life Insurance Company”, 1942-43, c. 37

  • Fidelity Life Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 86

    • — powers revived, 1909, c. 82

  • Financial Advisors Association of Canada

    • — amalgamation of the Canadian Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors and the Canadian Association of Financial Planners under name of, 2003, c. 29

  • Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1916, c. 53

    • — time extended, 1918, c. 65

    • — 1916, c. 53, ss. 1, 6, 7 amended; corporate name in French, 1919, c. 96

  • General Accident Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 98

    • — power to use English or French name, 1964-65, c. 61

  • General Animals Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 87

    • — 1907, c. 87, ss. 3 to 9 amended; ss. 10, 11 repealed, 1924, c. 86

    • — name changed to “Canadian General Insurance Company”, 1924, c. 86

  • General Security Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1940-41, c. 34

    • — 1940-41, c. 34, s. 11 added, 1980-81-82-83, c. 178

    • — continued as a corporation under the laws of Quebec, 1994, c. 50

  • Globe Indemnity Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “The Canadian Railway Accident Insurance Company”, 1914, c. 119

  • Gore District Mutual Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1937, c. 48

    • — 1937, c. 48, ss. 4, 5 amended, 1944-45, c. 56

    • — name changed to “Gore Mutual Insurance Company”, 1959, c. 61

  • Gore Mutual Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Gore District Mutual Fire Insurance Company”, 1959, c. 61

  • Grain Insurance and Guarantee Company

    • — incorporated, 1919, c. 97

    • — 1919, c. 97, s. 3 amended; preferred shares, 1931, c. 72

  • Grand Council of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 90

    • — 1893, c. 90, s. 1 amended; ss. 16, 17 added, 1905, c. 77

    • — 1893, c. 90, ss. 18, 19, 20 added, 1914, c. 136

  • Great Eastern Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1952, c. 62

  • Great Lakes Reinsurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1951, c. 69

    • — 1951, c. 69, s. 3 amended, 1953-54, c. 72

  • Great-West Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 115

    • — power to use English or French name, 1963, c. 52

  • Gresham Life Assurance Company of London, England

    • — agreement with Dominion Guarantee Company, 1908, c. 102

  • Guarantee Company of North America

    • — name changed from “Canada Guarantee Company”, 1880-81, c. 57

    • — consolidation; 1851, c. 36; 1873, c. 22; 1880, c. 71 and 1880-81, c. 57 repealed, 1913, c. 126

    • — power to use English or French name, 1964-65, c. 71

  • Guarantee Life Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 97

  • Guardian Accident and Guarantee Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 86

    • — 1911, c. 86, s. 7 amended, 1917, c. 64

    • — name changed to “The Guardian Insurance Company of Canada”, 1917, c. 64

  • Guardian Insurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “The Guardian Accident and Guarantee Company”, 1917, c. 64

  • Guildhall Insurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Canadian Equity Insurance Company”, 1963, c. 47

  • Halifax Marine Insurance Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 93

  • Hamilton Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1930, c. 66

  • Home Life Association of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 46

    • — directors, 1899, c. 114

  • Hotel Mutual Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1952, c. 63

  • Hudson Bay Insurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1910, c. 110

    • — 1910, c. 110, s. 12 amended, 1913, c. 130

  • Imperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 107

    • — 1905, c. 107, ss. 4 to 12 repealed; capital stock; powers, 1928, c. 70

  • Imperial Insurance Office

    • — name changed from “Imperial Underwriters Corporation of Canada”, 1924, c. 87

  • Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1896, c. 50

    • — French name changed to “L?Impériale, Compagnie d?Assurance-Vie”, 1962-63, c. 18

    • -  1896, c. 50 repealed; 1962-63, c. 18 repealed, 2001, c. 43

  • Imperial Underwriters? Corporation

    • — name changed to “Imperial Underwriters Corporation of Canada”, 1913, c. 137

  • Imperial Underwriters Corporation of Canada

    • — name changed from “Imperial Underwriters? Corporation”; Dominion incorporation, 1913, c. 137

    • — name changed to “Imperial Insurance Office”, 1924, c. 87

  • Income Disability and Reinsurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1966-67, c. 102

  • Income Life Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1966-67, c. 103

  • Industrial Alliance Pacific General Insurance Corporation

    • — authorization to apply to be continued as a body corporate under the laws of Quebec, 2011, c. 28

  • Industrial Alliance Pacific Insurance and Financial Services Inc.

    • — authorization to apply to be continued as a body corporate under the laws of Quebec, 2012, c. 32

  • Industrial Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 78

  • Inland Marine and Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 100

  • Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 98

  • International Guarantee Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 104

  • Inter-Ocean Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 112

  • Interprovincial Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 105

  • Isolated Risk and Farmers? Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Isolated Risk Fire Insurance Company of Canada”, 1873, c. 20

    • — name changed to “Sovereign Fire Insurance Company of Canada”, 1879, c. 70

  • Isolated Risk Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 55

    • — directors; dividends; name changed to “The Isolated Risk and Farmers? Fire Insurance Company of Canada”, 1873, c. 20

  • Keystone Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 97

  • Kings Mutual Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1956-57, c. 45

  • Kingston and Pembroke Mutual Aid and Insurance Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 65

  • Knights of North America

    • — incorporated, 1925, c. 76

  • Laurentian Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1924, c. 88

  • Laurentian Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 117

  • Laurier Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1966-67, c. 104

  • Life Association of Canada

    • — name changed from “The Mutual Life Association of Canada”, 1882, c. 106

  • Life Underwriters? Association of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1924, c. 104

    • — 1924, c. 104, s. 12 amended, 1956-57, c. 46

    • — name changed to “Canadian Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors”, by Ministerial order on December 1, 1997

  • Limitholders? Mutual Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1947, c. 84

    • — time extended, 1950, c. 58

  • Live Stock Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 96

  • Liverpool-Manitoba Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 114

  • London-Canada Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “The London Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Canada”, 1925, c. 66

  • London and Lancashire Guarantee and Accident Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 124

  • London and Lancashire Plate Glass and Indemnity Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 99

  • London Life Insurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1884, c. 89

    • — 1884, c. 89, ss. 24, 25 amended; assessments, 1885, c. 94

    • — 1884, c. 89, s. 14 amended; investment powers, 1891, c. 117

  • London and Midland General Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Progressive Insurance Company of Canada”, 1956-57, c. 48

  • London Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — power to change name from “Agricultural Mutual Fire Insurance Company”, 1878, c. 40

    • — capital stock, 1899, c. 118

    • — 1878, c. 40, s. 14 amended; 1899, c. 118, ss. 2, 9 amended, 1901, c. 103

    • — 1899, c. 118, s. 7 amended, 1925, c. 66

    • — name changed to “London-Canada Insurance Company”, 1925, c. 66

  • Lumberman?s Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 146

  • Manitoba Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 102

  • Manitoba and North Western Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 84

  • Manufacturers? Accident Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 105

    • — 1887, c. 105, s. 1 amended, 1893, c. 80

    • — name changed to “The Manufacturers? Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company”, 1893, c. 80

  • Manufacturers? Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “The Manufacturers? Accident Insurance Company”, 1893, c. 80

    • — name changed to “The Dominion of Canada Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company”; preference stock, 1898, c. 102

  • Manufacturers? Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 104

    • — conveyance to Manufacturers and Temperance and General Life Assurance Company, 1901, c. 105

    • — power to use English or French name, 1963, c. 53

  • Manufacturers and Temperance and General Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 105

  • Maritime Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 90

  • Maritime Provinces General Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1938, c. 56

  • Mercantile and General Reinsurance Company of Canada Limited

    • — incorporated, 1951, c. 71

    • — 1951, c. 71, s. 3 amended, 1958, c. 47

  • Merchants Casualty Company

    • — incorporated, 1918, c. 66

  • Merchants Casualty Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1924, c. 89

  • Merchants and Employers Guarantee and Accident Company

    • — name changed from “National Weekly Indemnity Company”, 1911, c. 118

    • — 1911, c. 118, ss. 7, 8 amended, 1914, c. 122

  • Merchants and General Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 126

  • Merchants? Life Association of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 82

  • Merchants? Marine Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 91

    • — winding-up, 1888, c. 98

  • Merit Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1952-53, c. 61

    • — power to use English or French name, 1962-63, c. 19

  • Methodist Trust Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 77

  • Metropolitan Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 55

  • Metropolitan General Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “The Albion Insurance Company of Canada”   by letters patent issued on  February 16, 1988

    • — 1956, c. 51, ss. 9, 10 added, 1991, c. 56

  • Metropolitan Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 83

  • Missisquoi and Rouville Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1951, c. 72

  • Monarch Fire Insurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1909, c. 108

  • Monarch Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 96

    • — power to use English or French name, 1963, c. 54

  • Montmagny Mutual Fire Insurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation; name changed to “Factories Insurance Company”, 1910, c. 128

  • Montreal Assurance Company

    • — corporation continued, 1880, c. 68

  • Montreal-Canada Fire Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the City of Montreal”, 1903, c. 158

  • Montreal Life Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “The Travellers Life Assurance Company of Canada”, 1924, c. 92

    • — power to use English or French name, 1960, c. 52

  • Mortgage Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1963, c. 55

  • Munich Reinsurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1960, c. 53

  • Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the City of Montreal

    • — declaratory; name changed to “The Montreal-Canada Fire Insurance Company”, 1903, c. 158

  • Mutual Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 56

    • — name changed to “The Dominion Mutual Life Assurance Society”, 1875, c. 80

  • Mutual Life Association of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 57

    • — 1871, c. 57, ss. 5, 6, 7, 8 amended; directors, 1872, c. 101

    • — 1871, c. 57, ss. 5, 7 ,8, 10, 24 amended; guarantee fund, 1882, c. 106

    • — name changed to “The Life Association of Canada”, 1882, c. 106

  • Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Company”, 1900, c. 112

    • — 1878, c. 33, s. 7, 13 amended; 1889, c. 96, s. 3 repealed, 1903, c. 159

    • — 1878, c. 33, ss. 5, 6, 7, 12 amended, 1925, c. 67

    • — power to use English or French name, 1962, c. 32

  • Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Company

    • — Canadian assessment policy-holders, 1904, c. 101

  • Mutuelle Générale Canadienne

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 87

  • National Accident and Guarantee Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 109

    • — corporation continued, 1909, c. 113

  • National Casualty Company

    • — incorporated, 1922, c. 70

  • National Fire and Casualty Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1948, c. 79

  • National General Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1948, c. 80

  • National Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 84

    • — capital stock, 1878, c. 32

    • — winding-up, 1883, c. 82

  • National Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 78

    • — French name changed to “La Nationale du Canada, Compagnie d?Assurance-Vie”; power to use English or French name, 1963, c. 56

  • National-Liverpool Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1929, c. 79

  • National Surety Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1923, c. 88

  • National Union Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Anglo-Canadian Insurance Company”, 1908, c. 131

  • National Weekly Indemnity Company

    • — Dominion incorporation; name changed to “The Merchants and Employers Guarantee and Accident Company”, 1911, c. 118

  • North American Accident Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 116

  • North American Accident Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1917, c. 65

    • — name changed to “The North American General Insurance Company”, 1959, c. 62

  • North American General Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “The North American Accident Insurance Company”, 1959, c. 62

    • — power to use English or French name, 1962-63, c. 20

  • North American Life Assurance Company

    • — name changed from “North American Mutual Life Insurance Company”, 1882, c. 98

    • — 1879, c. 73, ss. 3, 15 amended, 1897, c. 79

  • North American Mutual Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1879, c. 73

    • — 1879, c. 73, ss. 7, 11 amended, 1882, c. 98

    • — name changed to “North American Life Assurance Company”, 1882, c. 98

  • North Empire Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 136

    • — 1908, c. 136, s. 3 amended; acquisition of fire insurance company, 1913, c. 161

    • — capital stock, 1919(2nd Session), c. 32

  • North Waterloo Farmers Mutual Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1956-57, c. 47

  • North West Commercial Travellers? Association of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1949, c. 23

  • North West Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 163

  • North West Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1966-67, c. 105

  • Northern Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 122

    • — 1894, c. 122, s. 19 repealed; capital stock, 1924, c. 90

    • — power to use English or French name; 1894, c. 122, ss. 2, 5, 18 amended; ss. 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 repealed, 1963, c. 57

  • Northwest Commercial Travellers? Association of Canada

    • — powers extended, 1906, c. 134

  • Northwest Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 164

    • — 1913, c. 164, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1915, c. 64

  • Nova Scotia Marine Insurance Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 92

  • Occidental Fire Insurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1908, c. 139

  • Ocean Accident Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 81

  • Ocean Guarantee Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 82

  • Ocean Mutual Marine Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 103

    • — 1882, c. 103, s. 12 amended, 1884, c. 91

  • Ontario Accident Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 83

    • — 1895, c. 83, s. 5 amended, 1897, c. 80

    • — 1895, c. 83, s. 5 amended, 1904, c. 108 

  • Ontario Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 137

  • Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1878, c. 33

    • — 1878, c. 33, ss. 5, 7 amended; investment powers, 1889, c. 96

    • — powers extended, 1894, c. 123

    • — name changed to “The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada”, 1900, c. 112

  • Order of Italo-Canadians

    • — incorporated, 1936, c. 58

  • Ottawa Agricultural Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 89

    • — 1874, c. 89, s. 4 explained, 1877, c. 74

    • — winding-up, 1882, c. 108

  • Ottawa Assurance Company

    • — name changed from “Ottawa Fire Insurance Company”, 1909, c. 117

  • Ottawa Fire Insurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1904, c. 110

    • — 1904, c. 110, s. 12 amended, 1909, c. 117

    • — name changed to “Ottawa Assurance Company”, 1909, c. 117

  • Ottawa Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 116

  • Ottawa Royal Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 79

  • Pacific Coast Fire Insurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1908, c. 143

    • — 1908, c. 143, ss. 2, 12 amended, 1920, c. 92

    • — 1908, c. 143, s. 12 amended, 1926, c. 21

    • — name changed to “The Century Insurance Company of Canada”; power to use English or French name, 1966-67, c. 106

  • Pacific Marine Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 140

    • — 1906, c. 140, s. 7 amended; ss. 8, 9, 10, 12 repealed, 1920, c. 93

  • Paix General Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1956, c. 62

  • Perth Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Company”, 1968-69, c. 60

  • Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1952, c. 64

    • — 1952, c. 64 repealed; converted to joint stock company, 1968-69, c. 60

    • — name changed to “Perth Insurance Company”, 1968-69, c. 60

  • Phoenix Assurance Company

    • — life insurance, 1908, c. 145

    • — 1908, c. 145, s. 1 amended, 1910, c. 146

  • Pictou Marine Insurance Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 95

  • Pioneer Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1926, c. 22

  • Pitts Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1969-70, c. 74

  • Pitts Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1969-70, c. 75

  • Pool Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1940, c. 50

  • Portage la Prairie Mutual Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1930, c. 69

    • — 1930, c. 69, ss. 1, 8, 9 amended, 1935, c. 68

  • Premier Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1926-27, c. 93

    • — time extended, 1929, c. 80

  • Premier Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 136

    • — time extended, 1914, c. 123

  • Principal Life Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1965, c. 21

    • — time extended, 1967-68, c. 41

  • Progressive Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1947, c. 85

    • — 1947, c. 85, s. 3 amended, 1956-57, c. 48

    • — name changed to “London and Midland General Insurance Company”, 1956-57, c. 48

  • Protective Association of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 118

    • — 1907, c. 118, ss. 3, 5 amended, 1929, c. 81

    • — 1907, c. 118, s. 5 amended, 1958, c. 48

  • Protectorate Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 151

  • Provident Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1955, c. 72

  • Provincial Insurance Company of Canada

    • — member of Canadian Lake Underwriters? Association, 1868, c. 90

    • — consolidation  and amendment of act, 1875, c. 82

  • Prudential Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 113

  • Prudential Life of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 117

  • Prudential Life Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 120

    • — powers revived; name changed to “The Security Life Insurance Company of Canada”, 1909, c. 123

  • Quebec Assurance Company

    • — name changed from “Quebec Fire Assurance Company”, 1963, c. 58

  • Quebec Fire Assurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1878, c. 31

    • — capital stock, 1879, c. 69

    • — capital stock, 1883, c. 83

    • — name changed to “Quebec Assurance Company”, 1963, c. 58

  • Railway Employees Casualty Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1929, c. 82

    • — time extended, 1931, c. 73

  • Reliance Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1920, c. 94

    • — power to use English or French name, 1962, c. 33

  • Residential Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 124

    • — 1907, c. 124, s. 4 amended, 1907, c. 42

  • Richmond and Drummond Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 183

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 154

  • Rock Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 125

  • Royal Canadian Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 99

    • — powers extended; directors, 1874, c. 87

    • — capital stock, 1877, c. 70

    • — directors; capital stock, 1885, c. 28

  • Royal General Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1963, c. 59

  • Royal Guardians

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 158

    • — 1910, c. 158, s. 3 amended; ss. 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20 repealed; objects of Company, 1923, c. 90

  • Royal Marine Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 118

    • — 1900, c. 118, s. 14 repealed; time extended, 1902, c. 97

  • Royal Victoria Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 81

    • — capital stock, 1907, c. 126

    • — 1897, c. 81, s. 7 and 1907, c. 126, s. 3 repealed; 1907, c. 126, s. 4 amended, 1909, c. 130

    • — name changed to “Royal Victoria Life Insurance Company of Canada”, 1909, c. 130

  • Royal Victoria Life Insurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from the “Royal Victoria Life Insurance Company”, 1909, c. 130

  • Safeguard Life Insurance Company

    • — name changed, in its English form,  from “La Sauvegarde Life Insurance Company” by letters patent issued on January 20, 1968, 1989, c. 29

  • Saint Nicholas Mutual Benefit Association

    • — incorporated, 1930, c. 71

    • — 1930, c. 71, s. 1 amended, 1932-33, c. 64

    • — name changed to “Ukranian Mutual Benefit Association of Saint Nicholas of Canada”, 1932-33, c. 64

  • Saskatchewan Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 147

    • — name changed to “Fidelity Life Assurance Company”, 1942-43, c. 37

  • Saskatchewan Mutual Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1950, c. 59

  • Sauvegarde Life Insurance Company

    • — capital stock; powers extended, 1911, c. 139

    • — 1911, c. 139, continuation as corporation under laws of the Province of Quebec; repealed, 1989, c. 29

    • — name changed, in its English form, to “Safeguard Life Insurance Company”, 1989, c. 29

  • Scottish Canadian Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1920, c. 95

    • — power to use English or French name, 1964-65, c. 62

  • Security Life Insurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Prudential Life Insurance Company of Canada”, 1909, c. 123

    • — power to use English or French name; 1907, c. 120, s. 4 amended, 1912, c. 149

    • — by-laws powers, 1917, c. 66

  • Security National Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1934, c. 71

  • Societé des Artisans Canadiens Français

    • — incorporated, 1917, c. 71

    • — 1917, c. 71, ss. 5, 6, 13 (E) amended; preamble (F) and ss. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19 (F) amended, 1923, c. 105

    • — 1917, c. 71 repealed; 1923, c. 105 repealed; consolidation, 1946, c. 83

    • — name changed to “La Société des Artisans”, 1946, c. 83

  • Société des Artisans

    • —  name changed from “La Société des Artisans Canadiens Français”, 1946, c. 83

    • — 1946, c. 83, s. 5 (F) amended; s. 5A added; ss. 12, 13 amended, 1966-67, c. 107

    • — 1946, c. 83 repealed; 1966-67, c. 107 repealed, 1970-71-72, c. 68

    • — name changed to “The Artisans, Life Insurance Cooperative Society”, 1970-71-72, c. 68

  • Sons of Scotland Benevolent Association

    • — incorporated, 1937, c. 54

  • Sovereign Fire Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 159

  • Sovereign Fire Insurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Isolated Risk and Farmers? Fire Insurance Company of Canada”, 1879, c. 70

    • — winding-up, 1884, c. 90

  • Sovereign Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 102

    • — power to use English or French name, 1963, c. 60

  • St. Lawrence Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Equity Insurance Company”, 1893, c. 79

    • — 1893, c. 79, ss. 12, 17 amended; time extended, 1894, c. 124

  • St. Lawrence Lloyd?s

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 110

  • St. Lawrence Marine Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 104

  • Stadacona Fire and Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 94

    • — 1874, c. 94, s. 3 amended; directors; capital stock, 1878, c. 39

    • — winding-up, 1880, c. 70

    • — time extended, 1882, c. 101

  • Standard Accident and Guarantee Company

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 159

  • Standard Fire Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “The Standard Mutual Fire Insurance Company”, 1908, c. 160

  • Standard Mutual Fire Insurance Company

    • — name changed to “Standard Fire Insurance Company”, 1908, c. 160

  • Standard Plate Glass Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 161

  • Stanstead & Sherbrooke Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1940, c. 51

  • Steam-Boiler and Plate-Glass Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 118

    • — powers extended, 1894, c. 125

  • Sterling Accident and Guarantee Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Accident and Guarantee Company of Canada”, 1907, c. 135

  • Sterling Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1937, c. 50

    • — continued; time extended, 1939, c. 58

  • Sterling Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 166

  • Sterling Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 154

    • — time extended, 1914, c. 124

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 65

  • Sun Insurance Company of Montreal

    • — incorporated, 1870, c. 58

    • — name changed to “The Sun Mutual Life Insurance Company of Montreal”, 1871, c. 53

  • Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Sun Mutual Life Insurance Company of Montreal”, 1882, c. 100

    • — powers extended, 1897, c. 82

    • — 1865, c. 43, s. 17 repealed; s. 19 amended; 1882, c. 100, s. 3 repealed; 1897, c. 82, s. 1 repealed, 1929, c. 83

    • — French name changed to “Sun Life du Canada”, 1962, c. 34

  • Sun Mutual Life Insurance Company of Montreal

    • — name changed from “Sun Insurance Company of Montreal”, 1871, c. 53

    • — 1870, c. 58, s. 9 amended; powers extended, 1882, c. 100

    • — name changed to “Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada”, 1882, c. 100

  • T. Eaton General Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1920, c. 89

    • — time extended, 1922, c. 69

    • — time extended, 1924, c. 91

  • T. Eaton Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1920, c. 90

  • Tecumseh Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 105

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 93

  • Temperance and General Life Assurance Company of North America

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 97

  • Title Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 118

  • Toronto General Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1937, c. 51

  • Toronto Mutual Fire Insurance Company

    • — amalgamation with The Beaver Mutual Fire Insurance Association under name “The Beaver and Toronto Mutual Fire Insurance Company”, 1869, c. 70

  • Toronto Mutual Life Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “Ancient Foresters? Mutual Life Insurance Company”, 1939, c. 59

  • Traders? Fire Insurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1907, c. 138

  • Traders General Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1951, c. 73

  • Transcoastal Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1968-69, c. 61

  • Trans-Continental Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1923, c. 91

  • Travellers? Indemnity Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 139

  • Travellers Life Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 165

    • — name changed to “Montreal Life Insurance Company”, 1924, c. 92

  • Ukranian Fraternal Society of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1943-44, c. 39

  • Ukranian Mutual Benefit Association of Saint Nicholas of Canada

    • — name changed from “Saint Nicholas Mutual Benefit Association”, 1932-33, c. 64

  • Union Assurance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Union Life and Accident Assurance Company of Canada”; head office; shares, 1877, c. 75

  • Union Assurance Society of London

    • — agreement to purchase Eastern Assurance Company of Canada, 1895, c. 81

  • Union Life and Accident Assurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1876, c. 54

    • — name changed to “Union Assurance Company of Canada”, 1877, c. 75

  • Union Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 109

    • — 1902, c. 109, ss. 5, 6, 7, 10 amended, 1910, c. 169

  • Union Marine Insurance Company of Halifax, Nova Scotia

    • — Dominion incorporated, 1877, c. 73

  • United Canada Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1920, c. 97

  • United Canada Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1960, c. 54

  • United Canadian Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1918, c. 68

  • United Empire Life Insurance Company (Ottawa)

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 115

    • — 1901, c. 115, ss. 12, 13 amended, 1903, c. 198

  • United Empire Life Insurance Company (Toronto)

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 173

  • United Investment Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1967-68, c. 42

  • United Security Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1950, c. 60

  • Universal Eyesight Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 161

  • Vancouver Life Insurance Company

    • — name changed from “The Vancouver Life Insurance Company of Vancouver, B.C.”, 1914, c. 125

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 66

  • Vancouver Life Insurance Company of Vancouver, B.C.

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 164

    • — time extended; name changed to “The Vancouver Life Insurance Company”, 1914, c. 125

  • Victoria Insurance Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1955, c. 73

  • Victoria Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1892, c. 69

  • Victoria-Montreal Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 119

  • Wapiti Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1929, c. 84

    • — time extended, 1931, c. 74

    • — time extended, 1935, c. 69

  • Waterloo Mutual Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1959, c. 63

  • Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1929, c. 85

    • — 1929, c. 85, ss. 1, 8, 9 amended, 1934, c. 73

    • — 1934, c. 73 repealed; 1929, c. 85, ss. 4, 9, 11 amended, 1940-41, c. 35

    • — 1929, c. 85, s. 9A added, 1960, c. 55

  • Wawanesa Mutual Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1960, c. 56

  • Wellington Fire Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1937, c. 52

  • Western Assurance Company

    • — member of The Canadian Lake Underwriters Association, 1868, c. 90

    • — life assurance, 1872, c. 99

    • — 1851, c. 162, s. 2 amended, 1872, c. 99

    • — 1851, c. 162, ss. 2, 4 amended, 1875, c. 81

    • — 1851, c. 162, s. 10 amended; capital stock, 1887, c. 102

    • — powers extended, 1901, c. 116

    • — office in Great Britain, 1903, c. 201

    • — 1887, c. 102, ss. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 repealed; capital stock, 1904, c. 141

    • — capital stock; 1851, c. 162, ss. 8, 17 amended; s. 23 repealed; 1857, c. 167, s. 1 amended; 1904, c. 141, s. 4 amended, 1906, c. 179

    • — consolidated; 1851, c. 162; 1857, c. 167; 1872, c. 99; 1875, c. 81; 1887, c. 102; 1901, c. 116; 1903, c. 201; 1904, c. 141 and 1906, c. 179 repealed, 1920, c. 98

    • — 1920, c. 98, s. 24 amended, 1956-57, c. 49

  • Western Canada Accident and Guarantee Insurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1913, c. 204

    • — time extended, 1917, c. 67

  • Western Canadian Life Assurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 151

  • Western Farmers Mutual Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1967-68, c. 43

  • Western Life Assurance Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1914, c. 126

    • — time extended, 1917, c. 68

  • Western Surety Company

    • — incorporated, 1960, c. 57

  • Westmount Life Insurance Company

    • — incorporated, 1962, c. 35

  • Workers Benevolent Association of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1944-45, c. 63

    • — 1944-45, c. 63, s. 7 amended, 1946, c. 88

  • Workmen’s Circle of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1947, c. 94