Alphabetical list of Private Acts — Miscellaneous

  • Acadia Powder Company, (limited)

    • — powers extended, 1883, c. 94

  • Acadia Steamship Company, (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 53

  • Alabama Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited

    • — powers of company in U.S.A.; share warrants, 1912, c. 59

  • Alberta Irrigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 69

    • — 1893, c. 69, revived, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1896, c. 44

    • — 1893, c. 69, ss. 2, 5 amended, 1899, c. 93

    • — name changed to “The Canadian North-west Irrigation Company”, 1899, c. 93

  • Algoma Commercial Company, Limited

    • — agreement with Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Railway Company; bond issue, 1905, c. 53

  • Algoma Iron and Nickel-Steel Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 89

  • Algonquin Lumber and Power Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 77

  • Alliance of Manufacturers & Exporters Canada

    • — name changed from “Canadian Manufacturers’ Association”, 1999, c. 39

  • Alliance Security & Investigation, Ltd.

    • — notices in Canada Gazette deemed not to apply to, 1974-75-76, c. 115

  • Aluminum Power Company, Ltd.

    • — approval of site and plans of transmission lines, 1942-43, c. 39

  • American Bank Note Company (Foreign)

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1897, c. 88

  • American, British and Continental Cable Company (Limited)

    • — name changed from “European, American, Canadian and Asiatic Cable Company (Limited)”, 1883, c. 78

  • Andrade, Benjamin Josheph

    • — permission to marry Heather Winnifred Andrade, 1984, c. 55

  • Andrade, Heather Winnifred

    • — permission to marry Benjamin Josheph Andrade, 1984, c. 55

  • Andrade, Juan

    • — permission to marry Emilia Rodriguez, 1984, c. 56

  • Anglo-American Iron Company

    • — powers recognized, 1886, c. 97

  • Anglo-Canadian Electric Storage and Supply Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 128

  • Anglo-French Steamship Company

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 88

  • Anticosti Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 115

  • Architectural Institute of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 82

    • — 1908, c. 82, ss. 4, 5, 6 amended, 1912, c. 64

    • — name changed to “The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada”, 1912, c. 64

  • Arctic Institute of North America

    • — incorporated, 1945, c. 45

  • Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada

    • — formerly Army and Navy Veterans in Canada

    • — incorporated, 1917, c. 70

    • — s. 6 amended by 1920, c. 99

    • — name of association changed to “The Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada” and ss. 2, 6, 7 amended by 1946, c. 81

    • — long title, ss. 2, 3, 6, 7 (French version) and references in French version amended by 1980-81-82-83, c. 184

  • Assiniboine Water Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 88

  • Association of Canadian Clubs

    • — incorporated, 1939, c. 61

  • Association of Kinsmen Clubs

    • — incorporated, 1950, c. 64

  • Atlantic Peat Moss Company Ltd.

    • — notices in Canada Gazette deemed not to apply to, 1968-69, c. 67

  • Automatic Telephone and Electric Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 73

  • Barcelona Traction Light and Power Company, Limited

    • — powers in Spain; share warrants, 1912, c. 65

    • — shares, 1914, c. 129

  • Belding, Paul & Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 103

  • Bell Telephone Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1880, c. 67

    • — 1880, c. 67, s. 3 amended; powers extended, 1882, c. 95

    • — capital stock, 1884, c. 88

    • — capital stock, 1892, c. 67

    • — capital stock, 1894, c. 108

    • — capital stock, 1902, c. 41

    • — capital stock, 1906, c. 61

    • — 1906, c. 61, s. 1 amended; bond issue, 1920, c. 100

    • — capital stock; 1906, c. 61, s. 1 repealed; 1920, c. 100, s. 4 repealed, 1929, c. 93

    • — capital stock; 1929, c. 93, s. 1 repealed; French name changed to “La Compagnie de Téléphone Bell du Canada”, 1948, c. 81

    • — capital stock; 1948, c. 81, s. 1 repealed, 1957-58, c. 39

    • — 1880, c. 67, s. 8 amended, 1964-65, c. 69

    • — power to use name “Bell Canada”; 1957-58, c. 39, s. 1 amended; 1880, c. 67, ss. 3, 10 amended; 1920, c. 100, s. 1 amended; 1948, c. 81, s. 5 amended; 1884, c. 88 repealed; 1892, c. 67 repealed; 1894, c. 108 repealed; 1902, c. 41, ss. 1, 3, 4 repealed; 1906, c. 61 repealed, 1967-68, c. 48

    • — 1880, c. 67, s. 2, 5, 11 amended; s. 2.1 added; 1920, c. 100, s. 1 repealed; s. 2 amended; 1948, c. 81, s. 3; 1957-58, c. 39, s. 1 repealed; 1967-68, c. 48, s. 3 repealed, 1977-78, c. 44

    • — 1880, c. 67 repealed; 1882, c. 95 repealed; 1902, c. 41 repealed; 1920, c. 100 repealed; 1929, c. 93 repealed; 1948, c. 81 repealed; 1957-58, c. 39 repealed; 1964-65, c. 69 repealed; 1967-68, c. 48 repealed; 1977-78, c. 44 repealed, 1987, c. 19

  • Benoît, Marie Anne Marguerite

    • — permission to marry Francois Waddell, 1977-78, c. 46

  • Bessey, Ezra Butler Eddy

    • — name changed to Ezra Butler Eddy, 1912, c. 66

  • Bonaventure and Gaspé Telephone Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 64

    • — 1907, c. 64, ss. 1, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19 amended; s. 8 repealed; shares subdivided, 1955, c. 86

    • — 1907, c. 64 repealed, 2009, c. 23

  • Borden, James Richard and Judy Ann

    • — permission to marry, 1977-78, c. 45

  • Boy Scouts of Canada

    • — name changed from “Canadian General Council of the Boy Scouts Association”, 1960-61, c. 82

    • — French name changed to “Les Boy Scouts du Canada”, 1968-69, c. 68

    • — 1914, c. 130 repealed; 1917, c. 73 repealed; 1959, c. 71 repealed; 1960-61, c. 82 repealed; 1968-69, c. 68, s. 1 repealed, 2007, c. 38

  • Brazilian Electro Steel and Smelting Company (Limited)

    • — powers in Brazil; share warrants, 1909, c. 50

    • — name changed to “Sao Paulo Electric Company, Limited”, 1957-58, c. 36

  • Brazilian Hydro Electric Company, Limited

    • — transfer of head office to Brazil, 1957-58, c. 32

  • Brazilian Telephone Company

    • — name changed from “Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo Telephone Company”, 1923, c. 107

    • — transfer of head office to Brazil, 1953-54, c. 74

  • Brazilian Traction Light and Power Company, Limited

    • — powers in Brazil; share warrants, 1913, c. 72

    • — shares, 1914, c. 131

    • — 1914, c. 131, s. 5 repealed, 1957-58, c. 33

  • British America Nickel Corporation Limited

    • — share warrants; shares, 1914, c. 132

    • — directors, 1916, c. 57

  • British American Light and Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 93

  • British America Pulp Paper and Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 89

  • British Columbia Dock Company

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 68

  • British Columbia Telephone Company

    • — name changed from “Western Canada Telephone Company”, 1940-41, c. 36

    • — 1916, c. 66 amended, s. 6, 1947, c. 86

    • — 1916, c. 66, s. 5, 6 amended, 1951, c. 85

    • — 1916, c. 66, s. 6 amended; s. 9A added, 1957-58, c. 40

    • — 1916, c. 66, s. 9A amended, 1960, c. 66

    • — 1916, c. 66, ss. 4, 5, 6, 7 amended; s. 25 added, 1974-75-76, c. 110

    • — 1916, c. 66, ss. 6, 8, 9, 9A, 16 and 22 amended by 1993, c. 38, sections 126 to 129, effective October 25, 1993 see SI/93-101

    • — 1916, c. 66 repealed; TELUS Communications (B.C.) is continued and is subject to the Canada Business Corporations Act,  2000, c. 29

  • British North American Mining Company

    • — declaratory; capital stock; powers, 1910, c. 69

  • Bronson Company

    • — name changed from “Bronsons and Weston Lumber Company”, 1899, c. 96

    • — 1899, c. 96, s. 6 repealed; securities, 1914, c. 134

    • — 1888, c. 103, ss. 2, 4, 8 amended, 1927, c. 102

  • Bronsons and Weston Lumber Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 103

    • — name changed to “The Bronson Company”, 1899, c. 96

  • Brulé, Marie Thérèse Rita

    • — permission to marry Louis Philippe Nadeau, 1984, c. 53

  • Brunner Corporation (Canada) Limited

    • — notices in Canada Gazette deemed not to apply to, 1969-70, c. 79

  • Buccaneer Industries Ltd.

    • — notices in Canada Gazette deemed not to apply to, 1969-70, c. 77

  • Buffalo, Chippawa and Niagara Falls Steamboat and Tramway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 101

  • Calgary Hydraulic Company

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 70

  • Calgary Irrigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 71

    • — 1893, c. 71, ss. 4, 6, 7, 11, 14, 15, 16 amended, 1894, c. 106

  • Calgary Water Power Company, Limited

    • — powers extended, incorporation confirmed, 1890, c. 95

  • Callow Veterans’ and Invalids’ Welfare League

    • — incorporated, 1952-53, c. 57

  • Calvin Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 107

  • Camp Harmony Angling Club

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 93

  • Canada Atlantic Cable Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 96

    • — powers; capital stock; time extended, 1877, c. 69

    • — 1873, c. 96 repealed, 2009, c. 23

  • Canada Atlantic and Plant Steamship Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 65

  • Canada Atlantic Steamship Company (Limited)

    • — powers extended, 1887, c. 99

  • Canada Atlantic Transit Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 95

  • Canada Cable Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 98

  • Canada Car and Manufacturing Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 114

    • — 1873, c. 114, ss. 3, 13 amended, 1875, c. 74

  • Canada Carriage Company

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 87

  • Canada Consolidated Gold Mining Company

    • — powers confirmed, 1880-81, c. 60

  • Canada Co-operative Supply Association, Limited

    • — preference stock, 1882, c. 112

    • — preference stock, 1885, c. 31

  • Canada Improvement Company

    • — incorporated; powers extended, 1872, c. 110

  • Canada Mining and Metallurgical Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 100

    • — capital stock, 1900, c. 92

  • Canada Mutual Telegraph Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1882, c. 94

  • Canada and Newfoundland Sealing and Fishing Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 112

  • Canada Paper Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 120

  • Canada Shipping Company

    • — incorporated, 1868, c. 88

    • — name changed to “ The Canada Shipping Company (Limited)”; capital stock, 1876, c. 69

  • Canada Shipping Company (Limited)

    • — name changed from “ The Canada Shipping Company”, 1876, c. 69

  • Canada Vine Growers

    • — time extended, 1868, c. 92

  • Canadian and European Telegraph Company

    • — incorporated, 1869, c. 63

    • — name changed to “Canadian and Great Northern Telegraph Company”; time extended, 1872, c. 96

  • Canadian and Great Northern Telegraph Company

    • — name changed from “Canadian and European Telegraph Company”; time extended; capital stock, 1872, c. 96

    • — time extended, 1874, c. 83

  • Canadian Anthracite Coal Company, Limited

    • — agreement re transfer of shares, 1932-33, c. 65

  • Canadian Artillery Association

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 56

    • — 1904, c. 56, ss. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 amended, 1949, c. 28

    • — name changed to “The Royal Canadian Artillery Association”, 1949, c. 28

  • Canadian Bar Association

    • — incorporated, 1921, c. 79

  • Canadian Co-Operative Processors Limited

    • — incorporated, 1948, c. 83

  • Canadian Copper Company

    • — powers recognized, 1886, c. 99

  • Canadian Council of the Girl Guides Association

    • — incorporated, 1917, c. 77

    • — 1917, c. 77, s. 8 amended, 1947, c. 89; 1960-61, c. 80

    • — name changed to “Girl Guides of Canada”, 1960-61, c. 80

  • Canadian Credit Institute

    • — incorporated, 1928, c. 76

  • Canadian Dental Association

    • — incorporated, 1942-43, c. 38

  • Canadian Dexter P. Cooper Company

    • — incorporated, 1926, c. 23

  • Canadian Disaster Relief Fund, Incorporated

    • — incorporated, 1952-53, c. 59

  • Canadian Division of the Aerial League of the British Empire

    • — incorporated, 1917, c. 72

  • Canadian Electric Light Company

    • — powers, 1883, c. 80

  • Canadian Engine and Machinery Company

    • — powers extended; capital stock, 1877, c. 85

  • Canadian Explosives Limited

    • — share warrants, 1913, c. 90

  • Canadian Gas Association

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 74

  • Canadian Gas Lighting Company

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 93

    • — 1875, c. 93, s. 1 amended, 1876, c. 70

  • Canadian General Council of the Boy Scouts Association

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 130

    • — 1914, c. 130, s. 8 amended, 1959, c. 73

    • — 1914, c. 130, s. 10 added, 1917, c. 73 name changed to “Boy Scouts of Canada”, 1960-61, c. 82

  • Canadian General Electric Company (Limited)

    • — preference shares, 1897, c. 71

  • Canadian Good Roads Association

    • — incorporated, 1917, c. 74

  • Canadian Handicrafts Guild

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 75

  • Canadian Industrial Corporation, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 95

  • Canadian Inland Transportation Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 104

  • Canadian Institute of Actuaries

    • — incorporated, 1964-65, c. 76

  • Canadian Jewellers Institute

    • — incorporated, 1945, c. 46

  • Canadian Jockey Club

    • — letters patent confirmed, 1896, c. 53

  • Canadian Legion

    • — name changed from “The Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League”, 1959, c. 72

    • — 1948, c. 84, s. 4 amended, 1960-61, c. 83

    • — name changed to “The Royal Canadian Legion”, 1960-61, c. 83

  • Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League

    • — incorporated, 1948, c. 84

    • — 1948, c. 84, s. 6 amended; ss. 6A, 15 added, 1951, c. 86

    • — 1848, c. 84, ss. 4, 6 amended, 1959, c. 72

    • — name changed to “The Canadian Legion”, 1959, c. 72

  • Canadian Manufacturers’ Association

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 48

    • — power to use English or French name, 1963, c. 75

    • — name changed to “Alliance of Manufacturers & Exporters Canada”, 1999, c. 39

    • — 1902, c. 48, long title and terminology changes; ss. 1, 6 amended; 1963, c. 75 repealed, 1999, c. 39

  • Canadian Marconi Company

    • — name changed from “The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada, Limited”, 1925, c. 77

    • — 1903, c. 149, ss. 18, 21 amended, 1935, c. 70

    • — 1903, c. 149, s. 21A added, 1948, c. 85

  • Canadian Medical Association

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 62

    • — 1909, c. 62, ss. 2, 7 amended, 1959, c. 73

    • — change of name and rights preserved, 1993, c. 48

  • Canadian Medical Protective Association

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 91

  • Canadian Metal Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 122

  • Canadian Mining Institute

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 96

    • — name changed to “The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy”, 1920, c. 101

  • Canadian Navigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1867-68, c. 21

    • — power to sell property, 1875, c. 86

  • Canadian North-west Irrigation Company

    • — name changed from the “Alberta Irrigation Company”, 1899, c. 93

    • — 1899, c. 93, ss. 2, 4 amended; s. 7 repealed; 1893, c. 69, ss. 11, 12, 14 repealed; powers, 1903, c. 96

    • — amalgamation with Alberta Railway and Irrigation Company, 1904, c. 43

  • Canadian Northern Express Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 49

  • Canadian Northern Telegraph Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 51

  • Canadian Nurses’ Association

    • — incorporated, 1947, c. 88

    • — 1947, c. 88, s. 6 amended, 1953-54, c. 75

  • Canadian Order of Woodmen of the World

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 92

    • — 1893, c. 92, ss. 2, 12 amended, 1903, c. 206

    • — 1893, c. 92, s. 7 repealed; 1903, c. 206, s. 12 amended; emergency fund, 1917, c. 83

    • — 1893, c. 92 repealed; 1903, c. 206 repealed; 1917, c. 83 repealed, 1923, c. 101

    • — transfer of funds, 1931, c. 78

  • Canadian Pacific Express Company

    • — name changed from “Dominion Express Company”, 1926, c. 19

  • Canadian Patriotic Fund Association

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 92

    • — voting procedure, 1908, c. 96

    • — executive committee; 1908, c. 96 repealed, 1909, c. 67

  • Canadian Peat Fuel Company

    • — incorporated, 1896, c. 47

  • Canadian Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 120

    • — time extended, 1891, c. 126

    • — 1887, c. 120, ss. 1, 2, 24, 26 amended; time extended, 1893, c. 89

    • — name changed to “The Ontario Power Company of Niagara Falls”; 1887, c. 120, new s. 23, 1899, c. 105

  • Canadian Press Association

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 135

  • Canadian Press

    • — name changed from “Canadian Press Limited”, 1923, c. 102

  • Canadian Press Limited

    • — converted to company without share capital; membership defined; powers; name changed to “Canadian Press”, 1923, c. 102

  • Canadian Public Health Association

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 79

    • — 1912, c. 79, ss. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 amended; s. 9 repealed, 1960, c. 68

  • Canadian Railway Equipment Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 82

  • Canadian Rapid Telegraph Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 79

  • Canadian Red Cross Society

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 68

    • — 1909, c. 68, ss. 6, 7 amended, 1916, c. 58

    • — 1909, c. 68, s. 2 amended, 1919, c. 101

    • — 1909, c. 68, ss. 2 to 7 amended; 1916, c. 58 amended; 1919, c. 101 amended, 1922, c. 13

    • — 1909, c. 68, s. 5 amended; 1922, c. 13, s. 6 amended, 1931, c. 24

    • — 1909, c. 68, s. 6 amended, 1937, c. 7

    • — 1909, c. 68, ss. 2, 6 amended; s. 9 added; French name change, 1950, c. 62

  • Canadian Steel Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 94

    • — 1900, c. 94, s. 4 amended; s. 12 repealed, 1903, .c. 99

  • Canadian Superphosphate Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 101

  • Canadian Telegraph Supply Manufacturing Company (limited)

    • — amalgamation with The Toronto Manufacturing Company (limited) under the name “The Electric and Hardware Manufacturing Company (limited)”, 1874, c. 85

  • Canadian Telephone and Telegraph Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 100

  • Canadian Transportation and Storage Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 101

  • Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

    • — incorporated, 1948, c. 87

  • Canadian and West Indian Royal Mail Steamship Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 109

  • Canadian Wholesale Grocers Association

    • — incorporated, 1919, c. 100

  • Canadian Women’s Press Club

    • — incorporated, 1958, c. 56

  • Cascapedia Manufacturing and Trading Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 64

  • Caughnawaga Ship Canal Company

    • — incorporated, 1870, c. 47

    • — time extended; borrowing powers, 1872, c. 92

    • — time extended; directors, 1874, c. 79

  • Cedar Rapids Manufacturing and Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 65

    • — time extended; 1904, c. 65, s. 12 amended, 1909, c. 71

    • — 1904, c. 65, s. 9 amended, 1940, c. 52

  • Central Canada Telegraph Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 84

  • Centre Amusement Company Limited

    • — notices in Canada Gazette deemed not to apply to, 1973-74, c. 54

  • Certified General Accountants Association of Canada

    • — name changed from “General Accountants Association”, 1999, c. 38

  • Chambly Manufacturing Company

    • — dams across Richelieu River, 1890, c. 96

  • Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants

    • — name changed from “The Dominion Association of Chartered Accountants”, 1951, c. 89

    • — 1902, c. 58, long title and ss. 1, 2, 3 to 10 amended; s. 11 added, 1990, c. 52

  • Dominion Association of Chartered Accountants

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 58

    • — 1902, c. 58, s. 5 amended, 1938, c. 57

    • — name changed to “The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants”, 1951, c. 89

  • Chaudière Electric Light and Power Company (Limited)

    • — power to lease or purchase the Ottawa Electric Light Company and the Standard Electric Company of Ottawa (Limited), 1894, c. 109

  • Citizen Printing and Publishing Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 124

  • City of Winnipeg

    • — Assiniboine River water power, 1889, c. 89

    • — 1889, c. 89 revived; time extended, 1891, c. 108

    • — 1891, c. 108 revived; time extended, 1893, c. 72

    • — acts relating to revived, 1895, c. 79

    • — Assiniboine River water power, 1900, c. 123

    • — Assiniboine River water power, 1903, c. 203

    • — importation of water power, 1913, c. 208

  • Canadian Society of Civil Engineers

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 124

    • — 1887, c. 124, ss.  2, 3, 5 amended, 1918, c. 69

    • — name changed to “The Engineering Institute of Canada”, 1918, c. 69

  • Clark, Eli Clinton

    • — naturalization, 1869, c. 73

  • Town of Clifton

    • — supply of gas to town, 1868, c. 81

  • Coldbrook Rolling Mills Company of the Dominion of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 121

  • College of General Practice of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1960, c. 69

  • Collingwood General and Marine Hospital

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 126

    • — 1887, c. 126, s. 3A added, 1904, c. 69

  • Collins Bay Rafting and Forwarding Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 108

  • Columbia River Improvement Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 109

  • Columbia Telephone and Telegraph Company

    • — incorporated, 1896(2nd Session), c. 14

  • Commercial Cable Company

    • — powers extended, 1884, c. 87

  • Compagnie Française du Télégraphe de Paris à New York

    • — Dominion incorporation; powers extended to Canada, 1880, c. 65

  • Consolidated Silver Mining Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 114

  • Consumers’ Cordage Company, Limited

    • — powers extended, 1894, c. 114

  • Continental Heat and Light Company

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 72

    • — 1897, c. 72, s. 7A added; ss. 8, 9, 22 amended; ss. 13 to 20 repealed, 1917, c. 75

  • Cosentini, Baron Girolamo

    • — naturalization, 1886, c. 112

  • Cosmos Cotton Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 56

    • — 1902, c. 56, s. 6 amended, 1918, c. 70

  • Daoust, Joseph Roland Réjean

    • — permission to marry Marie Lise Sylvie Girard, 1984, c. 58

  • Date’s Patent Steel Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 123

  • Davis and Lawrence Company

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 90

  • Dawson City Electric Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 98

  • Dawson City Electric Lighting and Tramway Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 99

  • Dawson City and Victoria Telegraph Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 100

  • Devonshire Jockey Club

    • — incorporated, 1932-33, c. 66

  • Dionne Quintuplets

    • — Act for the protection of, 1937, c. 53

  • Dodge, Anson Green Phelps

    • — naturalization, 1872, c. 118

  • Dolphin Manufacturing Company

    • — capital stock; powers extended, 1873, c. 24

  • Dominion of Canada Rifle Association

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 99

  • Dominion Commercial Travellers’ Association

    • — incorporated, 1880, c. 74

  • Dominion Cotton Mills Company, Limited

    • — powers extended, 1900, c. 98

    • — 1900, c. 98, s. 2 amended, 1902, c. 59

  • Dominion Dock and Warehousing Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 110

  • Dominion Drainage Company

    • — incorporated, 1885, c. 95

  • Dominion Electric Protection Company

    • — incorporated, 1924, c. 102

    • — 1924, c. 102, s. 3 amended, 1926-27, c. 104

  • Dominion Express Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 113

    • — 1873, c. 113, ss. 4, 14 amended, 1921, c. 81

    • — name changed to “Canadian Pacific Express Company”, 1926, c. 19

  • Dominion Gas and Electric Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 110

  • Dominion Gas Improvement Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 114

  • Dominion Millers’ Association

    • — incorporated, 1892, c. 71

    • — 1892, c. 71, s.  7 repealed; ss. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 amended, 1910, c. 90

  • Dominion Mineral Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 102

    • — capital stock, 1890, c. 99

  • Dominion Phosphate and Mining Company

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 91

  • Dominion Portland Cement Company

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 93

  • Dominion Salvage and Wrecking Company

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 61

  • Dominion Telegraph Company

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 52

    • — powers extended, 1874, c. 82

    • — 1871, c. 52, ss. 5, 6, 10 amended; powers extended, 1879, c. 68

  • Dominion Water Works Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 114

  • Eastern Diversified Company Ltd.

    • — company revived, 1980-81-82-83, c. 183

  • Eastern Telephone and Telegraph Company

    • — incorporated, 1917, c. 76

    • — share capital, 1931, c. 79

    • — 1917, c. 76, s. 5 amended; share capital, 1953-54, c. 77

    • — capital stock, 1960, c. 67

  • Ebro Irrigation and Power Company, Limited

    • — powers in Spain; share warrants, 1913, c. 109

  • E.B. Eddy Company

    • — name changed from “The E.B. Eddy Manufacturing Company”, 1891, c. 123

    • — capital stock, 1901, c. 97

    • — 1901, c. 97, s. 1 amended, 1911, c. 73

  • E.B. Eddy Manufacturing Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 106

    • — capital stock; name changed to “The E.B. Eddy Company”, 1891, c. 123

  • Eddy, Ezra Butler

    • — name changed from Ezra Butler Eddy Bessey, 1912, c. 66

  • Edison Electric Light Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 96

  • Edmonton Boom Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 87

  • W.C. Edwards and Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1892, c. 72

    • — 1892, c. 72, s. 4 amended, 1901, c. 98

    • — 1892, c. 72, s. 2, 7 amended, 1914, c. 138

    • — capital stock; preference stock, 1916, c. 60

    • — capital stock; by-law confirmed, 1919, c. 102

  • E.G. Klein Limited

    • — company revived, 1980-81-82-83, c. 185

  • Electric and Hardware Manufacturing Company (limited)

    • — amalgamation of “The Toronto Manufacturing Company (limited)” and “Canadian Telegraph Supply Manufacturing Company (limited)” under name of, 1874, c. 85

  • University of Emmanuel College

    • — name changed from “The University of Saskatchewan”, 1914, c. 142

    • — 1914, c. 142, French version of long title and s. 1 amended; 1883, c. 47 ss. 11, 12 amended; validation of earlier statutes, 1991, c. 54

  • Empire Printing and Publishing Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 123

    • — 1887, c. 123, s. 9 amended; directors, 1891, c. 130

  • Engineering Institute of Canada

    • — name changed from “The Canadian Society of Civil Engineers”, 1918, c. 69

  • Erie and Ontario Development Company, Limited

    • — amalgamated with Jordan Light, Heat and Power Company under name “The Jordan-Erie Power Company”, 1907, c. 98

  • Erie Ontario Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 119

    • — 1903, c. 119, s. 16 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 91

  • European, American, Canadian and Asiatic Cable Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 50

    • — 1880-81, c. 50, s. 7 amended, 1883, c. 78

    • — name changed to “The American, British and Continental Cable Company (Limited)”, 1883, c. 78

  • European and American Express and Agency Company

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 89

  • Federal Oil Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 120

  • Fellowes’ Medical Manufacturing Company

    • — directors, 1882, c. 117

  • Fessenden Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 93

  • Fishwick’s Express and Merchants’ Forwarding Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1878, c. 44

  • Forbes’ Trochilic Steam Engine Central Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 109

  • Fort McLeod Ranche Telegraph Company

    • — incorporated, 1885, c. 92

  • Fraser Companies, Limited

    • — purchase of Fraser Lumber Company, 1918, c. 71

  • Fraser Lumber Company, Limited

    • — name changed from “Tobique Manufacturing Company”, 1908, c. 162

    • — sale of Company to Fraser Companies, Limited, 1918, c. 71

  • French River Boom Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 107

    • — 1894, c. 107, s. 17 amended; capital stock, 1904, c. 78

  • Fritz, Richard

    • — permission to marry, 1974-75-76, c. 113

  • Frontier College

    • — incorporated, 1922, c. 77

    • — 1922, c. 77, s. 10 repealed, 1932, c. 32, s. 1

  • Fudge, Gerald Harvey

    • — permission to marry Audrey Marie Saunders, 1984, c. 52

  • Fundy Air Lines

    • — incorporated, 1944-45, c. 58

  • G.A. Barber & Sons Limited

    • — company revived, 1980-81-82-83, c. 182

  • Gananoque and Wiltsie Navigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 94

  • Gatineau Transmission Company

    • — incorporated, 1926-27, c. 108

  • Gazette Printing Company

    • — incorporated, 1879, c. 78

  • General Accountants Association

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 116

    • — name changed to “Certified General Accountants Association of Canada”, 1999, c. 38

    • — 1913, c. 116, long title and ss. 1 to 7 amended; s. 8 added; ss. 8 to 12 renumbered as ss. 9 to 13 and terminology change, 1999, c. 38

  • Geographical Society of Quebec

    • — incorporated, 1879, c. 77

  • Gillies Brothers, Limited

    • — powers; capital stock, 1905, c. 96

  • Gilmour and Hughson Limited

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 89

    • — power to distribute assets, 1921, c. 83

  • Girard, Marie Lise Sylvie

    • — permission to marry Joseph Roland Réjean Daoust, 1984, c. 58

  • Girl Guides of Canada

    • — name changed from “The Canadian Council of the Girl Guides Association”, 1960-61, c. 80

  • Globe Printing Company

    • — branch offices; capital stock, 1877, c. 84

    • — 1866, c. 123, ss. 1, 4, 11 amended; s. 12 repealed, 1892, c. 75

    • — 1866, c. 123, s. 4, 8 amended; 1877, c. 84, ss. 2, 3 amended, 1911, c. 78

    • — 1887, c. 84, s. 2 amended, 1938, c. 58

    • — 1866, c. 123, s. 1 amended, 1949, c. 32

  • Grain Growers’ Grain Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 80

    • — 1911, c. 80, powers extended; ss. 12, 13, 17 amended, 1915, c. 73

    • — 1911, c. 80, ss. 3, 4, 5 amended; shareholders, 1917, c. 79

    • — 1911, c. 80; 1915, c. 73 and 1917, c. 79 repealed, 1992, c. 59

    • — name changed to “United Grain Growers Limited”, 1917, c. 79

  • Grand Falls Water Power and Boom Company

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 77

    • — time extended, 1901, c. 99

  • Grand Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the Dominion of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 110

    • — 1913, c. 110, long title and s. 1 (French version) amended; ss. 3, 8 amended; references in the French version, 1980-81-82-83, c. 186

  • Grand Lodge of the Canadian Association of Stationary Engineers of the Dominon of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1917, c. 82

  • Grand Lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose in the Dominion of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 124

  • Grand Orange Lodge of British America

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 105

    • — 1890, c. 105, s. 1, 6 amended; ss. 8, 9 repealed; benefit fund, 1926, c. 24

  • Grand Trunk Pacific Telegraph Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 101

  • Great North-Western Telegraph Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1880, c. 66

  • Green Shield Canada

    • — incorporated, 1992, c. 56

    • — 1992, c. 56, s. 15 (F) amended, 1994, c. 24

    • — 1992, c. 56, ss. 16, 17 amended, 1996, c. 6

    • — 1992, c. 56, s. 17 amended, 1997, c. 15

    • — 1992, c. 56, s. 17 amended, 2001, c. 9

    • — 1992, c. 56, s. 17 amended, 2005, c. 54

    • — 1992, c. 56, s. 15 amended, 2009, c. 23

  • Grenville Aggregate Specialties Limited

    • — company revived, 1988, c. 67

  • Halifax Steam Navigation Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 98

  • Halifax and West India Steamship Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 100

  • Hamilton Blast Furnace Company

    • — incorporated, 1896, c. 48

  • Hamilton Distillery Company Limited

    • — bonds, 1895, c. 92

  • Hamilton and Lake Erie Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 78

    • — 1895, c. 78, ss. 3, 9 amended; time extended, 1898, c. 104

    • — powers revived; 1895, c. 78, s. 7 amended, 1903, c. 136

    • — name changed to “Jordan Light, Heat and Power Company”, 1903, c. 136

  • Hamilton Powder Company

    • — 1862, c. 73, ss. 2, 5, 8, 12, 15 amended, 1896(2nd Session), c. 15

    • — capital stock, 1899, c. 113

  • Hawkesbury Lumber Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 98

  • High River and Sheep Creek Irrigation and Water-Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1892, c. 66

  • Hodel, Ernest

    • — permission to marry Norma Dora Laurie, 1984, c. 54

  • Hull Iron Company (Limited)

    • — purchase of Hull Mines Railway Company, 1880-81, c. 49

  • Huron and Ontario Ship Canal Company

    • — time extended, 1875, c. 76

    • — time extended, 1885, c. 27

  • Huron and Ontario Transportation Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 19

  • Huron Trent Valley Canal Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 80

  • Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire and the Children of the Empire (Junior Branch)

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1917, c. 78

  • Imperial Steamship Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 95

  • Incorporated Construction Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 127

  • Independent Order “Fior d’Italia”

    • — incorporated, 1926-27, c. 105

  • Independent Order of Foresters

    • — name changed from “Supreme Court of the Independent Order of Foresters”, 1913, c. 113

    • — 1913, c. 113, paragraph 10 added to schedule, 1915, c. 75

  • Independent Order of Rechabites

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 153

  • Intelligencer Printing and Publishing Company

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 96

  • International Air Transport Association

    • — incorporated, 1945, c. 51

    • — 1945, c. 51, s. 1 amended, 1974-75-76, c. 111

  • International Brain Research Organization

    • — incorporated, 1960-61, c. 84

  • International Coal Company (Limited)

    • — bonds; power to work the International Coal and Railway Company railway, 1885, c. 29

  • International Construction Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 114

  • International Express Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 115

    • — 1874, c. 115, ss. 4, 6, 8, 16 amended, 1875, c. 90

  • International Society of Endocrinology

    • — incorporated, 1966-67, c. 120

  • International Transportation Association

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 110

  • Interurban Company, Limited

    • — name changed to “Rio de Janeiro and San Paulo Telephone Company”; powers in Brazil; share warrants, 1914, c. 139

  • J. Winslow Jones and Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 63

  • Jordan-Erie Power Company

    • — amalgamation of Erie and Ontario Development Company Ltd. and Jordan Light, Heat and Power Company under name of, 1907, c. 98

  • Jordan Light, Heat and Power Company

    • — name changed from the “Hamilton and Lake Erie Power Company”, 1903, c. 136

    • — amalgamation with Erie and Ontario Development Company Ltd. under name “The Jordan-Erie Power Company”, 1907, c. 98

  • Keewatin Flour Mills Company, Limited

    • — agreement with Lake of the Woods Milling Company, Ltd., 1906, c. 120

  • Klondike and Peace River Gold Mining, Land and Transportation Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 106

  • Knapp Tubular Steamship Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 67

  • Labrador Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 116

  • Lachine Hydraulic Works Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 115

  • Lake Champlain and St. Lawrence Ship Canal Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 107

    • — 1898, c. 107, ss. 6, 26, 38, 41 repealed; s. 9 amended; bonds, 1902, c. 68

    • — 1902, c. 68, s. 6 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 116

    • — 1905, c. 116 repealed; time extended, 1908, c. 122

    • — 1908, c. 122 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 105

  • Lake Memphremagog Navigation Company

    • — capital stock, 1868, c. 89

  • Lake Superior Power Company

    • — approval of plans and site, 1907, c. 100

  • Lake of the Woods Milling Company, Limited

    • — agreement with Keewatin Flour Mills Company Ltd., 1906, c. 120

  • Lamb’s Water-Proof Gum Manufacturing Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 117

  • Laurie, Norma Dora

    • — permission to marry Ernest Hodel, 1984, c. 54

  • Lee, Pearl Kim

    • — permission to marry Thomas Siegfried Wieland, 1984, c. 59

  • Londonderry Iron Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 121

  • Lower Ottawa Boom Company

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 92

  • James MacLaren Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 90

    • — 1895, c. 90, ss. 2, 6, 10, 14 amended; ss. 6A to 6E, 14A added; capital stock, 1921, c. 85

  • MacLeod Irrigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 109

  • Mail Printing Company

    • — incorporated, 1880, c. 73

    • — 1880, c. 73, s. 1 amended, 1938, c. 59

  • Mail Printing and Publishing Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 111

    • — capital stock, 1876, c. 73

  • Manitoba and North-West Millers’ Association

    • — incorporated, 1896, c. 46

  • Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada Limited

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 149

    • — 1903, c. 149, ss. 7, 11 amended; s. 17 repealed, 1925, c. 77

    • — name changed to “Canadian Marconi Company”; by-law confirmed, 1925, c. 77

  • Marezzo Marble Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 118

  • Maritime Chemical Pulp Company Limited

    • — bonds; capital stock; name changed to “Maritime Sulphite Fibre Company, Limited”, 1891, c. 124

  • Maritime Improvement Company of the Dominion of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 23

  • Maritime Milling Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 92

  • Maritime Stock Breeders’ Association

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 73

    • — 1902, c. 73, s. 2 amended; s. 5 added, 1956, c. 63

  • Maritime Sulphite Fibre Company, Limited

    • — name changed from “Maritime Chemical Pulp Company Limited”, 1891, c. 124

  • Maritime Warehousing and Dock Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 112

    • — reserve fund, 1874, c. 109

  • McClary Manufacturing Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1882, c. 116

    • — 1882, c. 116, ss. 3, 5 amended; capital stock, 1901, c. 107

    • — 1882, c. 116, ss. 12, 13, 14, 15 added, 1911, c. 113

    • — 1882, c. 116, ss. 16, 17 added, 1914, c. 140

  • McKay Milling Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 125

    • — 1891, c. 123, s. 9 amended, 1892, c. 73

  • Merchants’ Express Company of the Dominion of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1868, c. 91

  • Merchants’ Warehousing Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 111

  • Mexican Consolidated Electric Company, Limited

    • — name changed to “Mexico Tramways Company”; powers, 1906, c. 125

  • Mexican Interurban Electric Railway Company, Limited

    • — name changed from “Mexican Interurban Electric Traction Company, Limited”, 1912, c. 117

  • Mexican Interurban Electric Traction Company, Limited

    • — name changed to “Mexican Interurban Electric Railway Company, Limited”; powers in Mexico; share warrants, 1912, c. 117

  • Mexican Land and Irrigation Company, Limited

    • — powers in Mexico; share warrants, 1909, c. 106

  • Mexican Light and Power Company, Limited

    • — powers, 1903, c. 153

    • — share warrants, 1906, c. 126

  • Mexico Tramways Company

    • — name changed from “Mexican Consolidated Electric Company, Limited”, 1906, c. 125

    • — 1906, c. 125 repealed; name to remain unchanged, 1957-58, c. 34

  • Mining, Development and Advisory Corporation of British America (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 90

  • Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

    • — name changed from “The Canadian Mining Institute”, 1920, c. 101

    • — 1898, c. 96, s. 5 amended, 1965, c. 24

    • — 1898, c. 96, ss. 2, 4 amended, s. 6 added, 1990, c. 54

    • — name changed to “Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum”, 1990, c. 54

  • Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum

    • — name changed from “Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy”, 1990, c. 54

  • Monterey Electric and Gas Company, Limited

    • — name changed to “Monterey Railway, Light and Power Company”; powers in Mexico, 1905, c. 126

  • Monterey Railway, Light and Power Company

    • — name changed from “Monterey Electric and Gas Company, Limited”, 1905, c. 126

  • Montilac Ltd. and Socam Ltd.

    • — companies revived, 1980-81-82-83, c. 175

  • Montmorency Cotton Mills Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 108

  • Montreal, Ottawa and Georgian Bay Canal Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 103

    • — 1894, c. 103 revived; ss. 3, 8, 44 amended, 1896(2nd Session), c. 11

    • — powers continued; 1896(2nd Session), c. 11, s. 4 amended; s. 5 repealed; time extended, 1898, c. 109

    • — 1894, c. 103, ss. 5, 20, 22 amended; 1898, c. 109, s. 4 amended, 1900, c. 106

    • — 1898, c. 109, s. 4 repealed; 1900, c. 106, s. 3 repealed; time extended, 1902, c. 79

    • — 1902, c. 79, s. 1 repealed, 1904, c. 98

    • — 1894, c. 103, s. 5, 43 amended; 1900, c. 106, s. 2 repealed; 1904, c. 98 repealed, 1906, c. 128

    • — 1906, c. 128, s. 4 repealed; time extended, 1908, c. 130

    • — 1896(2nd Session), c. 11 repealed; 1898, c. 109, s. 2 repealed; 1894, c. 103, s. 8 amended; 1900, c. 106, s. 1 amended; 1908, c. 130, s. 2 repealed, 1910, c. 130

    • — time extended; 1910, c. 130, s. 4 repealed, 1912, c. 123

    • — 1906, c. 128, s. 2 repealed; 1894, c. 103, s. 22 amended; 1912, c. 123, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1913, c. 154

    • — 1913, c. 154, s. 3 repealed; time extended, 1915, c. 76

    • — 1912, c. 123, s. 4 repealed; 1915, c. 76, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1918, c. 72

    • — 1918, c. 72, s. 3 repealed; time extended, 1921, c. 66

    • — 1921, c. 66, s. 1 repealed; 1918, c. 72, s. 2 amended; time extended, 1924, c. 83

  • Montreal Shriners’ Hospital Foundation

    • — incorporated, 1943-44, c. 38

  • Montreal Subway Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 80

  • Montreal Telegraph Company

    • — powers extended, 1872, c. 95

    • — powers extended, 1873, c. 95

    • — powers extended, 1880, c. 64

    • — consolidation act, 1882, c. 93

  • Morrisburg Ferry and Dock Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 132

  • Music Teachers’ Associations, Canadian Federation of

    • — incorporated, 1960-61, c. 81

  • Nadeau, Louis Philippe

    • — permission to marry Marie Thérèse Rita Brulé, 1984, c. 53

  • National Construction Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 102

  • National Council of Women of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 147

    • — 1914, c. 147, ss. 3, 5, 6, 7 amended, 1946, c. 85

  • National Dental Examining Board of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1952, c. 69

    • — power to use English or French name; 1952, c. 69, new ss. 6, 7 amended; s. 11 added, 1973-74, c. 55

  • National Farmers Union

    • — incorporated, 1969-70, c. 80

  • National Sanitarium Association

    • — incorporated, 1896, c. 52

    • — borrowing powers; trustees’ powers, 1900, c. 107

    • — 1896, c. 52, s. 1, 2 amended; s. 1A added, 1960, c. 70

  • New Canadian Company Limited

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 160

  • New York, New England and Canada Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 113

  • New York and Ontario Furnace Company

    • — powers recognized, 1882, c. 113

  • W.S. Newton Company

    • — incorporated, 1932, c. 62

  • Niagara Falls Gas Company

    • — supply of gas to Town of Clifton, 1868, c. 81

  • Niagara-Welland Power Company

    • — name changed from “The Niagara-Welland Power Company, Limited”, 1903, c. 129

    • — 1894, c. 102, s. 12 repealed; 1897, c. 73 repealed; 1899, c. 129, s. 2 repealed; 1903, c. 163, s. 12 repealed; powers extended; time extended, 1905, c. 133

    • — 1905, c. 133, s. 4 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 114

  • Niagara-Welland Power Company, Limited

    • — name changed from “Welland Power and Supply Canal Company, Limited”, 1899, c. 129

    • — 1894, c. 102, ss. 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 14 amended; 1899, c. 129, s. 4 repealed, 1903, c. 163

    • — name changed to “The Niagara-Welland Power Company”, 1903, c. 163

  • Nickel Steel Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 110

    • — Railway sidings; amalgamation, 1900, c. 109

  • Neepigon Mining Company

    • — incorporated, 1849, c. 168

  • North American Canal Company

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 66

  • North American Relations Foundation

    • — incorporated, 1926-27, c. 109

  • North American Telegraph Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 94

    • — 1886, c. 94, s. 4, 5 amended, 1904, c. 104

  • North Shore Transportation Company

    • — corporation continued; powers; capital stock, 1869, c. 64

  • North Star Silver Mining Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 117

  • Northern Commercial Telegraph Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 111

    • — 1898, c. 111, s. 8 amended; capital stock, 1899, c. 120

    • — capital stock; 1898, c. 111, s. 8 repealed, 1900, c. 110

    • — capital stock; 1898, c. 111, ss. 8, 9, 10 amended, 1906, c. 133

  • Northwest Telephone and Telegraph Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 136

  • Nova Scotia Steamship Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 115

    • — head office, 1886, c. 96

  • Nova Scotia Steel Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 117

    • — 1894, c. 117, s. 10 amended; purchase of Nova Scotia Steel and Forge Company, Ltd., 1895, c. 91

    • — 1894, c. 117, ss. 14, 15, 16, 17 added; preference shares, 1899, c. 121

    • — 1894, c. 117, ss. 18, 19, 20 added; sale of business, 1900, c. 111

  • Nova Scotia Steel and Forge Company (Limited)

    • — letters patent confirmed, 1892, c. 74

    • — sale to Nova Scotia Steel Company, Ltd., 1895, c. 91

  • Nova Scotia Telephone Company, Limited

    • — powers extended, 1888, c. 100

  • Okotoks and High River Lumbering and Development Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 107

  • Ontario and Erie Ship Canal Company

    • — incorporated, 1870, c. 48

    • — time extended, 1872, c. 93

  • Ontario Express and Transportation Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1878, c. 43

    • — charter continued, 1891, c. 110

  • Ontario and Michigan Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 115

  • Ontario and Minnesota Power Company (Limited)

    • — water power on Rainy River, 1905, c. 139

    • — application of 1905, c. 139, 1940-41, c. 37

  • Ontario Power Company of Niagara Falls

    • — name changed from “Canadian Power Company”, 1899, c. 105

    • — time extended; 1887, c. 120, ss. 12, 13 amended, 1900, c. 113

    • — capital stock, powers, 1902, c. 86

  • Ontario and Quebec Lumber and Timber Association

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 94

  • Ontario and Quebec Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 170

  • Ontario News Company

    • — company revived, 1980-81-82-83, c, 181

  • Ontario Shipping and Forwarding Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 113

  • Canadian Association of Optometrists

    • — incorporated, 1948, c. 82

  • City of Ottawa

    • — agreement with Ottawa Electric Railway Company, 1894, c. 86

    • — power to take water from certain lakes, 1913, c. 166

    • — agreement with Ottawa Electric Railway Company, 1924, c. 84

    • — purchase of Ottawa Electric Railway Company, 1949, c. 30

  • Ottawa Electric Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 111

    • — 1894, c. 111, ss. 3, 7, 13 amended, 1905, c. 140

    • — 1905, c. 140, s. 1 repealed; capital stock, 1913, c. 167

    • — capital stock; 1894, c. 111, s. 12 amended; s. 13 repealed, 1926-27, c. 110

    • — sale to Ottawa Light, Heat and Power Company Ltd., 1940, c. 53

  • Ottawa Gas Company

    • — powers confirmed and extended, 1876, c. 71

    • — bonds and debentures, 1894, c. 112

    • — 1876, c. 71, ss. 2, 3 repealed; capital stock, 1897, c. 74

    • — capital stock, 1913, c. 168

    • — capital stock; 1894, c. 112, new s. 1, 1926-27, c. 111

    • — sale to Ottawa Light, Heat and Power Company Ltd., 1940, c. 53

    • — 1876, c. 71 repealed, 2009, c. 23

  • Ottawa and Hull Fire Relief Fund

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 114

  • Ottawa and Hull Power and Manufacturing Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 108

  • Ottawa and Montreal Transmission Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 142

    • — 1910, c. 142, s. 19 repealed; time extended, 1913, c. 169

    • — 1913, c. 169 repealed; time extended, 1918, c. 73

  • Ottawa River Navigation Company

    • — abandonment of land grant, 1914, c. 83

  • Owen Sound Dry Dock Shipbuilding and Navigation Company (Limited)

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1884, c. 99

  • Dominion Grange of Patrons of Husbandry of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1877, c. 83

    • — 1877, c. 83 repealed; re-incorporated, 1880, c. 75

  • Patry, Henri

    • — permission to marry Aldéa Béa Pitt, 1984, c. 57

  • Pembroke Lumber Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 121

  • People’s Thrift Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1928, c. 80

  • Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1963, c. 77

  • Pickering Harbour and Road Joint Stock Company

    • — sale of, 1877, c. 67

  • Pictou Coal and Iron Company

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 91

    • — powers extended, 1886, c. 98

  • Pitt, Aldéa Béa

    • — permission to marry Henri Patry, 1984, c. 57

  • J.H. Poitras & Sons Ltd.

    • — company revived, 1978-79, c. 19

  • Polyventreprise Ltée

    • — company revived, 1980-81-82-83, c. 187

  • Port Nelson Company, Limited

    • — name changed to “The Port Nelson Trading Corporation”; share warrants, 1913, c. 178

  • Port Nelson Trading Corporation, Limited

    • — name changed from “Port Nelson Company, Limited”, 1913, c. 178

  • Primitive Methodist Colonization Company (Limited)

    • — capital stock, 1887, c. 119

  • Provincial Steamship Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 106

  • Puebla Light and Power Company, Limited

    • — name changed to “Puebla Tramway, Light and Power Company”; powers, 1906, c. 146

  • Puebla Tramway, Light and Power Company

    • — name changed from “Puebla Light and Power Company, Limited”, 1906, c. 146

  • Pyramid Communications Limited

    • — company revived, 1980-81-82-83, c. 174

  • Quebec and Gulf Ports Steamship Company

    • — powers extended, 1873, c. 108

    • — 1873, c. 108, s. 4 amended, 1880, c. 62

    • — name changed to “Quebec Steamship Company”, 1880, c. 62

  • Quebec Steamship Company

    • — name changed from “Quebec and Gulf Ports Steamship Company”, 1880, c. 62

    • — 1873, c. 108, s. 3 amended, 1899, c. 125

    • — consolidation; 1873, c. 108 repealed; 1880, c. 62 repealed; 1899, c. 125 repealed, 1921, c. 87

  • Quebec Timber Company (Limited)

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1882, c. 119

  • Queen’s College at Kingston

    • — status under Union of Presbyterian Churches; trustees, 1882, c. 123

    • — 1882, c. 123 empower the University Council, 1889, c. 103

    • — trustees, 1906, c. 152

    • — name changed to “Queen’s University at Kingston”; restrictions removed, 1912, c. 138

  • Queen’s Theological College

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 139

    • — 1912, c. 139, ss. 1, 2, 8, 11 to 14 amended; ss. 5, 9, 16 repealed, 2004, c. 29

  • Queen’s University at Kingston

    • — name changed from “Queen’s college at Kingston”, 1912, c. 138

    • — 1912, c. 138, ss. 10, 11 amended, 1914, c. 141

    • — amalgamation with The School of Mining and Agriculture, 1916, c. 62

    • — 1882, c. 123, s. 11 amended, 1960-61, c. 85

    • — 1912, c. 138, ss. 8, 10, 11 amended; ss. 12, 19 repealed; French name and terminology amended, 1996, c. 37, s. 6

    • — 1912, c. 138 amended by 2011, c. 27: s. 7 repealed, ss. 10 , 11 replaced, ss. 14, 15 repealed, s. 17 replaced, ss. 17.1, 17.2 added

  • Quinze Pier, Boom and Improvement Company

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 92

  • Rainy River Boom Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 97

  • Rathbun Company

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 89

    • — borrowing powers, 1891, c. 122

    • — 1883, c. 89, s. 4 amended, 1901, c. 109

    • — agreement with Bay of Quinté Railway Company, 1902, c. 40

    • — 1891, c. 122 repealed; powers extended, 1903, c. 180

  • Restigouche Boom Company

    • — Dominion incorporation; name changed to “The Restigouche Log Driving and Boom Company”, 1910, c. 155

  • Restigouche Log Driving and Boom Company

    • — name changed from “Restigouche Boom Company”, 1910, c. 155

    • — bonds, 1925, c. 78

    • — 1925, c. 78 repealed, 1931, c. 81

    • — 1910, c. 155, s. 7 amended, 1938, c. 60

  • Restigouche Riparian Association

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 133

  • Retail Merchants’ Association of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 156

  • Revillon Brothers, Limited

    • — powers extended, 1906, c. 154

    • — 1906, c. 154 repealed; powers transferred to Révillon Frères Trading Company, Ltd., 1912, c. 143

  • Révillon Frères Trading Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 143

    • — 1912, c. 143, s. 3 amended, 1938, c. 62

    • — name changed to “Rupert’s Land Trading Company”, 1938, c. 62

  • Richelieu Company

    • — name changed to “The Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company”; capital stock; directors, 1875, c. 85

  • Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company

    • — name changed from “Richelieu Company”, 1875, c. 85

    • — directors; stock; debentures, 1885, c. 91

    • — bonds, 1887, c. 101

    • — powers extended, 1894, c. 105

    • — capital; 1875, c. 85, ss. 2, 3 amended, 1899, c. 126

    • — bonding powers, 1906, c. 155

    • — powers extended; 1857, c. 170, ss. 3, 4, 6, 9 repealed; 1862, c. 69, ss. 2, 3 repealed; 1875, c. 85, ss. 3, 5 repealed; 1885, c. 91, s. 3 repealed; 1899, c. 126, s. 2 repealed, 1910, c. 157

    • — 1875, c. 85, s. 2 amended, 1911, c. 134

  • Richelieu River Hydraulic and Manufacturing Company

    • — dam across Richelieu River, 1874, c. 112

  • Rio de Janeiro Light and Power Company, Limited

    • — name changed to “The Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power Company, Limited”; powers in Brazil, 1904, c. 119

  • Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo Telephone Company

    • — name changed from “Interurban Company, limited”, 1914, c. 139

    • — name changed to “Brazilian Telephone Company”, 1923, c. 107

  • Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power Company, Limited

    • — name changed from “Rio de Janeiro Light and Power Company, Limited”, 1904, c. 119

    • — share warrants, 1906, c. 156

    • — 1904, c. 119 and 1906, c. 156 repealed; name to remain unchanged, 1957-58, c. 35

  • Rodriguez, Emilia

    • — permission to marry Juan Andrade, 1984, c. 56

  • Ross Rifle Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 96

  • Rouge Boom Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 111

  • Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

    • — name changed from the “Architectural Institute of Canada”, 1912, c. 64

    • — 1908, c. 82, ss. 4, 5 amended, 1929, c. 96

    • — consolidation; 1908, c. 82 repealed; 1912, c. 64 repealed; 1929, c. 96 repealed, 1955, c. 87

  • Royal Canadian Academy of Arts

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 122

    • — 1882, c. 122 repealed, 1913, c. 190

    • — 1913, c. 190, ss. 2 to 6, 9, 10 amended; s. 8 repealed; ss. 10 to 15 renumbered, 1952, c. 70

  • Royal Canadian Artillery Association

    • — name changed from “The Canadian Artillery Association”, 1949, c. 28

  • Royal Canadian Chemical Fire Engine Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 118

  • Royal Canadian Legion

    • — name changed from “The Canadian Legion”, 1960-61, c. 83

    • — 1948, c. 84, ss. 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 amended, 1974-75-76, c. 112

    • — 1948, c. 84, s. 4 amended, 1977-78, c. 47

    • — 1948, c. 84, s. 4, 6, 15 amended; Schedules I, II, III added, 1980-81-82-83, c. 179

  • Royal Canadian Passenger Steamship Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 88

  • Royal College of Dentists of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1964-65, c. 80

  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1929, c. 97

    • — 1929, c. 97, s. 8, 11 amended; s. 10A added, 1939, c. 63

    • — 1929, c. 97, ss. 5, 6, 8, 10A amended, 1945, c. 54

  • Royal Society of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 46

    • — 1883, c. 46, s. 1 amended; 5, 6, 8 repealed; ss. 7 and 9 renumbered as ss. 5 and 6, 1992, c. 58

  • Royal Victoria Hospital

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 125

    • — 1887, c. 125, ss. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 amended; s. 6 repealed, 1970-71-72, c. 67

  • Rupert’s Land Trading Company

    • — name changed from “Révillon Frères Trading Company, Limited”, 1938, c. 62

    • — 1912, c. 143, ss. 5, 11 amended, 1946, c. 87

  • Sable and Spanish Boom and Slide Company of Algoma (Limited)

    • — powers extended, 1886, c. 108

    • — 1886, c. 108, s. 4 amended, 1895, c. 76

  • Saguenay Electric Company

    • — approval of site and plans, 1942-43, c. 39

  • Saguenay Terminals Limited

    • — approval of site and plans, 1940, c. 49

  • Saguenay Transmission Company, Limited

    • — approval of site and plans, 1942-43, c. 39

  • Saint John River Storage Company

    • — provincial statutes relating to adopted; expropriation powers, 1928, c. 81

  • Sainte Croix Printing and Publishing Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 116

  • Sao Paulo Electric Company, Limited

    • — head office; name changed from “Brazilian Electro Steel and Smelting Company (Limited)”, 1957-58, c. 36

  • Sarnia-Port Huron Vehicular Tunnel Company

    • — incorporated, 1933, c. 59

    • — 1933, c. 59, s. 19 amended; time extended, 1935, c. 67

  • Saskatchewan Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 154

    • — 1908, c. 154, ss. 2, 3 amended; new s. 16, 1912, c. 148

  • University of Saskatchewan

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 47

    • — name changed to “The University of Emmanuel College”, 1914, c. 142

  • Sault St. Louis Light and Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 188

  • Saunders, Audrey Marie

    • — permission to marry Gerald Harvey Fudge, 1984, c. 52

  • School of Mining and Agriculture

    • — amalgamation with Queen’s University, 1916, c. 62

  • Scouts Canada Act

    • — incorporated, 2007, c. 38

    • — consolidated and name changed from “Boy Scouts of Canada”, 2007, c. 38

  • Seicho-No-Ie

    • — incorporated, 1964-65, c. 68

  • Shipping Federation of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 190

  • Shuswap and Thompson Rivers Boom Company

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 155

  • Socam Ltd. (see Montilac Ltd. etc.)

    • — companies revived, 1980-81-82-83, c. 175

  • Society of Canadian Artists

    • — incorporated, 1870, c. 59

  • Sprague’s Falls Manufacturing Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 103

    • — time extended, 1904, c. 126

  • St. Clair and Erie Ship Canal Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 104

    • — 1894, c. 104, s. 22 amended, 1895, c. 75

    • — 1894, c. 104, s. 3 amended; time extended, 1896(2nd), c. 12

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 128

    • — 1899, c. 128, s. 21 amended, 1900, c. 119

    • — time extended, 1902, c. 98

    • — 1899, c. 128 revived; 1900, c. 119 revived; 1899, c. 128, s. 28 repealed, 1904, c. 122

    • — acts relating to revived; time extended, 1906, c. 158

    • — time extended, 1908, c. 153

    • — 1899, c. 128, ss. 2, 21 amended; 1899, c. 128, s. 30 repealed; 1900, c. 119 repealed; 1902, c. 98 repealed; 1904, c. 122 repealed; 1906, c. 158 repealed; 1908, c. 153 repealed, 1910, c. 165

    • — 1910, c. 165, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1912, c. 153

  • St. Clair and Lake Erie Navigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1880, c. 63

  • General Council of the Canadian Branch of the St. John Ambulance Association

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 145

    • — 1914, c. 145, ss. 2 to7 amended; ss. 8 to 13 added, 1964-65, c. 77

    • — name changed to “St. John Priory of Canada Properties”, 1964-65, c. 77

  • St. John Priory of Canada Properties

    • — name changed from “ The General Council of the Canadian Branch of the St. John Ambulance Association”, 1964-65, c. 77

  • St. Lawrence Navigation Company (Steam)

    • — name changed from “St. Lawrence Tow-Boat Company”, 1874, c. 107

    • — name changed to “The St. Lawrence Steam Navigation Company”; powers extended, 1875, c. 87

  • St. Lawrence Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 111

  • St. Lawrence Power Transmission Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 166

  • St. Lawrence Steam Navigation Company

    • — name changed from “St. Lawrence Navigation Company (Steam)”, 1875, c. 87

  • St. Lawrence Terminal and Steamship Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 120

  • St. Lawrence Tow-Boat Company

    • — incorporated, 1869, c. 71

    • — name changed to “St. Lawrence Navigation Company (Steam)”, 1874, c. 107

  • Stadacona Mines (1944) Limited

    • — company revived, 1984, c. 61

  • Stewart River Development Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 195

  • Strass, Marianne

    • — permission to marry, 1974-75-76, c. 113

  • Subsidiary High Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters in the Dominion of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 91

    • — transfer of Provincial Corporation assets to, 1901, c. 101

    • — 1898, c. 91, ss. 1, 10 amended; s. 12 repealed, 1908, c. 108

    • — 1898, c. 91, s. 6 amended, 1912, c. 93

    • — 1898, c. 91, s. 1 amended, 1923, c. 108

    • — 1898, c. 91, s. 1 amended, 1926-27, c. 106

    • — 1898, c. 91, s. 10A added, 1931, c. 80

  • Supreme Court of the Independent Order of Foresters

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 104

    • — 1889, c. 104, ss. 4, 6 amended; ss. 8, 9, 11 repealed; investment of funds, 1896, c. 51

    • — 1899, c. 104, ss. 4, 6 amended; 1896, c. 51, ss. 3, 7, 10 amended; assets of Provincial Corporation transferred to, 1901, c. 100

    • — name changed to “The Independent Order of Foresters”, 1913, c. 113

  • Thompson River Improvement Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 130

  • Thomson and Houston Electric Light Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 97

  • Thunder Bay Silver Mines Telegraph Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 97

  • Tobique Manufacturing Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 116

    • — name changed to “Fraser Lumber Company, Limited”, 1908, c. 162

  • Toronto Hotel Company

    • — powers granted to certain corporations, 1900, c. 122

  • Toronto Manufacturing Company (limited)

    • — amalgamation with The Canadian Telegraph Supply Manufacturing Company (limited) under name “Electric and Hardware Manufacturing Company (limited)”, 1874, c. 85

  • Toronto and Niagara Power Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 107

  • Tremus Industries Limited

    • — company revived, 1980-81-82-83, c. 176

  • Twelve Mile Power Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 172

  • Ukranian National Federation of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1950, c. 66

    • — 1950, c. 66, s. 8A added, 1963, c. 79

  • Union Atlantic Cable Company

    • — incorporated, 1877, c. 68

  • United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 146

  • United Gold Fields of British Columbia (Limited)

    • — powers extended; time limited, 1902, c. 110

    • — 1902, c. 110, s. 1 amended, 1912, c. 160

  • United Grain Growers Limited

    • — name changed from “Grain Growers’ Grain Company, Limited”, 1917, c. 79

    • — 1911, c. 80, s. 8A added, 1918, c. 74

    • — 1911, c. 80, s. 17 amended; shares, 1940-41, c. 40

    • — 1911, c. 80, s. 5 repealed; ss. 4, 6, 8, 17 amended; 1940-41, c. 40, s. 3 amended; shares, 1950, c. 67

    • — 1911, c. 80, s. 4; Schedule amended, 1966-67, c. 121

    • — 1911, c. 80, ss. 4, 20 amended; 1966-67, c. 121, Schedule amended; French name changed, 1974-75-76, c. 118

    • — 1911, c. 80, s. 4 and Sch. amended, 1984, c. 51

    • — 1911, c. 80 repealed; 1918, c. 74 repealed; 1917, c. 79 repealed; 1940-41, c. 40 repealed; 1966-67, c. 121 repealed; 1974-75-76, c. 118 repealed; 1984, c. 51 repealed, 1992, c. 59

    • — continued under the new United Grain Growers Act, 1992, c. 59

    • — 1911, c. 80, s. 26 (F) amended, 1994, c. 24

    • — 1992, c. 59, s. 25 amended, 2009, c. 23

  • Universal Eucozone Limited

    • — incorporated, 1939, c. 66

  • Universities and Colleges of Canada, Association of

    • — incorporated, 1964-65, c. 75

  • Upper Ottawa Improvement Company

    • — charter confirmed; new powers, 1875, c. 77

    • — powers extended, 1876, c. 72

    • — works authorized; capital; powers extended, 1888, c. 102

  • Vancouver Dock and Ship Building Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 129

  • Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1953-54, c. 81

  • Vivian, H.H. and Company, Limited

    • — powers, 1890, c. 104

  • Waddell, François Eugène Arthur

    • — permission to marry Mary Anne Marguerite Benoît, 1977-78, c. 46

  • Ward, James K.

    • — booms in channel between Isle St. Ignace and Isle-du-Pads, 1873, c. 125

  • Warrior Mower Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 119

  • Welland Power and Supply Canal Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 102

    • — time extended, 1897, c. 73

    • — 1894, c. 102, s. 5 amended; time extended, 1899, c. 129

    • — name changed to “The Niagara-Welland Power Company, Limited”; time extended, 1899, c. 129

  • West Canadian Collieries, Limited

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1904, c. 140

  • Western Canada Telephone Company

    • — incorporated, 1916, c. 66

    • — 1916, c. 66, ss. 5, 6, 13, 16 amended, 1940-41, c. 36

    • — name changed to “British Columbia Telephone Company”

    • — 1916, c. 66 repealed, 2000, c. 29

  • Western Canal Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 149

  • Wieland, Thomas Siegfried

    • — permission to marry Pearl Kim Lee, 1984, c. 59

  • C.W. Williams Manufacturing Company

    • — name changed to “Williams Manufacturing Company”; powers extended, 1882, c. 118

  • Williams Manufacturing Company

    • — name changed from “C.W. Williams Manufacturing Company”, 1882, c. 118

  • Winnipeg Western Land Corporation, Limited

    • — winding-up, 1903, c. 204

  • Women’s Art Association of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 142

  • Wrecking and Salvage Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 62

  • Yale-Kootenay Telegraph Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 131

  • Yarmouth Steamship Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 95

    • — 1886, c. 95, ss. 9, 14, 15, 20 amended, 1900, c. 124

  • Yellowknife Electric Ltd.

    • — company revived, 1987, c. 56

  • Yellowknife Telephone Company

    • — incorporated, 1947, c. 95

  • York Farmers Colonization Company

    • — capital stock, 1888, c. 106

  • Yukon and British Columbia Trading and Development Company of Canada, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1896, c. 41

  • Yukon Mining and Transportation Company (foreign)

    •  declaratory; powers extended, 1897, c. 91