Alphabetical list of Private Acts — Railways

  • Abitibi and Hudson Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 55

    • — time extended, 1909, c. 38

  • Albert and Moncton Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 29

  • Alberta and Athabasca Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1885, c. 88

    • — land grant bonds, 1887, c. 78

    • — powers extended; name changed to “The North-Western Railway Company of Canada”, 1889, c. 65

  • Alberta and Brazeau River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 79

  • Alberta and British Columbia Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 78

    • — time extended, 1910, c. 63

  • Alberta Central Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 44

    • — time extended; extension of line, 1903, c. 75

    • — 1903, c. 75, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 51

    • — 1901, c. 44, ss. 1, 5 amended; 1905, c. 51 repealed; time extended, 1907, c. 56

    • — 1901, c. 44, ss. 4, 9 repealed; 1907, c. 56, s. 3 repealed; lines authorized; capital increased; time extended, 1909, c. 39

    • — 1909, c. 39, ss. 2, 5 repealed; lines authorized; powers extended; time extended, 1911, c. 30

    • — 1911, c. 30, s. 10 repealed; time extended, 1913, c. 58

    • — agreement with The Canadian Northern Western Railway Company, 1914, c. 71

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 29

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956-57, c. 40

  • Alberta Electric Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 31

    • — name changed to “the Alberta Interurban Railway Company”, 1912, c. 60

  • Alberta Interurban Railway Company

    • — name changed from the “Alberta Electric Railway Company”, 1912, c. 60

    • — corporate organization; time extended, 1913, c. 59

  • Alberta Pacific Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Western Dominion Railway Company, 1914, c. 115

  • Alberta, Peace River and Eastern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 64

    • — time extended, 1912, c. 61

  • Alberta Railway and Coal Company

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 86

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 50

    • — railway gauge; purchase or lease of North-Western Coal and Navigation Company (Limited), 1890, c. 85

    • — 1889, c. 50, s. 7 repealed; 1890, c. 85, s. 2 amended; purchase of North-Western Coal and Navigation Company, 1891, c. 77

    • — powers extended, 1892, c. 30

    • — sale or lease to C.P.R., 1893, c. 38

    • — debenture stock, 1895, c. 45

    • — sale or lease of railway, 1901, c. 45

    • — amalgamation with St. Mary’s River Railway Company, 1903, c. 76

    • — amalgamation with Canadian North-west Irrigation Company and St. Mary’s River Railway Company under name “Alberta Railway and Irrigation Company”, 1904, c. 43

  • Alberta Railway and Irrigation Company

    • — incorporated; amalgamation with Alberta Railway and Coal Company, Canadian North-west Irrigation Company and St. Mary’s River Railway Company under name of, 1904, c. 43

    • — purchase of or amalgamation with Western Alberta Railway Company, 1905, c. 52

    • — time extended, 1906, c. 53

    • — 1906, c. 53 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 32

    • — securities, 1912, c. 62

    • — time extended; electric power, 1913, c. 60

    • — time extended; securities, 1925, c. 57

    • — time extended, 1926-27, c. 77

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956-57, c. 40

  • Alberta Southern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 61

  • Alexander Gibson Railway and Manufacturing Company

    • — purchase of Canada Eastern Railway Company, 1898, c. 59

    • — sale to Canada Eastern Railway Company, 1902, c. 46

  • Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The Algoma Central Railway Company”, 1901, c. 46

    • — 1899, c. 50, s. 11 amended, 1902, c. 38

    • — 1901, c. 46, s. 2 amended; time extended; agreement with Algoma Commercial Company Ltd., 1905, c. 53

    • — agreements authorized, 1906, c. 54

    • — 1899, c. 50, s. 6 amended; time extended, 1907, c. 57

    • — 1905, c. 53, s. 2 repealed; 1907, c. 57, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 40

    • — 1905, c. 53, s. 1 repealed; securities; time extended, 1910, c. 65

    • — 1909, c. 40 repealed; time extended; line authorized; capital stock, 1911, c. 34

    • — scheme of arrangement, 1916, c. 32

    • — time extended, 1926-27, c. 78

    • — time extended, 1930, c. 51

    • — scheme of arrangement; capital stock; 1916, c. 32 repealed, 1931, c. 62

    • — time extended, 1932-33, c. 56

    • — bonds; capital increased, 1958, c. 53

    • — directors; securities, 1960, c. 62

    • — name changed to “Algoma Central Railway”; capital stock, 1965, c. 22

  • Algoma Central Railway

    • — name changed from “The Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Railway Company”, 1965, c. 22

  • Algoma Central Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 50

    • — 1899, c. 50, s. 8 amended, 1900, c. 49

    • — name changed to “The Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Railway Company”; powers extended, 1901, c. 46

  • Algoma Copper Range Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 54

  • Algoma Eastern Railway Company

    • — name change from the “Manitoulin and North Shore Railway Company”, 1911, c. 111

    • — 1910, c. 122, ss. 1, 2, 3 repealed; time extended, 1912, c. 63

    • — 1900, c. 64, ss. 8, 9 repealed; 1911, c. 111, s. 2 repealed; time extended; electric power; 1913, c. 62

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1958, c. 54

  • Algonquin Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 60

  • Alsek and Yukon Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 58

    • — time extended, 1909, c. 41

    • — 1909, c. 41 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 35

  • Annapolis Atlantic Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 73

  • Anthracite Coal Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 56

  • Arnaud Railway Company

    • — declaratory; application of provincial statutes; agreements authorized, 1960, c. 63

  • Arnprior and Pontiac Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 47

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 44

  • Arthabaska Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 51

  • Ashcroft, Barkerville and Fort George Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 58

    • — tine extended, 1908, c. 83

  • Assiniboia, Edmonton and Unjiga Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 53

  • Athabasca and Grande Prairie Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 64

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 30

  • Athabaska Northern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 57

    • — time extended, 1907, c. 62

    • — 1907, c. 62 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 46

    • — 1909, c. 46 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 36

    • — 1905, c. 57, ss. 10, 11 repealed; 1911, c. 36 repealed; powers extended; time extended, 1913, c. 65

    • — 1913, c. 65, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1915, c. 31

    • — 1915, c. 31, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1917, c. 45

  • Athabasca Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 58

    • — 1905, c. 58, s. 12 amended; line authorized; time extended, 1907, c. 61

    • — 1907, c. 61, s. 3 repealed; agreements authorized; time extended, 1909, c. 45

  • Atikokan Iron Range Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 61

    • — 1891, c. 61 revived; time limited, 1897, c. 35

  • Atlantic and Lake Superior Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 39

    • — purchase of Baie des Chaleurs Railway, Great Eastern Railway and Ottawa Valley Railway; lease of Montreal Bridge, 1894, c. 63

    • — completion and operation of railway, 1901, c. 48

  • Atlantic and North-West Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1879, c. 65

    • — mortgage bonds; agreements authorized, 1883, c. 63

    • — sale to Ontario and Quebec Railway Company, 1884, c. 61

    • — lease to C.P.R., 1887, c. 56

    • — purchase of Waterloo and Magog Railway Company, 1887, c. 68

    • — deeds of sale ratified, 1887, c. 69

    • — time extended, 1889, c. 71

    • — sale or lease to C.P.R.; time extended, 1894, c. 62

    • — time extended, 1899, c. 52

    • — time extended, 1904, c. 45

  • Atlantic, Quebec and Western Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers, 1903, c. 81

    • — 1903, c. 81, s. 4 amended; time extended, 1904, c. 46

    • — 1903, c. 81, s. 4 amended; 1904, c. 46 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 59

    • — 1903, c. 81, s. 4 amended; 1905, c. 59 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 59

    • — 1903, c. 81, ss. 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 amended; ss. 4A, 4B, 9B, 10A to 10F added, 1907, c. 63

    • — 1907, c. 63, s. 7 repealed; 1903, c. 81, s. 10 amended; ss. 10A, 10B repealed; securities, 1908, c. 84

  • Atlin Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 61

    • — time extended, 1916, c. 33

  • Baie des Chaleurs Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1891, c. 97

    • — sale to Atlantic and Lake Superior Railway Company, 1894, c. 63

  • Battleford and Lake Lenore Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 39

    • — 1902, c. 39, s. 8 amended; s. 12 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 60

  • Bay of Quinté Railway Company

    • — amalgamation of Kingston, Napanee and Western Railway Company and Bay of Quinté Railway and Navigation Company under name of, 1896, c. 15

    • — powers; time extended, 1900, c. 50

    • — agreement with Rathbun Company; capital stock, 1902, c. 40

    • — 1896, c. 15, s. 7 repealed; 1900, c. 50, s. 4 repealed 1902, c. 40, s. 5 repealed; branch line; time extended, 1905, c. 61

    • — 1905, c. 61, s. 2 repealed; branch line; time extended, 1910, c. 67

    • — agreements authorized, 1911, c. 39

  • Bay of Quinté Railway and Navigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 46

    • — amalgamation with Kingston, Napanee and Western Railway Company under name “The Bay of Quinté Railway Company”, 1896, c. 15

  • Beauharnois Junction Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway, 1893, c. 47

  • Bedlington and Nelson Railway Company

    • — declaratory; agreements authorized, 1899, c. 53

  • Belleville and Lake Nipissing Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 68

    • — time extended; debenture stock, 1890, c. 65

    • — time extended, 1892, c. 31

  • Berlin and Canadian Pacific Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 89

    • — 1887, c. 89, s. 2 amended; s. 21 repealed, 1889, c. 75

    • — 1887, c. 89 revived; ss. 4, 5, 6 repealed; 1891, c. 85

  • Berlin, Waterloo, Wellesley and Lake Huron Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 84

    • — line authorized; agreements authorized, 1904, c. 47

    • — name changed to “The Grand River Railway Company”, 1914, c. 72

  • Bessemer and Barry’s Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 48

  • Boundary, Kamloops and Cariboo Central Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 49

    • — 1904, ch. 49, s. 7 amended; time extended, 1906, c. 62

    • — 1906, c. 62, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1908, c. 86

  • Bow River Coal Mine Railway and Transportation Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 87

  • Boynton Bicycle Electric Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 64

  • Brandon, Saskatchewan and Hudson’s Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 86

    • — 1903, c. 86, s. 10 repealed; time extended; line authorized, 1905, c. 62

    • — 1905, c. 62, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 71

    • — purchase of Manitoba Great Northern Railway Company, 1926-27, c. 79

  • Brandon and South-Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 86

    • — 1890, c. 86 revived; time limited, 1894, c. 65

    • — time extended, 1896, c. 16

    • — time extended, 1898, c. 55

    • — 1890, c. 86, ss. 2, 3 amended, 1899, c. 54

    • — 1890, c. 86, ss. 3, 5, 9, 10 amended, 1900, c. 51

    • — sale or lease to C.P.R.; 1890, c. 86, s. 2 amended; time extended, 1903, c. 85

  • Brandon Transfer Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 63

    • — time extended, 1909, c. 49

  • Brantford and Hamilton Electric Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 50

    • — line authorized, 1913, c. 71

    • — 1913, c. 71, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1915, c. 32

  • Brantford, Norfolk and Port Burwell Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway, 1893, c. 47

  • Brantford, Waterloo and Lake Erie Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1885, c. 20

    • — 1885, c. 20, ss. 6, 11, 17 amended; s. 18 repealed; time extended, 1887, c. 64

    • — agreement with City of Brantford, 1888, c. 62

    • — 1885, c. 20, ss. 3, 5, 9, 11 amended, 1890, c. 50

    • — sale to Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company, 1891, c. 86

  • Brantford and Woodstock Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 63

  • Brighton, Warkworth and Norwood Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 64

  • British Columbia and Central Canada Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 43

  • British Columbia and Dawson Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 44

    • — lines authorized; time extended, 1912, c. 69

  • British Columbia Electric Railway Company, Limited

    • — agreement with C.P.R., 1907, c. 66

  • British Columbia and Manitoba Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Crawford Bay and St. Mary’s Railway Company”, 1909, c. 79

  • British Columbia Southern Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers extended, 1897, c. 36

    • — lease to C.P.R., 1898, c. 56

    • — time extended, 1899, c. 55

    • — time extended, 1900, c. 52

    • — time extended, 1901, c. 49

    • — time extended, 1903, c. 87

    • — time extended, 1904, c. 52

    • — time extended, 1906, c. 66

    • — securities; time extended, 1908, c. 87

    • — line authorized; time extended, 1909, c. 54

    • — 1909, c. 54, s. 3 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 46

    • — 1911, c. 46, s. 1 repealed; time extended; powers extended, 1913, c. 74

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 33

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1956-57, c. 40

  • British Columbia and White River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 45

    • — time extended, 1913, c. 75

    • — 1913, c. 75 repealed; time extended, 1915, c. 34

    • — 1915, c. 34, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1917, c. 46

  • British Yukon Mining, Trading and Transportation Company

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 89

    • — name changed to “The British Yukon Railway Company”; agreements authorized, 1900, c. 53

  • British Yukon Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The British Yukon Mining, Trading and Transportation Company”, 1900, c. 53

    • — line authorized, 1901, c. 50

    • — line authorized; securities, 1908, c. 88

  • Brockville and Ottawa Railway Company

    • — mortgage debentures, 1874, c. 69

    • — amalgamation with Canada Central Railway Company, 1878, c. 36

  • Brockville, Westport and North-western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 88

    • — 1903, c. 88, s. 14 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 64

    • — 1903, c. 88, s. 7 amended; 1905, c. 64 repealed; time extended, 1907, c. 67

    • — 1907, c. 67, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 55

    • — agreements authorized, 1911, c. 47

  • Bruce Peninsula Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 62

  • Brûlé, Grand Prairie and Peace River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1915, c. 25

  • Buckingham and Lièvre River Railway Company

    • — incorporated; sale or lease to C.P.R., 1892, c. 32

  • Buctouche Railway and Transportation Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 73

    • — 1910, c. 73, ss. 7, 9, 11 amended; line authorized; time extended, 1913, c. 79

    • — name changed to “The Moncton and Northumberland Strait Railway Company”, 1913, c. 79

  • Buffalo Lake and Battleford Railway, Coal and Iron Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 59

  • Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Company

    • — agreement with Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, 1867, c. 19

    • — sale to Grand Trunk Railway, 1870, c. 49

    • — bond debt, 1873, c. 84

  • Buffalo, Niagara and Toronto Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 67

    • — 1906, c. 67, ss. 8, 15 amended; powers revived; time extended, 1911, c. 49

  • Buffalo Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1900, c. 54

    • — 1900, c. 54, s. 1 amended; succeed by International Railway Company, 1902, c. 43

  • Burk’s Falls and French River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 69

  • Burrard Inlet and Westminster Valley Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 57

  • Burrard, Westminster Boundary Railway and Navigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 68

    • — 1907, c. 68, s. 8 amended; time extended, 1909, c. 56

    • — 1909, c. 56, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 50

    • — 1907, c. 68, ss. 4, 10, 12, 15 amended; 1911, c. 50 repealed, 1913, c. 81

  • Cabano Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 57

  • Calgary, Alberta and Montana Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 51

  • Calgary and Battleford Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 65

  • Calgary and Edmonton Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 84

    • — line authorized, 1898, c. 57

    • — debenture stock; branch lines, 1903, c. 89

    • — 1903, c. 89, s. 6 amended; bonds, 1905, c. 66

    • — extension authorized, 1906, c. 70

    • — line authorized; time limited, 1907, c. 69

    • — extension authorized; time extended, 1910, c. 76

    • — lines authorized; time extended, 1914, c. 74

    • — time extended, 1916, c. 35

  • Calgary and Fernie Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 71

    • — time extended, 1908, c. 89

    • — 1908, c. 89 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 77

    • — 1910, c. 77 repealed; 1906, c. 71, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1912, c. 72

    • — 1906, c. 71, ss. 4, 8, 9 amended; 1912, c. 72, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1914, c. 75

    • — 1914, c. 75, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1915, c. 35

    • — 1915, c. 35, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1917, c. 47

    • — 1917, c. 47 repealed; time extended, 1919, c. 77

    • — 1919, c. 77 repealed; time extended, 1921, c. 55

    • — 1921, c. 55 repealed; time extended, 1923, c. 75

    • — 1923, c. 75, s. 1 repealed; delivery of bond to government; time extended, 1925, c. 58

    • — 1925, c. 58, ss. 1, 3 repealed; 1914, c. 75, s. 4 amended; delivery of bond; time extended, 1928, c. 55

    • — 1928, c. 55, ss. 1, 3 repealed; bond declared null and void; time extended, 1930, c. 52

  • Calgary and Fort McMurray Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 82

  • Calgary, Red Deer and Battleford Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 67

  • Calgary Street Railway Company

    • — The Calgary Street Railway Act, 1893, incorporated, 1893, c. 40

  • Campbellford, Lake Ontario and Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 54

    • — time extended, 1906, c. 72

    • — 1906, c. 72 repealed; time extended, 1908, c. 90

    • — 1908, c. 90, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 78

    • — line authorized; securities; 1908, c. 90 and 1910, c. 78 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 51

    • — securities, 1913, c. 83

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956, c. 55

  • Canada Atlantic Railway Company

    • — amalgamation of Coteau and Province Line Railway and Bridge Company and Montreal and City of Ottawa Junction Railway under name of, 1879, c. 57

    • — mortgage bonds; 1879, c. 57, Sch. amended; time extended, 1886, c. 72

    • — bonds, 1887, c. 67

    • — 1879, c. 57, s. 5 amended; powers extended; time extended,1892, c. 33

    • — 1877, c. 61, s. 1 repealed; extension authorized; agreements authorized; time extended, 1897, c. 37

    • — powers extended, 1898, c. 58

    • — amalgamated with Ottawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound Railway Company, 1899, c. 81

    • — line authorized; capital stock; bonds; 1899, c. 81, s. 8 repealed; powers; 1879, c. 57, s. 5 repealed, 1903, c. 90

    • — 1903, c. 90, s. 3 repealed; securities, 1905, c. 50

    • — acquisition of shares of Pembroke Southern Railway Company, 1906, c. 73

    • — acquisition of shares of Ottawa Terminal Railway Company, 1907, c. 117

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1914, c. 89

  • Canada Central Railway Company (Hawkesbury to Vaudreuil)

    • — time extended; amalgamation, 1870, c. 52

    • — extension of line, 1872, c. 68

    • — bonds, 1874, c. 69

    • — powers extended; amalgamation; time extended, 1875, c. 67

    • — amalgamation with Brockville and Ottawa Railway Company, 1878, c. 36

    • — time extended; bridge over St. Mary River, 1880, c. 52

  • Canada Central Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 45

    • — extension authorized, 1903, c. 91

    • — 1902, c. 45, s. 15 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 68

    • — 1905, c. 68 repealed; agreements authorized; time extended, 1907, c. 70

  • Canada Eastern Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The Northern and Western Railway Company of New Brunswick, 1890, c. 74

    • — sale to Alexander Gibson Railway and Manufacturing Company, 1898, c. 59

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 46

  • Canada National Railway and Transport Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 51

    • — 1901, c. 51, s. 4 amended; time extended, 1903, c. 92

  • Canada Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 73

  • Canada Southern Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Erie and Niagara Extension Railway Company”; Dominion incorporation; 1874, c. 68

    • — purchase of Erie and Niagara Railway Company, 1875, c. 66

    • — agreement with Erie and Niagara Railway Company and Great Western Railway Company, 1875, c. 72

    • — scheme of arrangement, 1878, c. 27

    • — purchase of Leamington and St. Clair Railway Company; time extended, 1882, c. 68

    • — time extended, 1885, c. 15

    • — agreement with the Grand Trunk Railway and the London and Port Stanley Railway Company, 1888, c. 59

    • — agreement with London and South Eastern Railway Company, 1888, c. 60

    • — 1875, c. 66 revived; 1882, c. 68 revived; time extended, 1888, c. 61

    • — time extended, 1892, c. 34

    • — agreement with Michigan Central Rd. Company, 1894, c. 66

    • — lease of Leamington and St. Clair Railway Company; time extended, 1895, c. 46

    • — agreements with Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway Company, Michigan Central Railway Company; London and South Eastern Railway Company; London and Port Stanley Railway Company; time extended, 1897, c. 38

    • — time extended, 1902, c. 47

    • — agreements with Michigan Central Rd. Company and Père Marquette Railroad Company; amalgamation with Sarnia, Chatham and Erie Railway Company and Leamington and St. Clair Railway Company, 1904, c. 55

    • — bonds; time extended, 1905, c. 71

    • — traffic agreement with Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company, Michigan Central Railroad Company, New York Central Railroad Company and C.P.R., 1916, c. 50

    • — Michigan Central Railroad Company power to sell or lease its interest in Canada Southern Railway, 1924, c. 77

  • Canadian Central and Labrador Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 89

  • Canadian Inter-Mountain Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 55

  • Canadian, Liverpool and Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 61

  • Canadian North Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 95

  • Canadian Northern Branch Lines Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 56

    • — powers transferred to Can. Northern Railway Company, 1914, c. 76

  • Canadian Northern Montreal Tunnel and Terminal Company, Limited

    • — declaratory; tunnel and railway authorized, 1912, c. 74

    • — agreement with Can. Northern Railway Company, Can. Northern Ont. Railway Company and Can. Northern Que. Railway Company; name changed to “Mount Royal Tunnel and Terminal Company, Limited”, 1914, c. 78

  • Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Company

    • — name changed from “James Bay Railway Company”, 1907, c. 72

    • — lines authorized; securities, 1908, c. 93

    • — lines authorized; time extended, 1909, c. 63

    • — agreements authorized; securities, 1910, c. 79

    • — securities; time extended, 1911, c. 57

    • — 1907, c. 72, s. 1 amended; 1910, c. 79, s. 2 amended; lines authorized, 1912, c. 75

    • — 1908, c. 93, s. 3 repealed; 1911, c. 57, s. 2 amended; securities; lines authorized; time extended; electric power, 1913, c. 92

    • — agreement with Canadian Northern Railway Company, Canadian Northern Quebec Railway Company and Canadian Northern Montreal Tunnel and Terminal Company Limited, 1914, c. 78

    • — agreements authorized; time extended, 1914, c. 79

    • — purchase of Carillon and Grenville Railway Company, 1914, c. 80

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 37

    • — time extended, 1916, c. 37

    • — agreements with C.P.R. and Can. Northern Railway Company, 1916, c. 38

    • — time extended, 1918, c. 53

  • Canadian Northern Pacific Railway Company

    • — agreement with Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway and Navigation Company, 1917, c. 59

    • — agreement with Great Northern Railway Company (Minnesota) and Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway and Navigation Company, 1944-45, c. 55

    • — 1944-45, c. 55, ss. 6, 7, 8, 9 added, 1945, c. 42

  • Canadian Northern Quebec Railway Company

    • — bonds; mortgage; time limited, 1907, c. 73

    • — line authorized, 1908, c. 94

    • — securities; time extended, 1909, c. 64

    • — lines authorized; time limited, 1911, c. 58

    • — lines authorized; agreement with Canadian Northern Montreal Tunnel and Terminal Company, Limited, 1912, c. 76

    • — 1911, c. 58, s. 3 repealed; electric power; lines authorized; time limited, 1913, c. 93

    • — agreement with Canadian Northern Railway Company, Northern Ontario Railway Company and Canadian Northern Montreal Tunnel and Terminal Company, Limited, 1914, c. 78

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 38

    • — time extended, 1917, c. 48

  • Canadian Northern Railway Company

    • — amalgamation of Winnipeg Great Northern Railway Company and Lake Manitoba Railway and Canal Company under name of, 1899, c. 57

    • — 1899, c. 57 agreements confirmed; amalgamation with Ontario and Rainy River Railway Company powers extended, 1901, c. 52

    • — lease of Northern Pacific and Manitoba Railway Company, Winnipeg Transfer Railway Company (Ltd.), Portage and North-Western Railway Company and Waskada and North-Eastern Railway Company; powers extended, 1901, c. 53

    • — lines authorized; powers extended, 1902, c. 50

    • — powers; amalgamation with Western Extension Railway Company, 1903, c. 97

    • — bonds; amalgamation with Northern Extension Railway and James Bay Railway, 1904, c. 60

    • — lines authorized; time extended, 1905, .c 72

    • — mortgage guarantee, 1905, c. 99

    • — bonds; securities, 1907, c. 71

    • — capital stock; lines authorized, 1908, c. 92

    • — securities, 1909, c. 64

    • — securities; lines authorized; time limited, 1910, c. 80

    • — lines authorized; time extended, 1912, c. 77

    • — agreement with C.P.R.; electric power; lines authorized, 1913, c. 94

    • — powers of Can. Northern Branch Lines Company transferred to; lines authorized, 1914, c. 76

    • — securities, 1914, c. 77

    • — agreement with Mount Royal Tunnel and Terminal Company Ltd., Can. Northern Ont. Railway Company and with Midland Railway Company of Manitoba, 1914, c. 78

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 36

    • — time extended, 1916, c. 36

    • — agreements with C.P.R. and Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Company, 1916, c. 38

  • Canadian Northern Western Railway Company

    • — agreement with Alberta Central Railway Company, 1914, c. 71

  • Canadian Pacific Railway

    • — agreement to make, 1872, c. 71

    • — lease of railways, 1883, c. 55

    • — lease of Ontario and Quebec Railway Company and Manitoba South-Western Colonization Railway, 1884, c. 54

    • — lease of Ontario and Quebec Railway Company, 1884, c. 61

    • — powers to lease, acquire or sell certain lines, 1887, c. 56

    • — bonds, 1888, c. 51

    • — debenture stock, 1889, c. 69

    • — use of steam vessels, 1889, c. 73

    • — 1889, c. 69, ss. 4, 5, 6 amended, 1890, c. 47

    • — lease of Montreal and Western Railway Company, 1890, c. 67

    • — purchase of branch line of Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway Company, 1890, c. 69

    • — lease of Qu’Appelle, Long Lake and Saskatchewan Rd. and Steamboat Company, 1890, c. 82

    • — power to purchase railways, 1891, c. 70

    • — debenture stock, 1891, c. 71

    • — lease of Shuswap and Okanogan Railway Company, 1891, c. 72

    • — lease of Guelph Junction Railway Company, 1891, c. 73

    • — lease of New Brunswick Railway Company, 1891, c. 74

    • — capital stock, 1892, c. 35

    • — lease of Tobique Valley Railway Company, 1892, c. 60

    • — agreement with City of Toronto and Ontario and Quebec Railway Company, 1892, c. 61

    • — capital stock, 1893, c. 41

    • — agreement with Grand Trunk Railway and City of Toronto, 1893, c. 48

    • — agreement with Grand Trunk Railway, 1896(2nd Session), c. 6

    • — agreement with Hull Electric Company, 1897, c. 39

    • — lease of B.C. Southern Railway Company, 1898, c. 56

    • — powers extended, 1898, c. 60

    • — agreement with St. Stephen and Milltown Railway Company, 1898, c. 84

    • — line authorized; bonds, 1899, c. 58

    • — agreement with Hull Electric Company, 1899, c. 59

    • — powers extended, 1900, c. 55

    • — lines authorized, 1901, c. 54

    • — 1881, c. 1, s. 6 amended; powers extended, 1902, c. 52

    • — debenture stock, 1903, c. 98

    • — time extended, 1904, c. 62

    • — bonds; line authorized, 1904, c. 63

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 73

    • — 1901, c. 54, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1906, c. 77

    • — agreements with British Columbia Electric Railway Company, Limited and Vancouver and Lulu Island Railway Company, 1907, c. 66

    • — bonds; securities; lines authorized; time limited, 1907, c. 74

    • — lease of Joliette and Brandon Railway Company, 1907, c. 97

    • — bonds; line authorized, 1908, c. 95

    • — debenture stock; line authorized; time extended, 1909, c. 65

    • — agreement with Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company, 1909, c. 66

    • — 1908, c. 95, s. 1 amended; 1881, c. 1, Sch. A amended; 1900, c. 55, s. 2; 1907, c. 74, s. 2 and 1908, c. 95, s. 2 repealed; bonds; lines authorized, 1910, c. 81

    • — 1907, c. 74, s. 1 amended; time extended; lines authorized, 1911, c. 59

    • — 1892, c. 35, s. 6 amended; 1910, c. 81, s. 4 repealed; agreements authorized; lines authorized; time extended, 1912, c. 78

    • — agreement with Canadian Northern Railway Company, 1913, c. 94

    • — 1911, c. 59, s. 4 amended; electric power; lines authorized; time extended, 1913, c. 96

    • — lease of Southampton Railway Company, 1913, c. 197

    • — 1902, c. 52, s. 7 amended; bonds; lines authorized, 1914, c. 81

    • — lease of Fredericton and Grand Lake Coal and Railway Company, 1914, c. 87

    • — powers extended; time extended, 1915, c. 39

    • — agreements with Canadian Northern Railway Company and Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Company, 1916, c. 38

    • — debenture stock; time extended, 1916, c. 39

    • — traffic agreement with Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company, Michigan Central Railroad Company, Canadian Southern Railway Company, and New York Central Railroad Company, 1916, c. 50

    • — 1916, c. 39, s. 4 amended; debenture stock; time extended, 1917, c. 8

    • — securities; lines authorized; time limited, 1919, c. 79

    • — aircraft services, 1919, c. 80

    • — securities; lines authorized; time extended, 1920, c. 75

    • — 1881, c. 1, Sch. A, s. 6 amended; directors, 1920, c. 76

    • — securities, 1921, c. 56

    • — bonds; debenture stock; time extended, 1922, c. 55

    • — time extended, 1924, c. 78

    • — securities; lines authorized, 1925, c. 59

    • — securities; lines authorized; time extended, 1926, c. 18

    • — securities; lines authorized; time extended, 1926-27, c. 80

    • — securities; lines authorized; acquisition of stock of Lacombe and North Western Railway Company, 1928, c. 56

    • — lease of Midland-Simcoe Railway Company; agreements with C.N.R.; securities; lines authorized; time extended, 1929, c. 65

    • — securities; line authorized, 1929, c. 66

    • — securities; line authorized, 1930, c. 53

    • — 1881, c. 1, s. 6 amended; shares, 1930, c. 54

    • — securities; lines authorized; time extended, 1931, c. 64

    • — debenture stock, 1932, c. 58

    • — time extended, 1934, c. 64

    • — lease of Winnipeg River Railway Company, 1938, c. 55

    • — agreement with Great Northern Railway Company (Minnesota) and Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway and Navigation Company, 1944-45, c. 55

    • — 1944-45, c. 55, ss. 6, 7, 8, 9 added; agreements with Great Northern Railway Company (Minnesota), Kettle Valley Railway Company and Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway and Navigation Company, 1945, c. 42

    • — acquisition of shares of Shawinigan Falls Terminal Railway Company, 1950, c. 56

    • — purchase of Alberta Coal Company, 1951, c. 66

    • — line authorized, 1953-54, c. 68

    • — Fredericton and Grand Lake Coal and Railway Company vested in, 1955, c. 62

    • — line authorized, 1956, c. 54

    • — certain railways vested in, 1956, c. 55

    • — certain railways vested in, 1956-57, c. 40

    • — certain railways vested in, 1958, c. 54

    • — line authorized, 1960-61, c. 72

    • — line authorized, 1960-61, c. 73

    • — certain railways vested in, 1962, c. 38

    • — line authorized, 1962-63, c. 21

    • — line authorized, 1966-67, c. 109

    • — line authorized, 1966-67, c. 110

    • — line authorized; purchase of interest in B.C. Hydro and Power Authority railway lines, 1968-69, c. 62

  • Canadian Transit Company

    • — incorporated, 1921, c. 57

    • — 1921, c. 57, ss. 5, 12, 14 amended; mortgage powers, 1922, c. 56

    • — powers revived; 1921, c. 57, s. 17 amended; s. 8A added, 1926-27, c. 81

  • Canadian Western Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 73

  • Canadian Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 69

    • — agreements authorized; time extended, 1911, c. 61

    • — 1909, c. 69, s. 7 amended; 1911, c. 61, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1913, c. 98

    • — 1913, c. 98, c. 1 repealed; time extended, 1915, c. 40

    • — 1915, c. 40, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1917, c. 49

    • — 1917, c. 49 repealed; time extended, 1919, c. 81

  • Canadian Yukon Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 102

    • — 1903, c. 102, ss. 10, 12 amended, 1905, c. 76

  • Canso and Louisbourg Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1892, c. 36

  • Cap de la Madeleine Railway Company

    • — declaratory; agreement with C.P.R., 1912, c. 80

  • Cardiff Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 103

  • Cariboo, Barkerville and Willow River Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers; time extended, 1911, c. 64

    • — lines authorized; time extended, 1913, c. 99

  • Cariboo Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 67

  • Carillon and Grenville Railway Company

    • — sale of part of railway to Can. Northern Ont. Railway Company, 1914, c. 80

    • — abandonment of land grant, 1914, c. 83

  • Cascade Scenic Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1917, c. 42

  • Central Counties Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Prescott County Railway Company”, 1889, c. 80

    • — 1887, c. 82, ss. 11, 12, 13 repealed; s. 17 amended; 1889, c. 80, s. 6 repealed, 1891, c. 89

    • — 1891, c. 89, s. 1 amended; 1893, c. 42, s. 5 amended; powers, 1897, c. 40

    • — bonds; agreements authorized, 1899, c. 60

    • — 1887, c. 82, s.  7 amended; 1899, c. 60, s. 2 amended; s. 4 repealed; 1891, c. 89, s. 1 amended, 1902, c. 53

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 78

    • — bonds; time extended, 1907, c. 76

    • — abandonment of land grant, 1914, c. 83

  • Central Ontario Railway

    • — declaratory; powers extended, 1884, c. 60

    • — capital stock, 1886, c. 71

    • — bonding powers, 1888, c. 76

    • — bonds, 1890, c. 52

    • — time extended, 1906, c. 78

    • — agreements authorized, 1910, c. 84

    • — completion of line; time extended, 1914, c. 82

  • Central Railway Company (New Brunswick)

    • — mortgage to Central Trust Company of New York, 1888, c. 83

  • Central Railway Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Ottawa River Railway Company”, 1905, c. 79

    • — 1903, c. 172, s. 3 amended; 1905, c. 79, s. 8 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 79

    • — 1906, c. 79, s. 3 repealed; securities; time limited, 1909, c. 72

    • — 1909, c. 72, s. 3 repealed; electric power; abandonment of land grant; time extended, 1914, c. 83

    • — time extended, 1919, c. 82

    • — time extended, 1921, c. 58

  • Central Railway Company of Manitoba

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 77

  • Central Vermont Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1900, c. 56

  • Central Western Canada Railway Canada

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 63

    • — time extended, 1916, c. 40

  • Chateauguay and Northern Railway Company

    • — agreement with Montreal Island Belt Line Railway Company, 1896, c. 27

    • — sale to Montreal Island Belt Line Railway Company, 1898, c. 79

    • — amalgamation with Canadian Northern Quebec Railway Company, 1907, c. 73

  • Chatham Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 72

  • Chatham, Wallaceburg and Lake Erie Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 105

    • — 1903, c. 105, s. 12 repealed; branch lines; time extended, 1911, c. 65

  • Chatsworth, Georgian Bay and Lake Huron Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 62

  • Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway Company

    • — lease of Cincinnati, Saginaw and Mackinaw Railroad Company to Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1901, c. 61

  • Chicoutimi and North-eastern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 67

  • Chignecto Marine Transport Railway Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 76

    • — 1882, c. 76, ss. 8, 9 amended, 1883, c. 60

    • — bonds, 1892, c. 37

  • Chilliwack Railway Company

    • — declaratory; sale or lease to C.P.R., 1893, c. 43

  • Chinook Belt and Peace River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 74

  • Cincinnati, Saginaw and Makinaw Railroad Company

    • — lease to Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1901, c. 61

  • City of Brantford

    • — by-law re Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company, 1893, c. 62

  • City of Hamilton

    • — by-law re Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company, 1893, c. 62

    • — by-law re Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company, 1895, c. 66

  • City of Toronto

    • — agreements with C.P.R. and Ontario and Quebec Railway Company and with Toronto Belt Line Railway Company, 1892, c. 61

    • — agreement with C.P.R. and Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1893, c. 48

  • Cleveland, Port Stanley and London Transportation and Railway Company

    • — incorporated; lease of London and Port Stanley Railway Company, 1893, c. 44

    • — power to operate London and Port Stanley Railway Company for duration of lease, 1893, c. 51

  • Coast Yukon Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 108

  • Cobalt Range Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 82

    • — lines authorized; time extended, 1909, c. 73

  • Cobourg, Blairton and Marmora Railway and Mining Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 87

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway, 1893, c. 47

  • Cobourg, Northumberland and Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 62

    • — 1889, c. 62 revived; ss. 1, 3, 5, 8 amended, 1891, c. 90

    • — time extended, 1892, c. 38

    • — 1889, c. 62, s. 9 amended; time extended, 1894, c. 68

    • — Acts relating to revived; capital stock; debentures; time extended, 1899, c. 61

  • Cobourg, Peterborough and Marmora Railway and Mining Company

    • — sale of railway, 1887, c. 87

  • Collingwood and Bay of Quinté Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 70

    • — 1888, c. 70 revived; s. 10 amended, 1891, c. 84

  • Collingwood Southern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 77

    • — time extended, 1909, c. 74

    • — 1909, c. 74 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 66

    • — 1907, c. 77, s. 9 amended; 1911, c. 66 repealed; electric power; time extended, 1913, c. 102

  • Columbia and Kootenay Railway and Navigation Company

    • — declaratory; lease to C.P.R., 1890, c. 87

    • — extension of railway, 1893, c. 45

    • — extension of railway, 1897, c. 41

    • — time extended, 1901, c. 55

    • — 1901, c. 55, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 84

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1956, c. 55

  • Columbia and Western Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers extended, 1898, c. 61

    • — bonds, 1899, c, 63

    • — bonds; time extended, 1901, c. 56

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 82

    • — 1905, c. 82 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 85

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1956-57, c. 40

  • Comox and Cape Scott Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 57

  • Compagnie du chemin de fer de Colonisation du Nord

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 62

    • — 1899, c. 62 revived; s. 3 amended; powers, 1902, c. 55

    • — time extended, 1907, c. 78

    • — 1902, c. 55, s. 6 repealed; 1907, c. 78 repealed, 1912, c. 82

    • — 1899, c. 62, ss. 9, 10; 1902, c. 55, s. 4 and 1912, c. 82 repealed; powers extended; time extended; sale or lease to C.P.R., 1917, c. 50

    • — time extended, 1922, c. 62

    • — time extended, 1927, c. 82

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956, c. 55

  • Compagnie du chemin de fer électrique de Trois-Rivières, St. Maurice, Maskinongé et Champlain

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 167

  • Compagnie du chemin de fer International de Rimouski

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 129

  • Connecticut and Passumpsie Railroad Company

    • — agreement with St. Francis and Megantic Railway Company, 1873, c. 85

  • Consolidated European and North American Railway Company

    • — consolidation of the European and North American Railway Company for extension from Saint-John westward and the European and North American Railway Company of Maine under name of, 1875, c. 71

  • Cornwall and Hawkesbury Railway Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 64

  • Corporation of the City of London

    • — London and Port Stanley Railway Company bonds issued to, 1903, c. 145

    • — lease of London and Port Stanley Railway Company, 1914, c. 96

    • — amendment of lease by London and Port Stanley Railway Company, 1919, c. 89

    • — 1914, c. 96, ss. 2, 7, 9 amended; purchase of London and Port Stanley Railway Company, 1955, c. 63

  • Coteau and Province Line Railway and Bridge Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 83

    • — completion of railway; time extended, 1877, c. 61

    • — amalgamation with Montreal and City of Ottawa Junction Railway Company under name “Canada Atlantic Railway Company”, 1879, c. 57

    • — 1877, c. 61, s. 1 repealed, 1897, c. 37

  • Cowichan Valley Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 62

    • — time extended, 1900, c. 58

  • Crawford Bay and St. Mary’s Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 70

    • — line authorized, 1906, c. 85

    • — 1904, c. 70, s. 4 amended; 1906, c. 85, s. 3 repealed; line authorized; time extended, 1907, c. 79

    • — 1904, c. 70, s. 5 repealed; 1907, c. 79, s. 5 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 79

    • — name changed to “The British Columbia and Manitoba Railway Company”, 1909, c. 79

  • Credit Valley Railway Company

    • — arrangements with Northern Railway Company, 1880, c. 54

    • — lease to C.P.R., 1883, c. 55

    • — lease to C.P.R.; running powers, 1883, c. 57

    • — amalgamation with Ontario and Quebec Railway Company, 1884, c. 61

  • Cumberland Coal and Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 77

    • — purchase of Springhill and Parrsborough Coal and Railway Company (Limited), 1884, c. 77

    • — name changed to “Cumberland Railway and Coal Company”, 1884, c. 77

  • Cumberland Railway and Coal Company

    • — name changed from “Cumberland Coal and Railway Company”, 1884, c. 77

    • — 1883, c. 77, ss. 3, 7 amended; s. 13 repealed; preference stock; mortgage, 1908, c. 100

    • — sale or lease of railway, 1928, c. 57

    • — 1883, c. 77, s. 4 amended; lease or purchase of Sydney and Louisburg Railway Company, 1960-61, c. 74

    • — name changed to “The Cumberland Railway Company”, 1960-61, c. 74

  • Cumberland Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Cumberland Railway and Coal Company”, 1960-61, c. 74

  • Dominion Atlantic Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Windsor and Annapolis Railway Company, Limited”, 1894, c. 69

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 47

    • — purchase of Windsor and Annapolis Railway Company; capital stock, 1900, c. 59

    • — purchase of Midland Railway Company, Limited, 1905, c. 85

    • — 1900, c. 59, ss. 10, 15 repealed; securities; line authorized, 1908, c. 101

    • — 1908, c. 101, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 88

    • — lease to C.P.R., 1911, c. 72

    • — 1910, c. 88 repealed; securities; time extended, 1912, c. 86

    • — 1912, c. 86, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1914, c. 84

    • — 1908, c. 101, ss. 7, 8, 9 repealed; directors; annual meeting, 1949, c. 31

  • Dominion Central Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Kingston and Dominion Central Railway Company”, 1905, c. 86

    • — 1905, c. 86, s. 4 repealed; time extended, 1907, c. 81

  • Dominion Railways’ Equipment Company

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 75

  • Drummond County Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers extended, 1893, c. 46

  • Duluth, Nepigon and Jame’s Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 70

  • Eastern Townships Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 84

    • — time extended, 1910, c. 93

  • Edmonton District Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1896, c. 17

    • — 1896, c. 17, s. 10 amended; capital stock; time limited, 1898, c. 63

    • — line authorized; time extended; name changed to “The Edmonton, Yukon and Pacific Railway Company”, 1899, c. 64

  • Edmonton, Dunvegan and British Columbia Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 85

    • — powers extended; time extended, 1908, c. 104

    • — 1908, c. 104, s. 7 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 94

    • — 1910, c. 94 repealed; electric power; time extended, 1915, c. 41

    • — line authorized; agreements authorized, 1915, c. 42

    • — securities; line authorized; time limited, 1922, c. 57

    • — securities; line authorized; time limited, 1928, c. 59

  • Edmonton and Mackenzie River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1921, c. 59

  • Edmonton and Saskatchewan Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 65

  • Edmonton and Slave Lake Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 66

    • — 1899, c. 66 revived; time extended, 1902, c. 61

    • — 1899, c. 66, s. 1 amended, 1903, c. 18

    • — time extended, 1904, c. 74

    • — 1899, c. 66, s. 14 repealed; 1902, c. 61 repealed; 1904, c. 74 repealed; time limited, 1909, c. 80

    • — amalgamation with Canadian Northern Railway Company, 1910, c. 95

  • Edmonton and Southwestern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1916, c. 30

  • Edmonton Street Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 71

    • — 1894, c. 71, s. 3 amended; s. 3A added; ss. 18, 19 repealed, 1904, c. 75

  • Edmonton, Yukon and Pacific Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Edmonton District Railway Company”, 1899, c. 64

    • — lease or sale to Canadian Northern Railway Company, 1901, c. 57

    • — 1901, c. 57, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1903, c. 116

    • — 1903, c. 116 repealed; time limited, 1905, c. 88

    • — lines authorized; time extended, 1908, c. 105

  • Elgin and Havelock Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 72

    • — line authorized, 1903, c. 117

  • English Valley and Hudson Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1917, c. 43

  • Entwistle and Alberta Southern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1915, c. 26

  • Erie and Huron Railway Company

    • — declaratory; time extended, 1884, c. 68

    • — powers extended, 1890, c. 59

    • — 1890, c. 59, s. 6 repealed; time extended, 1894, c. 73

    • — amalgamation with Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway Company, 1899, c. 67

    • — amalgamation with Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway Company, 1902, c. 69

  • Erie, London and Tillsonburg Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 90

    • — time extended, 1908, c. 106

    • — 1908, c. 106 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 96

    • — 1910, c. 96 repealed; time extended, 1912, c. 91

    • — 1906, c. 90, s. 11 repealed; 1912, c. 91 repealed; time extended, 1914, c. 85

  • Erie and Niagara Extension Railway Company

    • — name changed to “Canada Southern Railway Company”, 1874, c. 68

  • Erie and Niagara Railway Company

    • — powers extended, 1873, c. 86

    • — amalgamation with Canada Southern Railway Company, 1875, c. 66

    • — agreement with Canada Southern Railway Company and Great Western Railway Company, 1875, c. 72

    • — time extended, 1882, c. 68

    • — time extended, 1885, c. 15

    • — time extended, 1888, c. 61

    • — time extended, 1902, c. 47

  • Erie and Ontario Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 65

    • — amalgamation with Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company, 1915, c. 57

  • Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company

    • — ferry, 1888, c. 89

    • — declaratory; lease to C.P.R., 1905, c. 90

    • — lines authorized; time extended, 1906, c. 92

    • — securities; time extended, 1908, c. 107

    • — 1906, c. 92, s. 1 and 1908, c. 107, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 97

    • — securities; line authorized; time limited, 1912, c. 92

    • — time extended, 1914, c. 86

    • — lines authorized; time limited, 1919, c. 83

    • — securities; line authorized; time limited, 1920, c. 77

    • — time extended, 1922, c. 58

    • — time extended, 1924, c. 80

    • — time extended; lines authorized, 1929, c. 67

  • Essex Terminal Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 62

    • — 1902, c. 62, s. 1 amended; s. 12 repealed; time extended, 1904, c. 76

    • — 1902, c. 62, s. 5 amended; 1904, c. 76, s. 4 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 93

    • — 1902, c. 62, ss. 4, 9 amended; 1906, c. 93, s. 2 repealed; special powers; time extended, 1910, c. 98

    • — 1902, c. 62, s. 6 amended; electric power; time extended, 1915, c. 43

    • — 1910, c. 98, s. 3 repealed; powers extended; line authorized, 1917, c. 51

    • — 1902, c. 62, s. 4 amended; 1910, c. 98, s. 1 repealed; 1917, c. 51, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1919, c. 84

    • — 1919, c. 84, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1921, c. 60

    • — 1921, c. 60, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1923, c. 77

    • — 1923, c. 77, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1925, c. 60

    • — 1925, c. 60, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1926-27, c. 84

    • — time extended, 1929, c. 68

    • — time extended, 1931, c. 66

  • European and North American Railway Company for extension from Saint-John westward

    • — consolidation with European and North American Railway Company of Maine under name “Consolidated European and North American Railway Company”, 1875, c. 71

  • European and North American Railway Company of Maine

    • — consolidation with European and North American Railway Company for extension from Saint-John westward under name “Consolidated European and North American Railway Company”, 1875, c. 71

  • Farnham and Granby Railway Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 66

    • — time extended, 1916, c. 41

  • Fording Valley Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 96

  • Fort Qu’Appelle Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 58

    • — 1901, c. 58, s. 8 amended, 1901, c. 59

  • Fort Smith Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1921, c. 61

  • Fort William Terminal Railway and Bridge Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 97

    • — time extended, 1908, c. 109

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956, c. 55

  • Fraser Valley Terminal Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1915, c. 27

  • Fredericton and Grand Lake Coal and Railway Company

    • — lease to C.P.R., 1914, c. 87

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1955, c. 62

  • Fredericton Railway

    • — declaratory, 1884, c. 75

  • Galt and Guelph Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway, 1893, c. 47

  • Gananoque, Perth and James’ Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 83

    • — amalgamation with Thousand Islands Railway Company, 1888, c. 75

  • Gatineau and Ungava Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 102

    • — name changed to “The Ottawa and Ungava Railway Company”, 1912, c. 94

  • Georgian Bay and Seaboard Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 95

    • — time extended, 1907, c. 88

    • — 1905, c. 95, ss. 8, 9 amended, 1911, c. 77

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956, c. 55

  • Gleichen, Beaver Lake and Victoria Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 74

  • Glengarry and Stormont Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 118

  • Goderich and Canadian Pacific Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 91

    • — 1887, c. 91, s. 23 amended; s. 26 repealed; time extended, 1890, c. 51

    • — name changed to “The Goderich and Wingham Railway Company”, 1890, c. 51

  • Goderich and Wingham Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The Goderich and Canadian Pacific Junction Railway Company”, 1890, c. 51

  • Grand Falls Central Railway Company Limited

    • — incorporated, 1956, c. 59

  • Grand Junction Railroad Company

    • — charter revived; arrangement with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1870, c. 53

  • Grand River Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The Berlin, Waterloo, Wellesley and Lake Huron Railway Company”, 1914, c. 72

    • — 1904, c. 47, s. 3 repealed, 1919, c. 85

  • Grand Trunk, Georgian Bay and Lake Erie Railway Company

    • — time extended, 1887, c. 66

    • — purchase of South Norfolk Railway Company, 1888, c. 57

    • — 1887, c. 66, ss. 2, 3 amended, 1890, c. 63

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1893, c. 47

    • — 1890, c. 63, ss. 2, 3 amended, 1893, c. 49

  • Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 99

    • — time extended, 1908, c. 115

    • — 1906, c. 99, s. 11 amended; 1908, c. 115, s. 35 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 86

    • — 1906, c. 99, s. 11 amended; time extended, 1910, c. 103

    • — 1906, c. 99, s. 11 amended; 1909, c. 86, s. 5 repealed; 1910, c. 103, s. 5 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 83

    • — 1911, c. 83, s. 3 repealed; time extended, 1913, c. 122

    • — time extended, 1917, c. 52

  • Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 122

    • — agreements; 1903, c. 122, ss. 6, 11, 35 amended, s. 30 repealed, 1904, c. 80

    • — mortgage deeds, 1905, c. 98

    • — guarantee of securities of Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Railway Company, 1906, c. 99

    • — debenture stock, 1906, c. 100

    • — control of Grand Trunk Pacific Telegraph Company, 1906, c. 101

    • — time extended, 1908, c. 115

    • — agreement with C.P.R., 1909, c. 66

    • — subsidy from Ontario Government, 1909, c. 84

    • — agreement with Midland Railway of Manitoba, 1909, c. 85

    • — 1903, c. 122, s. 35 amended, 1912, c. 95

    • — debenture stock, 1913, c. 123

  • Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada

    • — bonds; agreements with Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Company and Montreal and Champlain Railway Company, 1867, c. 19

    • — purchase of Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Company, 1870, c. 49

    • — arrangement with Junction Railroad Company, 1870, c. 53

    • — agreement with the Corporation of the Town of Galt; branch line, 1872, c. 62

    • — lease or purchase of bridge, 1872, c. 63

    • — purchase of The Montreal and Champlain Railroad Companies, 1872, c. 64

    • — extension of provisions in “The Grand Trunk Arrangements Act, 1862”, 1873, c. 18

    • — agreements with St. Francis and Megantic Railway, 1873, c. 85

    • — mortgages; establishment of Superannuation and Provident Fund Association, 1874, c. 65

    • — working arrangements with Ontario railways, 1878, c. 25

    • — arrangements with Montreal and Champlain Junction Railway Company, 1878, c. 29

    • — arrangements with Montreal and Champlain Junction Railway Company, 1879, c. 59

    • — meetings; dividends, 1880-81, c. 37

    • — arrangement with North Shore Railway Company, 1883, c. 54

    • — capital stock, 1884, c. 52

    • — purchase of Welland Railway Company, 1884, c. 53

    • — debenture stock, 1887, c. 57

    • — time extended, 1887, c. 66

    • — capital stock, 1888, c. 58

    • — agreement with Can. Southern Railway Company and London and Port Stanley Railway Company, 1888, c. 59

    • — capital stock, 1890, c. 48

    • — branch line, 1890, c. 49

    • — 1888, c. 58 amended, s. 10 repealed, 1891, c. 69

    • — merged with Northern and Pacific Junction Railway Company debenture stock, 1892, c. 39

    • — amalgamation and consolidation of companies forming The Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada from May 4, 1893, 1893, c. 47

    • — agreement with C.P.R. and City of Toronto, 1893, c. 48

    • — lease of St. Lawrence and Adirondack Railway, 1896, cc. 18, 32

    • — agreement with C.P.R., 1896(2nd Session), c. 6

    • — capital stock, 1897, c. 42

    • — agreement with Grand Trunk Western Railway Company, 1901, c. 60

    • — agreement with Cincinnati, Saginawa and Mackinaw Rd. Company and Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1901, c. 61

    • — capital stock, 1903, c. 121

    • — shares, 1905, c. 75

    • — powers extended, 1907, c. 89

    • — 1907, c. 89 amended with respect to pensions, 1929, c. 4

    • — agreements with Ottawa Terminals Railway Company, 1907, c. 117

    • — debenture and guaranteed stock, 1909, c. 87

    • — securities, 1910, c. 104

    • — securities, 1911, c. 81

    • — 1911, c. 81, s. 5 amended, 1911, c. 82

    • — powers extended, 1912, c. 96

    • — agreements with Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Company, 1912, c. 157

    • — debenture stock, 1913, c. 124

    • — debenture stock, 1914, c. 88

    • — amalgamation with Canada Atlantic Railway Company, 1914, c. 89

    • — assistance of controlled companies, 1915, c. 44

    • — debenture stock, 1919, c. 86

  • Grand Trunk Western Railway Company

    • — agreement with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1901, c. 60

  • Grand Valley Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Port Dover, Brantford, Berlin and Goderich Railway Company”, 1902, c. 91

    • — powers extended; line authorized, 1906, c. 102

    • — 1902, c. 91, s. 2 repealed; 1900, c. 73, ss. 4, 14 amended; line authorized, time limited, 1907, c. 90

    • — “Brantford Municipal Railway Commission”, incorporated, 1916, c. 42

  • Great American and European Short Line Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 73

    • — 1882, c. 73, s. 2 amended, 1884, c. 55

    • — name changed to “The Montreal and European Short Line Railway Company”, 1884, c. 55

  • Great Eastern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 71

    • — 1882, c. 71, s. 5 amended; s. 22 repealed, 1883, c. 61

    • — 1882, c. 71, ss. 4, 9, 19 amended; sale or lease to C.P.R., Delaware and Hudson Canal Company or Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1891, c. 98

    • — sale to Atlantic and Lake Superior Railway Company, 1894, c. 63

    • — powers; time extended, 1897, c. 43

  • Great North-West Central Railway Company

    • — charter confirmed, 1888, c. 85

    • — 1888, c. 85, Sch., s. 26 of charter repealed, 1889, c. 67

    • — directors, 1890, c. 81

    • — clerical error in 1890, c. 81 corrected, 1891, c. 80

    • — time extended, 1895, c. 48

    • — time extended, 1897, c. 45

    • — 1897, c. 45, s. 1 repealed; bonds; agreements authorized; time extended, 1898, c. 64

    • — 1898, c. 64, ss. 3, 4, 5 amended, 1899, c. 69

    • — 1895, c. 48, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1901, c. 63

    • — powers of construction revived, 1903, c. 124

    • — time extended, 1906, c. 105

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956-57, c. 40

  • Great North West Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 73

  • Great Northern Pacific & Burlington Lines, Inc.

    • — amalgamation with Northern Pacific Railway Company, Great Northern Railway Company and Pacific Coast R.R. Company; acquisition of shares in Midland Railway Company; powers, 1965, c. 23

  • Great Northern Railway of Canada

    • — name changed from “Great Northern Railway Company”, 1899, c. 68

    • — bonds, 1901, c. 62

    • — bonds; line authorized; mortgage, 1905, c. 99

    • — time extended, 1906, c. 104

    • — amalgamation with Canadian Northern Quebec Railway Company, 1907, c. 73

  • Great Northern Railway Company

    • — powers extended, 1884, c. 64

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1892, c. 40

    • — agreement with Quebec and James Bay Railway Company; 1892, c. 40, ss. 3, 10 repealed; time extended, 1897, c. 44

    • — 1884, c. 64, s. 2 amended; 1892, c. 40, ss. 11, 12 amended, 1899, c. 68

    • — name changed to “Great Northern Railway of Canada”, 1899, c. 68

  • Great Northern Railway Company (Minnesota)

    • — lease of Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway Company and The Nelson and Fort Sheppard Railway Company; agreements with Canadian Northern Pacific Railway Company and C.P.R., 1944-45, c. 55

    • — 1944-45, c. 55, ss. 6, 7, 8, 9 added; purchase of Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway Company and The Nelson and Fort Sheppard Railway Company; agreements with C.P.R. and Kettle Valley Railway Company, 1945, c. 42

    • — amalgamation with Northern Pacific Railway Company, Pacific Coast R.R. Company and Great Northern Pacific & Burlington Lines, Inc. under name “Great Northern Pacific & Burlington Lines, Inc.”, 1965, c. 23

  • Great West Railway Company

    • — name changed from “North-west Coal and Coke Railway Company”, 1905, c. 100

    • — 1903, c. 167, ss. 3, 7, 8 amended; 1905, c. 100, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1907, c. 91

  • Great Western and Lake Ontario Shore Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 88

    • — 1873, c. 88, ss. 1, 5, 7, 19 amended; time extended, 1876, c. 48

    • — 1873, c. 88, ss. 5, 6 amended; 1876, c. 48, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1880, c. 50

    • — time extended, 1883, c. 65

    • — 1873, c. 88, ss. 1, 5 amended; time extended, 1885, c. 18

    • — 1873, c. 88, ss. 1, 5 amended; time extended, 1888, c. 56

  • Great Western Railway Company

    • — agreement with Government of Canada, 1869, c. 61

    • — conversion of shares, 1869, c. 62

    • — directors, 1870, c. 50

    • — financial powers, 1871, c. 44

    • — loan of credit; acquisition of shares of certain companies, 1872, c. 65

    • — powers extended, 1873, c. 83

    • — agreement with Desjardins Canal Company and Hamilton and Milton Road Company, 1873, c. 94

    • — powers extended, 1874, c. 66

    • — directors; 26 V., c. 15, s. 17 amended; powers extended, 1875, c. 64

    • — agreements with Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company, Niagara Falls International Bridge Company and with Erie and Niagara Railway Company and Can. Southern Railway Company, 1875, c. 72

    • — state of company’s affairs, 1876, c. 46

    • — establishment of superannuation, provident and insurance funds, 1880, c. 49

    • — borrowing powers; 1880, c. 49, s. 5 amended, 1882, c. 66

    • — acquired by Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1884, c. 52

  • Guelph and Georgian Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 125

    • — 1903, c. 125, s. 14 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 101

  • Guelph and Goderich Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 81

    • — time extended, 1909, c. 90

    • — 1909, c. 90 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 87

    • — 1911, c. 87 repealed; time extended, 1913, c. 127

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956, c. 55

  • Guelph Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 79

    • — 1884, c. 79, ss. 4, 13 amended; time extended, 1886, c. 69

    • — extension of line, 1887, c. 59

    • — lease to C.P.R., 1891, c. 73

    • — time extended, 1894, c. 75

    • — time extended, 1896, c. 19

    • — time extended; directors, 1901, c. 64

    • — extension of line; bonds; agreements authorized, 1904, c. 82

    • — 1884, c. 79, s. 19 amended; 1901, c. 64, ss. 2, 4 amended, 1910, c. 107

  • Gulf Pulp and Paper Company

    • — name changed from “North Shore Power, Railway and Navigation Company”, 1914, c. 99

    • — 1902, c. 85, new s. 13; powers extended, 1952, c. 68

  • Hamilton Central Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Hamilton, Guelph and Buffalo Railway Company”, 1887, c. 63

    • — time extended, 1889, c. 76

  • Hamilton and Dundas Street Railway Company

    • — agreement with Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company, 1918, c. 57

  • Hamilton, Galt and Berlin Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 126

    • — 1903, c. 126, ss. 3, 11 repealed; s. 8 amended, 1905, c. 102

    • — name changed to “Hamilton, Galt and Guelph Railway Company”, 1905, c. 102

  • Hamilton, Galt and Guelph Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Hamilton, Galt and Berlin Railway Company”, 1905, c. 102

  • Hamilton, Guelph and Buffalo Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1885, c. 22

    • — 1885, c. 22, s. 21 repealed, 1887, c. 63

    • — name changed to “Hamilton Central Railway Company”, 1887, c. 63

  • Hamilton and North-Western Railway Company

    • — agreement with Northern Railway Company, 1880-81, c. 38

    • — capital stock; agreements with Northern and Pacific Junction Railway Company and Northern Railway Company of Canada, 1884, c. 63

    • — lease to Northern and Pacific Junction Railway Company, 1886, c. 76

  • Hamilton Radial Electric Railway Company

    • — powers extended; lines authorized, 1908, c. 117

  • Hamilton, Waterloo and Guelph Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 106

    • — 1906, c. 106, s. 10 amended, 1908, c. 118

    • — 1906, c. 106, ss. 4, 8 amended; 1910, c. 108

    • — preference stock, 1911, c. 89

    • — 1906, c. 106, s. 4 amended; 1910, c. 108, ss. 1, 6 repealed; time extended, 1912, c. 99

  • Hereford Branch Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 93

    • — 1887, c. 93, ss. 8, 11, 18 amended; agreements authorized, 1888, c. 81

    • — name changed to “The Hereford Railway Company”, 1888, c. 81

  • Hereford Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The Hereford Branch Railway Company”, 1888, c. 81

    • — capital stock; branch line, 1890, c. 72

    • — lease to Maine Central Railway Company, 1890, c. 73

    • — 1887, c. 93, s. 19 amended, 1900, c. 60

  • High River, Saskatchewan and Hudson Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 100

    • — 1912, c. 100, s. 7 amended; time extended, 1914, c. 90

    • — time extended, 1916, c. 43

    • — 1914, c. 90, s. 2 and 1916, c. 43 repealed; time extended, 1919, c. 87

  • Highwood Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1928, c. 60

    • — time extended, 1930, c. 56

  • Hillcrest Railway, Coal and Coke Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 107

  • Hudson’s Bay and North-west Railways Company

    • — name changed from “Hudson’s Bay and Yukon Railways and Navigation Company”, 1899, c. 70

    • — time extended, 1902, c. 63

    • — 1899, c. 70, s. 7 and 1902, c. 63 repealed; 1899, c. 70, s. 6 amended; time extended, 1904, c. 84

  • Hudson’s Bay and Occidental Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 128

  • Hudson’s Bay and Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1896(2nd Session), c. 7

    • — 1896(2nd Session), c. 7, ss. 4, 13 amended; time extended, 1898, c. 65

    • — time extended, 1901, c. 65

    • — time extended, 1903, c. 129

    • — 1898, c. 65, s. 3 repealed; 1901, c. 65, s. 1 repealed; 1903, c. 129, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 104

    • — 1896(2nd Session), c. 7, s. 10 repealed; 1901, c. 65 repealed; 1903, c. 129 repealed; 1905, c. 104, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 91

  • Hudson Bay, Peace River and Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 93

    • — time extended, 1913, c. 131

  • Hudson’s Bay and Yukon Railways and Navigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 46

    • — name changed to “Hudson’s Bay and North-west Railways Company”; powers, 1899, c. 70

  • Hull Electric Company

    • — agreement with C.P.R., 1897, c. 39

    • — agreement with C.P.R., 1899, c. 59

    • — declaratory; agreements authorized, 1913, c. 133

  • Hull Mines Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 49

  • Huron, Erie and Buffalo Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 131

  • Huron and Ontario Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1896, c. 20

    • — 1896, c. 20, ss. 7, 8 amended; time extended, 1903, c. 130

    • — 1896, c. 20, s. 11 amended, 1904, c. 85

    • — 1896, c. 20, s. 11 amended; 1903, c. 130, s. 1 and 1904, c. 85 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 111

    • — 1906, c. 111, s. 4 repealed; time extended, 1907, c. 94

    • — 1896, c. 20, s. 11; 1906, c. 111, s. 1 repealed; 1907, c. 94, s. 3 repealed; securities; time extended, 1909, c. 92

    • — 1909, c. 92, s. 3 repealed, 1911, c. 94

    • — 1896, c. 20, ss. 6, 14 repealed; 1903, c. 130, s. 5 amended; 1911, c. 94 repealed; electric power; time extended, 1913, c. 135

    • — name changed to “The Toronto and Northwestern Railway Company”, 1913, c. 135

  • Imperial Traction Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 96

    • — securities; lines authorized; time extended, 1913, c. 136

  • Indian River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 64

    • — 1902, c. 64, s. 10 repealed; time extended, 1907, c. 95

    • — 1907, c. 95 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 97

  • International Radial Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 49

    • — 1895, c. 49, s. 11 ameded; lines authorized, 1896, c. 21

    • — acts relating to revived; time extended, 1898, c. 66

  • International Railway Company

    • — name changed from “St. Francis and Megantic International Railway Company”, 1877, c. 59

    • — powers extended, 1880-81, c. 40

    • — bonds, 1884, c. 56

    • — sale to Atlantic and North-West Railway Company, 1887, c. 69

    • — successor in interest of Buffalo Railway Company, 1902, c. 43

    • — rights, 1911, c. 98

  • International Railway Company of Maine

    • — sale to Atlantic and North-West Railway Company, 1887, c. 69

  • Inter-Oceanic Railway Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 72

  • International Traction Railways

    • — incorporated; Niagara Falls Park and River Railway Company, 1911, c. 98

  • Interprovincial and James Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 66

    • — 1901, c. 66 revived; time extended, 1903, c. 134

    • — 1903, c. 134, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 109

    • — 1905, c. 109 repealed; time extended, 1912, c. 106

    • — 1901, c. 66, ss. 9, 10, 15 repealed; 1912, c. 106, s. 1 repealed; powers extended; time extended, 1917, c. 53

    • — time extended, 1922, c. 59

    • — lines authorized, 1924, c. 81

    • — time extended, 1925, c. 20

    • — securities; time extended, 1928, c. 61

    • — time extended, 1930, c. 57

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956, c. 55

  • Itabira Corporation

    • — name changed from “Itabira Corporation Limited”; powers in Brazil, 1922, c. 60

  • Itabira Corporation Limited

    • — name changed to “Itabira Corporation”, 1922, c. 60

  • Jacques Cartier Union Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1893, c. 47

  • James Bay and Eastern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 113

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 45

  • James Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 50

    • — powers extended, 1897, c. 47

    • — time extended, 1899, c. 71

    • — branch line; time extended, 1902, c. 65

    • — agreements authorized; time extended, 1904, c. 88

    • — lines authorized; securities; time extended, 1905, c. 110

    • — 1895, c. 50, s. 3 amended; time limited, 1906, c. 114

    • — 1895, c. 50, s. 5 amended; lines authorized; time extended, 1907, c. 72

    • — name changed to “Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Company”, 1907, c. 72

  • Joliette and Brandon Railway Company

    • — declaratory; securities; lease to C.P.R., 1907, c. 97

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1962, c. 38

  • Joliette and Lake Manuan Colonization Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 135

    • — 1903, c. 135, s. 12 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 111

    • — 1905, c. 111 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 93

    • — 1903, c. 135, s. 10 repealed; 1909, c. 93 repealed; bonds; extension of line, 1911, c. 100

    • — 1903, c. 135, s. 9 repealed; 1911, c. 100, s. 2 repealed; powers extended; time extended, 1914, c. 91

    • — time extended, 1916, c. 44

  • Joliette and Northern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1924, c. 82

    • — 1924, c. 82, s. 10 amended, 1925, c. 61

    • — time extended, 1926-27, c. 85

    • — time extended, 1929, c. 69

  • Kamloops and Atlin Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 67

  • Kamloops and Yellow Head Pass Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 115

    • — time extended, 1908, c. 120

    • — 1908, c. 120 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 114

  • Kaslo and Lardo-Duncan Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 48

    • — 1897, c. 48, s. 4 amended; agreements authorized; time extended, 1900, c. 61

    • — 1900, c. 61, s. 2 amended, 1905, c. 113

  • Kaslo and Slocan Railway Company

    • — declaratory; sale or lease to C.P.R.; powers extended, 1917, c. 54

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1956-57, c. 40

  • Kenora and English River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1917, c. 44

  • Kettle River Valley Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 68

    • — agreements authorized, 1903, c. 138

    • — 1901, c. 68, ss. 4, 8 amended; time extended, 1904, c. 89

    • — 1901, c. 68, ss. 4, 10 amended; 1901, c. 68, s. 11 repealed; 1904, c. 89, s. 4 repealed; lines authorized; time extended, 1906, c. 117

    • — 1906, c. 117, s. 4 repealed; securities; line authorized; time extended, 1909, c. 95

    • — 1909, c. 95, s. 2 repealed; line authorized; time extended, 1910, c. 115

    • — name changed to “The Kettle Valley Railway Company”; special powers; lines authorized, 1911, c. 101

  • Kettle Valley Railway Company

    • — name changed from the “Kettle River Valley Railway Company”, 1911, c. 101

    • — line authorized; time extended, 1912, c. 110

    • — agreement with C.P.R.; lines authorized; time extended, 1913, c. 140

    • — agreement with Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway and Navigation Company; line authorized; time extended, 1914, c. 92

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 46

    • — agreement with Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway and Navigation Company; time extended, 1916, c. 45

    • — powers revived; time extended, 1918, c. 54

    • — line authorized; time extended, 1920, c. 78

    • — 1918, c. 54, s. 2 amended, 1921, c. 62

    • — time extended, 1922, c. 61

    • — securities; line authorized, 1931, c. 67

    • — securities; line authorized, 1944-45, c. 53

    • — agreements with C.P.R. and Great Northern Railway Company (Minnesota), 1945, c. 42

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956, c. 55

  • Kincardine and Teeswater Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 83

    • — 1887, c. 83, ss. 1, 2 amended, 1887, c. 84

    • — extension of line; time extended, 1888, c. 77

  • Kingston and Dominion Central Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 90

    • — name changed to “The Dominion Central Railway Company”; branch lines, 1905, c. 86

  • Kingston, Napanee and Western Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The Napanee, Tamworth and Quebec Railway Company”, 1890, c. 62

    • — amalgamation with the Bay of Quinté Railway and Navigation Company under name “The Bay of Quinté Railway Company”, 1896, c. 15

  • Kingston and Pembroke Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 49

    • — bonds; lines authorized; time extended, 1879, c. 61

    • — 1871, c. 49, s. 2 amended; capital stock; lines authorized, 1883, c. 64

    • — powers extended, 1884, c. 59

    • — agreement with the Napanee, Tamworth and Quebec Railway Company, 1889, c. 77

    • — branches authorized; lands acquired, 1889, c. 78

    • — sale of land; time extended, 1895, c. 51

    • — preference stock; debentures; time extended, 1898, c. 67

    • — time extended, 1903, c. 139

    • — time extended, 1906, c. 118

  • Kingston and Pontiac Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 66

  • Kingston, Smith’s Falls and Ottawa Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 88

    • — 1887, c. 88, ss. 2, 26 amended; s. 18 repealed; bonds, 1889, c. 79

    • — 1887, c. 88 revived, 1891, c. 95

    • — acts relating to revived; time extended, 1896, c. 22

    • — construction powers, 1905, c. 114

    • — 1889, c. 79, s. 2 repealed; 1891, c. 95, s. 1 repealed; 1896, c. 22 repealed; 1905, c. 114 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 116

  • Klondike Mines Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 72

    • — time extended, 1901, c. 69

    • — 1899, c. 72, s. 3 amended; extension of line, 1902, c. 66

    • — 1899, c. 72, s. 14 repealed; 1901, c. 69 repealed; 1902, c. 66, s. 3 repealed, 1903, c. 140

    • — 1902, c. 66, s. 2 amended; 1903, c. 140, s. 2 repealed; bonds; time extended, 1907, c. 99

  • Kootenay and Alberta Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 96

    • — time extended, 1912, c. 111

  • Kootenay and Arrowhead Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 70

    • — 1901, c. 70, s. 7 amended; time extended, 1906, c. 119

    • — 1901, c. 70, s. 8 repealed; 1906, c. 119, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 97

    • — 1909, c. 97 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 103

    • — 1901, c. 70, s. 12 amended; 1911, c. 103 repealed; electric power; time extended, 1913, c. 141

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956-57, c. 40

  • Kootenay and Athabasca Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 83

    • — 1886, c. 83 repealed; re-incorporated, 1889, c. 49

  • Kootenay, Cariboo and Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 141

    • — 1903, c. 141, s. 10 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 115

  • Kootenay Central Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 71

    • — time extended, 1903, c. 142

    • — 1901, c. 71, s. 12 amended, 1904, c. 91

    • — 1901, c. 71, s. 12 amended; time extended, 1909, c. 98

    • — 1909, c. 98 repealed; line authorized; time extended, 1912, c. 112

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956, c. 55

  • LacSeul Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 55

  • Lachine, Jacques Cartier and Maisonneuve Railway Company

    • — declaratory; agreements authorized; time extended, 1911, c. 104

    • — 1911, c. 104, s. 2 amended; time extended, 1914, c. 93

    • — 1914, c. 93, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1917, c. 55

    • — 1917, c. 55 repealed; time extended, 1919, c. 88

  • Lacombe and North Western Railway Company

    • — sale or lease to C.P.R., 1929, c. 70

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1956-57, c. 40

  • Lake Athabaska and Hudson Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 83

  • Lake Bennett and Klondike Railway and Tramway Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 68

  • Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The Lake Erie, Essex and Detroit River Railway Company”, 1891, c. 88

    • — amalgamation of Dominion and provincial companies, 1893, c. 50

    • — lease of London and Port Stanley Railway Company, 1894, c. 76

    • — powers extended; time extended, 1896, c. 23

    • — agreement with Canada Southern Railway Company and Michigan Central Rd. Company, 1897, c. 38

    • — 1893, c. 50, s. 4 repealed; 1896, c. 23, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1898, c. 69

    • — amalgamation with The Erie and Huron Railway Company, 1899, c. 67

    • — time extended, 1900, c. 62

    • — amalgamation with The Erie and Huron Railway Company, 1902, c. 69

    • — lines authorized, 1903, c. 143

    • — 1903, c. 143, s. 1 amended; time limited, 1904, c. 92

    • — lease to Père Marquette Railway Company, 1945, c. 40

  • Lake Erie, Essex and Detroit River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1885, c. 21

    • — 1885, c. 21, s. 2 repealed; extension of line, 1891, c. 88

    • — name changed to “The Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway Company”, 1891, c. 88

  • Lake Erie and Northern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 106

    • — 1911, c. 106, s. 10 amended; borrowing powers, 1914, c. 94

  • Lake Manitoba Railway and Canal Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 57

    • — 1889, c. 57, s. 3 amended, 1890, c. 79

    • — re-incorporated, 1892, c. 41

    • — 1889, c. 57 revived; agreements authorized, 1895, c. 52

    • — agreement with Manitoba and North-Western Railway Company; powers extended, 1897, c. 49

    • — amalgamation, 1898, c. 70

    • — amalgamation with Winnipeg Great Northern Railway Company under name “The Canadian Northern Railway Company”, 1899, c. 57

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 72

  • Lake Megantic Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 77

  • Lake Simcoe Junction Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1893, c. 47

  • Lake Superior and Hudson’s Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 63

  • Lake Superior and James’ Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 84

  • Lake Superior and Manitoba Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 76

  • Lake Superior Mineral Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 81

  • Lake Superior and Winnipeg Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 79

  • Lake Temiscamingue Colonization Railway Company

    • — agreement with C.P.R.; time extended, 1891, c. 94

  • Langenburg and Southern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 53

    • — extension of line; time extended, 1897, c. 50

  • Leamington and St. Clair Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Canada Southern Railway Company, 1904, c. 55

  • Lebonk and Thunder Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 117

  • Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Pontypool Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 55

    • — 1890, c. 55 revived; time extended, 1892, c. 42

    • — 1890, c. 55 revived; time extended, 1894, c. 78

    • — time extended, 1896, c. 24

    • — 1890, c. 55 revived; ss. 1, 4 amended; time limited, 1899, c. 73

    • — 1890, c. 55, s. 3A added; agreements authorized, 1901, c. 72

    • — 1890, c. 55, s. 2 amended; time extended, 1903, c. 144

    • — time extended, 1908, c. 123

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1958, c. 54

  • Lindsay, Haliburton and Mattawa Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 54

    • — time extended, 1897, c. 51

    • — time extended, 1899, c. 74

  • Lochiel, Hawkesbury and L’Orignal Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 78

  • London, Huron and Bruce Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway, 1893, c. 47

  • London Junction Railway Company

    • — lease to Credit Valley Railway Company, 1884, c. 54

  • London and Lake Erie Railway and Transportation Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 120

    • — 1910, c. 120, ss. 9, 13, 14, 15 amended; time extended, 1914, c. 95

    • — sale of property, 1921, c. 63

  • London and Lake Huron Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 71

    • — 1898, c. 71, s. 13A added, 1898, c. 72

  • London and North Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 100

    • — name changed to “The London and Northwestern Railway Company of Canada”, 1911, c. 108

  • London and Northwestern Railway Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “London and North Western Railway Company”, 1911, c. 108

  • London and Port Stanley Railway Company

    • — agreement with Grand Trunk Railway Company and Canada Southern Railway Company, 1888, c. 59

    • — bondholders, 1892, c. 43

    • — agreement with Cleveland, Port Stanley and London Transportation and Railway Company, 1893, c. 44

    • — lease of railway, 1893, c. 51

    • — lease to Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway Company, 1894, c. 76

    • — agreement with London and South Eastern Railway Company, Canada Southern Railway Company and Michigan Central Rd. Company, 1897, c. 38

    • — bonds, 1903, c. 145

    • — lease to City of London, 1914, c. 96

    • — amendment of lease to City of London, 1919, c. 89

    • — sale to City of London, 1955, c. 63

  • London and Saint Clair Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 118

    • — time extended, 1907, c. 101

  • London and South Eastern Railway Company

    • — agreement with Canada Southern Railway Company, 1888, c. 60

    • — agreement with London and Port Stanley Railway Company; Canada Southern Railway Company and Michigan Central Rd. Company, 1897, c. 38

  • Macleod, Cardston and Montana Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 147

    • — 1903, c. 147, s. 11 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 119

    • — 1905, c. 119 repealed; time extended, 1908, c. 125

  • Malone and Hopkins Point Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 103

  • Malone and St. Lawrence Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with the St. Lawrence and Adirondack Railway Company, 1896, c. 32

  • Manitoba and Assimiboia Grand Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 60

    • — capital stock; extension of line, 1892, c. 44

  • Manitoba Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 75

  • Manitoba and Keewatin Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 70

    • — 1902, c. 70, s. 12 repealed; time extended, 1904, c. 93

    • — 1904, c. 93, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 122

  • Manitoba and North-Western Railway Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Portage, Westbourne and North-Western Railway Company”, 1883, c. 68

    • — 1882, c. 80, ss. 11, 14 repealed; ss. 12, 15 amended; time extended, 1884, c. 69

    • — bonds, 1885, c. 86

    • — capital stock, 1886, c. 75

    • — bonds; line authorized, 1887, c. 79

    • — 1882, c. 80, s. 17 repealed; 1884, c. 69, s. 5 repealed; time limited, 1888, c. 86

    • — 1885, c. 86, s. 2 amended; 1886, c. 75, new s. 2, 1890, c. 78

    • — time extended, 1892, c. 45

    • — consolidation act, 1893, c. 52

    • — 1893, c. 52, s. 3 amended; time extended, 1894, c. 79

    • — agreement with Lake Manitoba Railway and Canal Company, 1897, c. 49

    • — time extended, 1902, c. 71

    • — bonds; branch lines; time limited, 1904, c. 94

    • — line authorized; time extended, 1907, c. 104

    • — line authorized; time limited; securities, 1908, c. 126

    • — time extended, 1909, c. 102

    • — 1908, c. 126, s. 2 repealed; lines authorized; securities; time extended, 1910, c. 121

    • — 1909, c. 102, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 109

    • — 1910, c. 121, s. 3 repealed; lines authorized; time limited, 1912, c. 115

    • — 1911, c. 109, ss. 1, 3 repealed; time extended, 1913, c. 144

    • — 1912, c. 115, s. 1 amended; s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1914, c. 97

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 47

    • — securities; line authorized; time limited, 1919, c. 90

    • — securities; lines authorized; time limited, 1921, c. 65

    • — time extended, 1923, c. 78

    • — time extended, 1925, c. 62

    • — line authorized; securities, 1926-27, c. 86

    • — time extended, 1928, c. 62

  • Manitoba-Ontario Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 145

  • Manitoba and Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 52

  • Manitoba Radial Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 105

    • — time extended, 1909, c. 103

    • — 1909, c. 103 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 110

    • — 1911, c. 110 repealed; 1907, c. 105, ss. 10, 11 amended; time extended, 1913, c. 146

  • Manitoba Railway Company

    • — amalgamation of Northern Pacific and Manitoba Railway Company, Winnipeg Transfer Railway Company (Ltd.), Portage and North-western Railway Company and Waskada and North-eastern Railway Company, under name of, 1901, c. 73

  • Manitoba and South Eastern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 60

    • — 1889, c. 60, s. 3 amended, 1890, c. 77

    • — purchase of land; time extended, 1892, c. 46

    • — 1892, c. 46, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1893, c. 53

    • — 1893, c. 53, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1895, c. 55

    • — 1893, c. 53, s. 1 amended; agreements authorized, 1897, c. 53

    • — amalgamation, 1899, c. 75

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 72

  • Manitoba South-Western Colonization Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1879, c. 66

    • — powers extended, 1880, c. 53

    • — lease to C.P.R.; time extended, 1884, c. 73

    • — time extended, 1887, c. 80

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956-57, c. 40

  • Manitoulin and North Shore Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 64

    • — line authorized; agreements authorized, 1901, c. 74

    • — 1900, c. 64, s. 10 amended, 1902, c. 72

    • — 1901, c. 74, s. 1 amended; extension of line, 1903, c. 148

    • — 1900, c. 64, s. 12 repealed; 1903, c. 148, s. 3 repealed; 1901, c. 74, s. 3 amended; mortgage; time extended, 1905, c. 120

    • — 1905, c. 120, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1906, c. 123

    • — 1903, c. 148, s. 1 amended; 1905, c. 120, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1907, c. 106

    • — 1906, c. 123, ss. 1, 2 repealed; 1907, c. 106, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1908, c. 127

    • — 1908, c. 127, ss. 1, 2, 3 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 122

    • — name changed to “The Algoma Eastern Railway Company”; time extended, 1911, c. 111

  • Maritime Coal, Railway and Power Company, Limited

    • — declaratory, 1921, c. 64

  • Maskinongé and Nipissing Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 79

    • — 1886, c. 79, ss. 1, 5 amended; time extended, 1888, c. 82

  • Massawippi Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 94

    • — 1887, c. 94, ss. 1, 3, 5, 10, 17 amended; s. 18 repealed, 1889, c. 84

  • Massawippi Valley Railway Company

    • — agreements with St. Francis and Megantic Railway Company, 1873, c. 85

  • Mayo Valley Railway, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1921, c. 67

  • Medicine Hat and Northern Alberta Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 74

    • — extension of line; time extended, 1903, c. 152

    • — 1902, c. 74, s. 11 repealed; 1903, c. 152, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 122

  • Medicine Hat Railway and Coal Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 86

    • — 1886, c. 86 revived; extension of line, 1891, c. 79

    • — time extended, 1894, c. 80

    • — time extended, 1897, c. 54

    • — time extended, 1902, c. 75

  • Metis, Matane and Gaspé Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 81

  • Mexican Interurban Electric Railway Company, Limited

    • — name changed from “Mexican Interurban Electric Traction Company, Limited”, 1912, c. 117

  • Mexican Interurban Electric Traction Company, Limited

    • — name changed to “Mexican Interurban Electric Railway Company, Limited”, 1912, c. 117

  • Mexican Transportation Company, Limited

    • — name changed to “Mexico North Western Railway Company”; powers in Mexico; share warrants, 1909, c. 107

  • Mexico North Western Pacific Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Mexico North Western Transportation Company, Limited”, 1912, c. 118

  • Mexico North Western Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Mexican Transportation Company, Limited”, 1909, c. 107

  • Mexico North Western Transportation Company, Limited

    • — name changed to “Mexico North Western Pacific Railway Company”; powers in Mexico; share warrants, 1912, c. 118

  • Michigan Central Railroad Company

    • — agreement with Canada Southern Railway Company, 1894, c. 66

    • — agreements with Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway Company, Canada Southern Railway Company, London and South Eastern Railway Company and London and Port Stanley Railway Company, 1897, c. 38

    • — agreements with Canada Southern Railway Company, 1904, c. 55

    • — agreement with Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company, Canada Southern Railway Company, New York Central Rd. Company, C.P.R., 1916, c. 50

    • — sale or lease of interest in Canada Southern Railway Company, 1924, c. 77

    • — sale or lease of interest in Detroit River Tunnel Company, 1924, c. 79

  • Midland Railway of Canada

    • — time extended, 1887, c. 65

    • — time extended, 1892, c. 47

    • — amalgamated with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1893, c. 47

  • Midland Railway Company of Manitoba

    • — agreement with Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company, 1909, c. 85

    • — agreement with Canadian Northern Railway Company, 1914, c. 78

    • — declaratory, 1926-27, c. 87

  • Midland Simcoe Railway Company

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1956, c. 55

  • Midway and Vernon Railway Company

    • — declaratory, 1903, c. 154

    • — 1903, c. 154, s. 11 repealed; time extended, 1907, c. 108

  • Miles Canon and Lewes River Tramway Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 73

  • Miles Canon and White Horse Tramsway Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 74

  • Minden and Muskoka Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 55

  • Moncton and Northumberland Strait Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Buctouche Railway and Transportation Company”, 1913, c. 79

    • — 1913, c. 79, s. 6 repealed; time extended, 1915, c. 48

  • Moncton and Prince Edward Island Railway and Ferry Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 75

    • — 1890, c. 75 revived; new ss. 5, 8; s. 9 amended, 1893, c. 54

    • — 1893, c. 54, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1894, c. 82

  • Montfort Colonization Railway Company

    • — name changed to “Montfort and Gatineau Colonization Railway Company”; Dominion incorporation, 1898, c. 75

  • Montfort and Gatineau Colonization Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Montfort Colonization Railway Company”, 1898, c. 75

    • — 1898, c. 75, s. 9 amended; extension of line, 1900, c. 65

    • — time limited, 1907, c. 73

  • Montreal and Atlantic Railway Company

    • — incorporated; merged with South Eastern Railway Company, 1891, c. 68

    • — 1891, c. 68, s. 14 amended; s. 16 repealed, 1893, c. 55

    • — bonds, 1931, c. 68

    • Montreal Bridge and Terminal Company see RAILWAY BRIDGES AND TUNNELS

  • Montreal and Central Canada Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 72

  • Montreal Central Terminal Company

    • — name changed from “Montreal Bridge and Terminal Company”, 1909, c. 109

    • — 1909, c. 109, s. 10 repealed; expropriation powers; time extended, 1912, c. 120

    • — 1912, c. 120, ss. 5, 6 limited, 1912, c. 121

    • — time extended, 1917, c. 56

  • Montreal, Chambly and Sorel Railway Company

    • — promissory notes; agreements authorized, 1873, c. 87

    • — name changed to “Montreal, Portland and Boston Railway Company”, 1875, c. 70

  • Montreal and Champlain Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1870, c. 55

    • — 1870, c. 55 revived; arrangements with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1878, c. 29

    • — 1878, c. 29, s. 3 amended; extension authorized, 1879, c. 59

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1893, c. 47

  • Montreal and Champlain Railroad Company

    • — sale to Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, 1867, c. 19

    • — sale to Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1872, c. 64

    • — sale to Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, 1873, c. 17

  • Montreal and City of Ottawa Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 47

    • — bonds; time extended, 1878, c. 28

    • — amalgamation with Coteau and Province Line Railway and Bridge Company under the name “Canada Atlantic Railway Company”, 1879, c. 57

  • Montreal and European Short Line Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Great American and European Short Line Railway Company”, 1884, c. 55

  • Montreal Island Belt Line Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1894, c. 83

    • — 1894, c. 83, ss. 9, 26 amended; s. 27 repealed; agreement with Chateauguay and Northern Railway Company, 1896, c. 27

    • — purchase of part of Chateauguay and Northern Railway Company; 1894, c. 83, ss. 15, 22, 24 amended; 1896, c. 27, s. 5 amended, 1898, c. 79

    • — 1894, c. 83, s. 3 amended; 1898, c. 79, ss. 5, 6 repealed, 1899, c. 76

    • — name changed to “The Montreal Terminal Railway Company”, 1899, c. 76

  • Montreal Island Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 63

  • Montreal and James Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 76

  • Montreal, Joliette and Transcontinental Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1918, c. 55

    • — time extended, 1920, c. 80

    • — time extended, 1923, c. 79

  • Montreal, Kapitachuan and Rupert’s Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 129

  • Montreal and Lake Maskinongé Railway Company

    • — declaratory; sale or lease to C.P.R., 1892, c. 48

  • Montreal and Lake Victoria Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 122

    • — time extended, 1914, c. 98

  • Montreal, Nipissing and Georgian Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 97

  • Montreal Northern Colonization Railway Company

    • — extension of line, 1873, c. 82

    • — bridge over Ottawa River, 1874, c. 71

    • — name changed to “Montreal, Ottawa and Western Railway Company”, 1875, c. 68

  • Montreal and Ottawa Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The Vaudreuil and Prescott Railway Company”, 1890, c. 58

    • — 1884, c. 84, ss. 6, 11 amended; s. 15 repealed, 1891, c. 96

    • — time extended, 1894, c. 85

    • — time extended, 1896, c. 25

    • — time extended, 1900, c. 66

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1958, c. 54

  • Montreal, Ottawa and Western Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Montreal Northern Colonization Railway Company”; debentures, 1875, c. 68

    • — sale to Government of Province of Quebec, 1882, c. 67

    • — name changed to “Montreal and Western Railway Company”, 1883, c. 62

  • Montreal Park and Island Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1894, c. 84

    • — 1894, c. 84, ss. 3, 11, 17 amended; preference stock, 1896, c. 28

    • — 1896, c. 28, s. 1 repealed; s. 4 amended; powers and time extended, 1906, c. 129

    • — agreements authorized; time extended, 1911, c. 115

  • Montreal, Portland and Boston Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Montreal, Chambly and Sorel Railway Company”, 1875, c. 70

    • — declaratory; time extended, 1877, c. 58

    • — powers extended, 1880-81, c. 43

    • — vested in Montreal and Province Line Railway Company, 1896, c. 26

  • Montreal and Province Line Railway Company

    • — incorporated; Montreal, Portland and Boston Railway Company vested in, 1896, c. 26

    • — 1896, c. 26, s. 11 amended; time extended, 1898, c. 77

  • Montreal, Quebec and Southern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 128

  • Montreal and Southern Counties Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 56

    • — 1897, c. 56, ss. 1, 4, 10 amended; powers, 1898, c. 78

    • — 1897, c. 56, s. 10 amended, 1902, c. 78

    • — 1897, c. 56, s. 6 repealed; acquisition of Montreal and South Shore Auto Car Company, Limited; time extended, 1905, c. 129

    • — 1905, c. 129, s. 3 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 131

    • — 1910, c. 131, s. 1 repealed; electric power; time extended, 1915, c. 49

    • — 1915, c. 49, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1920, c. 79

  • Montreal Terminal Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Montreal Island Belt Line Railway Company”, 1899, c. 76

    • — 1896, c. 27, s. 5 repealed, 1904, c. 99

    • — 1904, c. 99 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 110

  • Montreal and Western Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Montreal, Ottawa and Western Railway Company”; extension of line , 1883, c. 62

    • — agreement with C.P.R., 1890, c. 67

    • — acts relating to revived; time extended, 1892, c. 49

  • Moosejaw and Edmonton Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 54

  • Moosejaw and Edmonton Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 130

  • Morden and North-western Railway Company

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 72

  • Morris and Portage Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 67

  • Mount Forest, Markdale and Meaford Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 60

  • Mount Royal Tunnel and Terminal Company, Limited

    • — name changed from “Canadian Northern Montreal Tunnel and Terminal Company, Limited”, 1914, c. 78

    • — 1912, c. 74, s. 12 repealed; time extended, 1917, c. 57

  • Nakusp and Slocan Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 56

    • — operation of line, 1898, c. 80

    • — time extended, 1901, c. 75

    • — 1901, c. 75, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 130

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1956-57, c. 40

  • Napanee, Tamworth and Quebec Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1879, c. 67

    • — extension of line; bonds, 1884, c. 62

    • — line authorized; time extended, 1886, c. 68

    • — agreement with Kingston and Pembroke Railway Company, 1889, c. 77

    • — powers extended; name changed to “The Kingston, Napanee and Western Railway Company”, 1890, c. 62

  • Napierville Junction Railway and Quarry Company

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 48

  • Neepigon and Manitoba Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 75

  • Nelson and Fort Sheppard Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1893, c. 57

    • — powers extended, 1896, c. 29

    • — lease to Great Northern Railway Company (Minnesota), 1944-45, c. 55

    • — 1944-45, c. 55, ss. 6, 7, 8, 9 added; sale to Great Northern Railway Company (Minnesota), 1945, c. 42

  • Nelson River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 133

  • Nelson Valley Railway and Transportation Company

    • — incorporated, 1880, c. 57

    • — united with Winnipeg and Hudson’s Bay Railway and Steampship Company, 1883, c. 69

    • — 1883, c. 69 repealed; winding-up, 1884, c. 70

  • Nepigon Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 82

    • — 1902, c. 82, ss. 7, 14 amended; time extended, 1904, c. 102

  • Neutral Link Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 76

  • New Brunswick and Canada Railroad Company

    • — lease to New Brunswick Railway Company, 1883, c. 59

    • — declaratory, 1884, c. 75

  • New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Railway Company

    • — name changed from “New Brunswick and Prince Edward Railway Company”, 1889, c. 85

  • New Brunswick and Prince Edward Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers extended; name changed to “The New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Railway Company”, 1889, c. 85

  • New Brunswick Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers extended; extension of line, 1880-81, c. 42

    • — capital stock; lease of New Brunswick and Canada Railroad Company, 1883, c. 59

    • — lease of St. John and Maine Railway Company, 1884, c. 75

    • — bonds, 1887, c. 76

    • — debenture stock, 1890, c. 71

    • — lease to C.P.R., 1891, c. 74

    • — 1890, c. 71 amended; debenture stock, 1891, c. 99

    • — modification of lease of St. John and Maine Railway Company, 1892, c. 59

    • — provincial statute relating to adopted, 1929, c. 71

    • — bonds; debentures, 1939, c. 54

    • — capital stock, 1944-45, c. 54

  • New Brunswick Southern Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers; bridge over Ste-Croix River, 1908, c. 132

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1958, c. 54

  • New Orleans and Grand Isle Railway, Light and Power Company, Limited

    • — name changed from “New Orleans and Grand Isle Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited”, 1913, c. 157

  • New Orleans and Grand Isle Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited

    • — name changed to “New Orleans and Grand Isle Railway, Light and Power Company, Limited; powers in U.S.A.; share warrants, 1913, c. 157

  • New York Central Railroad Company

    • — agreement with Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company, Michigan Central Railroad Company, Canadian Southern Railway Company and C.P.R., 1916, c. 50

    • — liability for claims against Ottawa and New York Railway Company, 1957-58, c. 38

  • New York, St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 67

  • Niagara Falls Park and River Railway Company

    • — agreement with Commissioners of the Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park and Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company, 1894, c. 98

    • — vested in International Traction RAilways, 1911, c. 98

  • Niagara, Hamilton and Pacific Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The St. Catharines and Niagara Central Railway Company”, 1895, c. 61

    • — bonds; capital stock; time extended, 1896(2nd Session), c. 9

  • Niagara, Queenston and St. Catharines Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 162

    • — 1903, c. 162, s. 4 amended; s. 12 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 131

  • Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 77

    • — lease or purchase of certain companies, 1901, c. 76

    • — acquisition of securities of Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Navigation Company; time extended, 1902, c. 83

    • — line authorized; time extended, 1905, c. 132

    • — 1899, c. 77, s. 4 amended; s. 11 repealed; 1902, c. 83, s. 2 repealed; line authorized; time limited, 1906, c. 132

    • — 1905, c. 132, s. 1 repealed; 1906, c. 132, ss. 1, 4 repealed; time extended, 1908, c. 134

    • — 1899, c. 77, s. 10 amended; 1908, c. 134, s. 1 repealed; electric power; lines authorized, 1913, c. 159

    • — 1913, c. 159, ss. 5, 6 amended; time extended, 1916, c. 46

  • Niagara, Welland and Lake Erie Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 119

  • Nicola, Kamloops and Similkameen Coal and Railway Company

    • — declaratory, 1903, c. 164

    • — running powers vested in Kettle River Valley Railway Company, 1904, c. 89

    • — bonds; agreements authorized; running powers; time limited, 1904, c. 103

    • — line authorized; time limited, 1905, c. 134

    • — 1904, c. 103, s. 4 repealed; 1905, c. 134, s. 4 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 134

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1956-57, c. 40

  • Nicola Valley Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers extended, 1892, c. 50

  • Nipissing Central Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 112

    • — 1907, c. 112, ss. 1, 3 amended; time extended, 1908, c. 135

    • — 1908, c. 135, s. 3 repealed; electric power; time extended, 1913, c. 160

    • — 1913, c. 160, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1918, c. 56

    • — 1918, c. 56, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1923, c. 80

    • — 1923, c. 80, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1928, c. 63

    • — 1928, c. 63, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1932-33, c. 57

  • Lake Nipissing and James’ Bay Railway Company

    • — time extended, 1886, c. 77

    • — name changed to “The Nipissing and James’ Bay Railway Company”, 1889, c. 81

  • Nipissing and James’ Bay Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The Lake Nipissing and James’ Bay Railway Company”, 1889, c. 81

    • — 1884, c. 80, s. 13 amended; sale of part of line, 1892, c. 51

    • — consolidation; 1884, c. 80 repealed; 1886, c. 77 repealed; 1888, c. 80 repealed; 1889, c. 81 repealed; 1892, c. 51 repealed, 1896, c. 30

    • — 1896, c. 30 revived; s. 18 amended, 1899, c. 78

    • — time extended, 1900, c. 68

    • — 1899, c. 78, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1903, c. 165

    • — 1884, c. 80, dissolved, 1996, c. 38

    • — 1896, c. 30; 1899, c. 78; 1900, c. 68 and 1903, c. 165 repealed, 1996, c. 38

  • Nipissing and Ottawa Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 84

  • Nipissing and Pontiac Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 166

  • Norfolk and Elgin Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 67

  • North Canadian Atlantic Railway and Steamship Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 70

    • — 1890, c. 70 revived; name changed to “The Quebec and Labrador Railway and Steam-ship Company”, 1893, c. 58

  • North Grey Railway Company

    • — lease to Northern Railway Company of Canada, 1871, c. 45

    • — amalgamation with “Toronto, Simcoe and Muskoka Junction Railway Company under name “The Northern Extension Railways Company”, 1872, c. 66

  • North Shore Power, Railway and Navigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 85

    • — 1902, c. 85, s. 6 amended; powers extended, 1914, c. 99

    • — name changed to “Gulf Pulp and Paper Company”, 1914, c. 99

  • North Shore Railway Company

    • — transfer to Government of Province of Quebec, 1882, c. 67

    • — arrangement with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1883, c. 54

  • North Simcoe Railway Company

    • — lease to Northern Railway Company of Canada, 1878, c. 26

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1893, c. 47

  • North-West Central Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Souris and Rocky Mountain Railway Company”, 1884, c. 72

    • — corporation continued; time extended, 1886, c. 74

  • North-west Coal and Coke Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 167

    • — 1903, c. 167, s. 11 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 100

    • — name changed to “The Great West Railway Company”, 1905, c. 100

  • North West Navigation and Railway Company

    • — time extended, 1868, c. 87

  • North-West Route, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1920, c. 81

  • North-Western Coal and Navigation Company (Limited)

    • — powers, 1884, c. 74

    • — powers extended, 1890, c. 89

    • — sale to Alberta Railway and Coal Company, 1891, c. 77

  • North-Western Junction and Lake of the Woods Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 59

  • North-Western Railway Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “The Alberta and Athabasca Railway Company”, 1889, c. 65

  • North-western Railway Company of Manitoba

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 78

  • Northern Alberta Railways Company

    • — incorporated, 1929, c. 48

  • Northern Empire Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 138

    • — time extended, 1910, c. 136

  • Northern Extension Railways Company

    • — amalgamation of North Grey Railway Company and Toronto, Simcoe and Muskoka Junction Railway Company under name of; lease to Northern Railway Company of Canada, 1872, c. 66

    • — amalgamation with Northern Railway Company of Canada, 1875, c. 65

  • Northern and North-Western Junction Railway Company

    • — extension of line, 1884, c. 67

  • Northern, North-Western and Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 45

    • — 1880-81, c. 45, ss. 2, 17 amended; s. 16 repealed; time extended, 1883, c. 67

    • — name changed to “Northern and Pacific Junction Railway Company”, 1883, c. 67

  • Northern Pacific and British Columbia Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1915, c. 28

  • Northern and Pacific Junction Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Northern, North-Western and Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company”, 1883, c. 67

    • — 1880-81, c. 45, new s. 22; debenture stock; agreement with Government of Canada; time extended; lease of Hamilton and North-western Railway Company and Northern Railway Company of Canada, 1886, c. 76

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1892, c. 37

  • Northern Pacific and Manitoba Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1889, c. 58

    • — branch line, 1899, c. 79

    • — lease to Canadian Northern Railway Company, 1901, c. 53

    • — amalgamation with Winnipeg Transfer Company, Portage and Northwestern Railway Company and Waskada and Northeastern Railway under name “Manitoba Railway Company”, 1901, c. 73

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 72

  • Northern Pacific Railway Company (Wisconsin)

    • — agreements with Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway and Navigation Company, 1918, c. 59

    • — agreements with Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway and Navigation Company, 1932-33, c. 60

    • — amalgamation of Great Northern Railway Company, and Pacific Coast R.R. Company under name “Great Northern Pacific & Burlington Lines, Inc.”, 1965, c. 23

  • Northern Quebec Colonization Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 138

  • Northern Railway Company of Canada

    • — powers extended, 1868, c. 86

    • — lease of Toronto, Simcoe and Muskoka Junction Railway Company and North Grey Railway Company, 1871, c. 45

    • — lease of Northern Extension Railways Company, 1872, c. 66

    • — consolidation; amalgamation with Northern Extension Railways Company, 1875, c. 65

    • — statement of capital, 1877, c. 57

    • — leasing powers; lease of North Simcoe Railway, 1878, c. 26

    • — running powers granted to Credit Valley Railway Company, 1880, c. 54

    • — agreement with Hamilton and North Western Railway Company, 1880-81, c. 38

    • — 1880-81, c. 38, s. 12 explained, 1880-81, c. 39

    • — debenture stock, 1883, c. 56

    • — agreement with Hamilton and North Western Railway Company; acquisition of stock in Northern and Pacific Junction Railway Company, 1884, cc. 63, 65

    • — lease to Northern and Pacific Junction Railway Company, 1886, c. 76

  • Northern Territorial Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 125

    • — time extended, 1914, c. 100

  • Northern and Western Railway Company of New Brunswick

    • — purchase of Chatham Railway; name changed to “The Canada Eastern Railway Company”, 1890, c. 74

  • Northumberland Straits Tunnel Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 92

  • Nova Scotia Eastern Railway Company, Limited

    • — declaratory, 1901, c. 77

  • Ontario and Abitibi Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 120

  • Ontario, Hudson’s Bay and Western Railways Company

    • — declaratory; powers, 1901, c. 78

    • — 1901, c. 78, s. 14 amended; time extended, 1905, c. 138

    • — 1905, c. 138, s. 1 repealed; 1901, c. 78, ss. 5, 7 amended; time extended, 1907, c. 114

    • — 1907, c. 114, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 116

    • — 1909, c. 116 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 121

  • Ontario, Manitoba and Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 61

  • Ontario-Michigan Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 122

    • — time extended, 1913, c. 165

  • Ontario Northern and Timagami Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Timagami Railway Company”, 1905, c. 161

    • — 1898, c. 87, ss. 7, 12 amended; 1904, c. 134, s. 4 repealed; 1905, c. 161, s. 2 amended; extension of line; time extended, 1906, c. 136

    • — 1906, c. 136, s. 6 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 123

  • Ontario and Ottawa Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 139

    • — purchase of Brockville, Westport and North-western Railway Company; line authorized; time extended, 1912, c. 126

  • Ontario and Pacific Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 74

    • — 1874, c. 74, s. 27 repealed; time extended, 1879, c. 58

    • — 1874, c. 74, ss. 3, 14 amended; preferential stock, 1880, c. 51

    • — running powers over Canada Central Railway, 1880, c. 52

    • — extension of line; running powers; time limited, 1880-81, c. 41

  • Ontario Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 78

    • — 1882, c. 78, ss. 3, 11, 23, 37 amended; bridge over St. Lawrence, 1883, c. 66

    • — bridge over St. Lawrence, 1884, c. 57

    • — 1882, c. 78, line authorized; time extended, 1885, c. 19

    • — 1882, c. 78, s. 33 amended, 1887, c. 58

    • — bonds; time extended, 1890, c. 57

    • — time extended, 1892, c. 52

    • — 1890, c. 57, s. 4 repealed; 1892, c. 52, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1897, c. 57

    • — name changed to “The Ottawa and New York Railway Company”, 1897, c. 57

  • Ontario and Quebec Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 48

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 44

    • — 1880-81, c. 44, ss. 19, 31 amended; extension of line; merger with Credit Valley Railway Company, 1883, c. 58

    • — lease to C.P.R.; purchase of line from C.P.R., 1883, c. 55

    • — lease to C.P.R.; purchase of line from C.P.R., 1884, c. 54

    • — lease of Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway; purchase of part of Atlantic and North-west Railway Company and C.P.R.; amalgamation with Credit Valley Railway Company; lease to C.P.R., 1884, c. 61

    • — lease of West Ontario Pacific Railway Company, 1887, c. 62

    • — branch line; time extended, 1888, c. 53

    • — exchange of land with Land Security Company, 1889, c. 74

    • — agreement with C.P.R. and City of Toronto, 1892, c. 61

  • Ontario and Rainy River Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation; agreements with Port Arthur, Duluth and Western Railway Company, 1891, c. 82

    • — time extended, 1898, c. 81

    • — purchase of Port Arthur, Duluth and Western Railway Company, 1899, c. 80

    • — time extended, 1900, c. 69

    • — amalgamation with Canadian Northern Railway Company, 1901, c. 52

  • Ontario Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company

    • — agreement with C.P.R., 1887, c. 61

  • Orford Mountain Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers extended, 1901, c. 79

    • — time extended, 1902, c. 87

    • — 1902, c. 87 repealed; time extended, 1907, c. 115

    • — securities; line authorized; time limited, 1911, c. 124

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1958, c. 54

  • Oshawa Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Oshawa Railway and Navigation Company”, 1891, c. 91

    • — capital stock, 1895, c. 56

    • — powers extended; time extended, 1900, c. 70

    • — annual meeting, 1921, c. 68

  • Oshawa Railway and Navigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 92

    • — 1887, c. 92 revived; name changed to “The Oshawa Railway Company”; time extended, 1891, c. 91

  • Ottawa and Arnprior Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 74

  • Ottawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound Railway Company

    • — amalgamation of Ottawa and Parry Sound Railway Company and Ottawa, Arnprior and Renfrew Railway Company under name of, 1891, c. 93

    • — time extended, 1895, c. 57

    • — amalgamation with Parry Sound Colonization Railway Company, 1896(2nd Session), c. 8

    • — amalgamation with Canada Atlantic Railway Company, 1899, c. 81

  • Ottawa, Arnprior and Renfrew Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Ottawa and Parry Sound Railway Company under name “Ottawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound Railway Company”, 1891, c. 93

  • Ottawa and Aylmer Railway and Bridge Company

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 58

  • Ottawa, Brockville and St. Lawrence Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 71

    • — 1900, c. 71, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1902, c. 88

    • — 1900, c. 71, s. 14 repealed; 1902, c. 88, s. 2 repealed; 1900, c. 71, s. 4 amended; time extended, 1904, c. 109

    • — 1904, c. 109, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 137

    • — 1906, c. 137, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1908, c. 140

    • — 1908, c. 140, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 140

    • — 1910, c. 140, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1912, c. 127

  • Ottawa City Passenger Railway Company

    • — extension of line; powers extended; agreements authorized, 1892, c. 53

    • — amalgamation with Ottawa Electric Street Railway Company under name “The Ottawa Electric Railway Company”, 1894, c. 86

  • Ottawa Electric Railway Company

    • — amalgamation of Ottawa City Passenger Railway Company and Ottawa Electric Street Railway Company under name of; agreement with City of Ottawa, 1894, c. 86

    • — extension of line, 1899, c. 82

    • — bonds, 1903, c. 171

    • — agreement with City of Ottawa, 1924, c. 84

    • — 1903, c. 171, s. 1 amended, 1925, c. 63

    • — 1894, c. 86, s. 4 amended, 1930, c. 58

    • — 1894, c. 86, s. 4 amended; 1903, c. 58, s. 1 amended, 1947, c. 79

    • — sale to City of Ottawa, 1949, c. 30

  • Ottawa Electric Street Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Ottawa City Passenger Railway Company under name “The Ottawa Electric Railway Company”, 1894, c. 86

  • Ottawa and Gatineau Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The Ottawa and Gatineau Valley Railway Company”, 1894, c. 87

    • — 1894, c. 87, s. 32 repealed; time extended, 1897, c. 58

    • — conveyance to Ottawa Interprovincial Bridge Company, 1898, c. 112

    • — 1897, c. 58, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1899, c. 83

    • — 1894, c. 87, ss. 24, 26, 27 amended; powers, 1901, c. 80

    • — name changed to “The Ottawa, Northern and Western Railway Company”, 1901, c. 80

  • Ottawa and Gatineau Valley Railway Company

    • — running powers over Hull Mines Railway, 1880-81, c. 49

    • — Dominion incorporation; extension of line, 1887, c. 74

    • — 1887, c. 74 repealed; consolidation act; name changed to “The Ottawa and Gatineau Railway Company”, 1894, c. 87

  • Ottawa and Lake McGregor Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 128

    • — powers extended, 1912, c. 129

  • Ottawa, Montreal and Eastern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 141

    • — 1910, c. 141, ss. 11A, B, C added; s. 13 repealed; time extended, 1912, c. 130

    • — 1912, c. 130 restricted, 1912, c. 131

  • Ottawa, Morrisburg and New York Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 66

  • Ottawa and New York Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Ontario Pacific Railway Company”, 1897, c. 57

    • — 1882, c. 78, ss. 18, 21 repealed; 1897, c. 57, s. 1 amended, 1898, c. 82

    • — directors, 1905, c. 141

    • — lease to New York Central Railroad Company, 1915, c. 50

    • — agreement authorized, 1932, c. 60

    • — lease to New York Central Railroad Company, 1936, c. 51

    • — company dissolved, 1957-58, c. 38

  • Ottawa, Northern and Western Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Ottawa and Gatineau Railway Company”, 1901, c. 80

    • — powers extended, 1902, c. 89

    • — time extended, 1903, c. 173

    • — time extended, 1904, c. 111

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 142

    • — 1899, c. 83 repealed; 1904, c. 111 repealed, 1909, c. 118

    • — 1896, c. 31, s. 2 repealed; 1899, c. 84, s. 2 repealed; 1900, c. 72, s. 6 repealed; 1903, c. 173 repealed; 1905, c. 142 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 143

    • — 1909, c. 118 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 125

    • — 1910, c. 143 repealed; time extended, 1912, c. 132

    • — 1911, c. 125 repealed; electric power; time extended, 1913, c. 170

    • — 1912, c. 132 repealed; time extended, 1914, c. 101

    • — bonds; line authorized, 1919, c. 91

    • — time extended, 1921, c. 69

    • — time extended, 1923, c. 81

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1958, c. 54

  • Ottawa and Perry Sound Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 65

    • — amalgamation with Ottawa, Arnprior and Renfrew Railway Company under name “The Ottawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound Railway Company”, 1891, c. 93

  • Ottawa and Prescott Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation under name “St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company”, 1867, c. 20

  • Ottawa, Rideau Valley and Brockville Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 144

  • Ottawa River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 172

    • — 1903, c. 172, ss. 9, 13, 14 amended; extension of line, 1904, c. 112

    • — 1904, c. 112, s. 1 amended; 1903, c. 172, s. 9 amended; 1903, c. 172, s. 13 repealed; 1904, c. 112, ss. 4, 5 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 79

    • — name changed to “The Central Railway Company of Canada”, 1905, c. 79

  • Ottawa Terminals Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 117

    • — 1907, c. 117, s. 15 amended, 1913, c. 171

  • Ottawa and Ungava Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Gatineau and Ungava Railway Company”, 1912, c. 94

    • — 1910, c. 102, s. 10 amended; 1912, c. 94, s. 2 repealed; line authorized; time extended, 1914, c. 102

  • Ottawa Valley Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1892, c. 54

    • — sale to Atlantic and Lake Superior Railway Company, 1894, c. 63

  • Ottawa, Vaudreuil, and Montreal Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Vaudreuil Railway Company”, 1871, c. 46

    • — branch line; bridge, 1872, c. 69

    • — time extended, 1877, c. 60

  • Ottawa, Waddington and New York Railway and Bridge Company

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 77

    • — 1882, c. 77, ss. 23, 28 amended; bonds; time extended, 1884, c. 58

    • — 1882, c. 77 revived, 1892, c. 55

  • Owen Sound and Lake Huron Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 61

  • Owen Sound and Meaford Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 144

    • — time extended, 1908, c. 141

  • Pacific and Atlantic Railway Company

    • — declaratory; lines authorized; agreements authorized, 1906, c. 138

    • — 1906, c. 138, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1908, c. 142

    • — 1908, c. 142, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 145

    • — 1910, c. 145 repealed; time extended, 1912, c. 133

  • Pacific and Hudson Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 126

    • — 1911, c. 126, ss. 3, 8, 13, 18 amended; time extended, 1913, c. 173

  • Pacific Northern and Omineca Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 90

    • — 1902, c. 90, s. 12 repealed; time extended, 1904, c. 114

    • — 1902, c. 90, s. 7 amended; 1904, c. 114 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 141

    • — 1906, c. 141, s. 3 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 128

    • — 1902, c. 90, ss. 8, 9 and 1911, c. 128 repealed; electric power; time extended, 1916, c. 47

  • Pacific, Peace River and Athabasca Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 68

    • — lines authorized; time extended, 1915, c. 51

  • Pacific and Peace River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 73

  • Pacific and Peace River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 127

    • — 1911, c. 127, s. 7, 9 amended; time extended, 1913, c. 174

  • Pacific, Trans-Canada and Hudson Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 134

    • — 1912, c. 134, s. 8 amended; time extended, 1914, c. 103

  • Parry Sound Colonization Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Ottawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound Railway Company, 1896(2nd Session), c. 8

  • Peace River Tramway and Navigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 69

    • — time extended, 1916, c. 48

  • Peoples Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers; lines authorized; capital stock; extension of line, 1911, c. 129

  • Père Marquette Railroad Company

    • — agreement with Canada Southern Railway Company and Michigan Central Railroad Company, 1904, c. 55

    • — lease of Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway Company, 1945, c. 40

  • Peterborough and Chemong Lake Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1893, c. 47

  • Peterborough, Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 63

  • Pine Pass Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 147

  • Point-aux-Trembles Terminal Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 177

  • Pontiac Central Railway Company

    • — declaratory; securities; extension of line; time limited, 1908, c. 146

    • — extension of line; agreements authorized; 1908, c. 146, s. 7 repealed, 1911, c. 130

  • Pontiac and Interprovincial Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 116

  • Pontiac and Ottawa Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 88

  • Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1880, c. 55

    • — powers extended; bridge over Ottawa River; 1880, c. 55, s. 8 repealed; s. 13 amended; time extended, 1882, c. 69

    • — extension of line; powers extended; time extended, 1887, c. 73

    • — time extended, 1889, c. 82

    • — bridge over Ottawa River, extension of line; time extended, 1890, c. 68

    • — purchase of branch line from C.P.R., 1890, c. 69

    • — time extended, 1892, c. 56

    • — bridge; lines authorized, 1896, c. 31

    • — sale of Ottawa Interprovincial Bridge Company, 1898, c. 112

    • — 1896, c. 31, s. 9 repealed; extension of line; time extended, 1899, c. 84

    • — powers extended, 1900, c. 72

    • — amalgamation with Ottawa Northern and Western Railway Company, 1903, c. 173

  • Pontiac and Renfrew Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 66

  • Port Arthur, Duluth and Western Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Thunder Bay Colonization Railway Company”, 1888, c. 64

    • — powers extended, 1890, c. 76

    • — agreements with Ontario and Rainy River Railway Company, 1891, c. 82

    • — agreements authorized, 1893, c. 59

  • Port Dover, Brantford, Berlin and Goderich Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 73

    • — 1900, c. 73, s. 4 amended; time extended, 1902, c. 91

    • — name changed to “The Grand Valley Railway Company”, 1902, c. 91

  • Portage and North-Western Railway Company

    • — lease to Canadian Northern Railway Company, 1901, c. 53

    • — amalgamation with Northern Pacific and Manitoba Railway, Winnipeg Transfer Company (limited), Waskada and North-Eastern Railway Company, under name “Manitoba Railway Company”, 1901, c. 73

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 72

  • Portage, Westbourne and North-Western Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Westbourne and North-Western Railway Company”, 1882, c. 80

    • — name changed to “Manitoba and North-Western Railway Company of Canada”; bonds; directors, 1883, c. 68

  • Prescott County Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 82

    • — 1887, c. 82, ss. 3, 10 amended, 1889, c. 80

    • — name changed to “The Central Counties Railway Company”; bridge over Ottawa River, 1889, c. 80

  • Prince Albert and Hudson Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 122

    • — 1909, c. 122, ss. 7, 15, 16 amended; time extended, 1910, c. 149

  • Prince Albert and North Saskatchewan Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 144

  • Prince Edward and Hastings Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 137

    • — line authorized; time extended, 1914, c. 104

  • Qu’Appelle, Long Lake and Saskatchewan Railroad and Steamboat Company

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 72

    • — agreement with C.P.R., 1890, c. 82

    • — time extended, 1892, c. 57

    • — debenture stock; agreements authorized, 1906, c. 147

    • — securities; agreements, 1907, c. 121

  • Quebec Central Railway Company

    • — completion of certain lines, 1921, c. 70

    • — securities; time extended, 1923, c. 82

  • Quebec Frontier Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 81

    • — 1872, c. 81, s. 9 amended; ss. 10, 11 repealed; new s. 15; directors, 1874, c. 70

  • Quebec and James’ Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 70

    • — re-incorporated; powers extended, 1887, c. 70

    • — agreement with Great Northern Railway Company, 1897, c. 44

  • Quebec and Labrador Railway and Steam-ship Company

    • — name changed from “The North Canadian Atlantic Railway and Steamship Company”, 1893, c. 58

  • Quebec and Lake Huron Direct Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 69

  • Quebec and Lake Huron Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 74

    • — 1900, c. 74, s. 10 repealed; time extended, 1902, c. 93

    • — 1902, c. 93, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1904, c. 117

    • — 1904, c. 117 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 148

  • Quebec Midland Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 149

  • Quebec, Montmorency and Charlevoix Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1895, c. 59

    • — 1895, c. 59, ss. 5, 21, 22, 23 amended, 1897, c. 59

    • — 1895, c. 59, ss. 9, 10, 12, 15 amended, 1899, c. 85

    • — name changed to “The Quebec Railway, Light and Power Company”, 1899, c. 85

  • Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental Railway

    • — conveyance to Government of the Province of Quebec, 1882, c. 67

  • Quebec, Montreal and Southern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 150

    • — time extended, 1911, c. 132

    • — time extended, 1916, c. 49

    • — time extended, 1921, c. 71

    • — time extended, 1926-27, c. 88

    • — winding-up, 1932-33, c. 58

  • Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 178

    • — amalgamation with Great Northern Railway of Canada, Chateauguay and Northern Railway Company, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Railway Company under name “Canadian Northern Quebec Railway Company”, 1907, c. 73

  • Quebec and New Brunswick Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1870, c. 56

  • Quebec and New Brunswick Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 75

    • — time extended, 1903, c. 176

    • — 1900, c. 75, s. 10 repealed; 1903, c. 176 repealed; 1900, c. 75, ss. 7, 9 amended; time extended, 1908, c. 149

    • — 1900, c. 75, ss. 7, 8 amended; 1908, c. 149, s. 1 repealed; line authorized; time extended, 1909, c. 125

    • — 1900, c. 75, s. 3 repealed; 1909, c. 125, s. 3 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 131

  • Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1947, c. 80

    • — time extended, 1956, c. 68

  • Quebec Oriental Railway Company

    • — declaratory; time extended, 1907, c. 122

    • — 1907, c. 122, s. 3 amended; s. 5 repealed; securities; time extended, 1909, c. 126

  • Quebec Pacific Railroad Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 74

  • Quebec, Portland and International Short Line Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 181

  • Quebec Railway, Light and Power Company

    • — name changed from “Quebec, Montmorency and Charlevoix Railway Company”, 1899, c. 85

    • — 1895, c. 59, s. 19 repealed; 1897, c. 59, s. 1 repealed, 1908, c. 150

    • — 1895, c. 59, s. 21 amended; 1908, c. 150, s. 2 amended, 1929, c. 72

    • — 1895, c. 59, s. 8 amended, 1939, c. 56

    • — 1895, c. 59, s. 18 added, 1945, c. 41

  • Quebec Rapid Transit Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 182

  • Quebec, Saguenay and Gulf of St. Lawrence Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 179

    • — 1903, c. 179, s. 21 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 151

  • Quebec Southern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 76

    • — 1900, c. 76, s. 7 amended, 1902, c. 94

    • — sale of railway, 1905, c. 158

  • Quebec Terminal and Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 81

  • Quinze and Blanche River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 123

    • — time extended, 1909, c. 127

    • — 1907, c. 123, s. 14 amended; s. 15 repealed; 1909, c. 127 repealed; electric power; time extended, 1914, c. 105

  • Quinze River and Ottawa Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 140

  • Rainy River Radial Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 152

    • — time extended, 1912, c. 141

    • — 1912, c. 141 repealed; time extended, 1914, c. 106

  • Rapid City Central Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 85

  • Red Deer Valley Railway and Coal Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 52

    • — 1889, c. 52 revived; time extended, 1891, c. 76

    • — 1889, c. 52 revived; time extended, 1894, c. 90

    • — 1894, c. 90 repealed; 1889, c. 52, s. 3 amended; time extended, 1897, c. 69

    • — time extended, 1899, c. 86

    • — 1897, c. 60, s. 2 repealed; 1899, c. 86 repealed; time extended, 1900, c. 77

    • — 1889, c. 52, s. 6 amended; 1900, c. 77, ss. 3, 4 amended; s. 5 repealed; powers of construction; time extended, 1903, c. 181

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 152

  • Red Mountain Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1895, c. 60

  • Red River Valley Railway

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 72

  • Regina and Hudson’s Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 182

    • — 1903, c. 182, s. 11 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 153

  • Regina North Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 185

  • Restigouche and Western Railway Company

    • — bridge over St. John River, 1900, c. 78

    • — power to build bridge over St. John River vested in Van Buren Bridge Company, 1913, c. 203

  • Richelieu and Lake Memphremagog Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1897, c. 61

  • Rocky Mountain Railway and Coal Company

    • — incorporated, 1891, c. 58

    • — 1891, c. 58 revived; ss. 1, 3, 9, 10 amended, 1894, c. 91

    • — powers of construction; 1891, c. 58, s. 4 repealed, 1903, c. 184

  • Rush Lake and Saskatchewan Railway and Navigation Company

    • — incorporated, 1885, c. 90

  • Russell, Dundas, Grenville Counties Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 87

  • Rutland and Noyan Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 88

    • — lease to Rutland Railroad Company, 1923, c. 83

  • Saint Gabriel Levee and Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 85

    • — 1886, c. 85 revived; time extended, 1887, c. 72

    • — acts relating to revived; 1887, c. 72, s. 6 repealed; agreement with City of Montreal; time extended, 1889, c. 83

  • Saint Martin’s and Uphaw Railway Company

    • — sale to Central Railway Company, 1887, c. 75

  • Salisbury and Albert Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 131

  • Salisbury and Harvey Railway Company

    • — letters patent confirmed, 1891, c. 100

    • — acquisition of certain railways, 1900, c. 80

  • Sarnia, Chatham and Erie Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Canada Southern Railway Company, 1904, c. 55

  • Saskatchewan Central Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 160

    • — time extended, 1912, c. 146

    • — 1912, c. 146 repealed; time extended, 1914, c. 107

  • Saskatchewan and North Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 71

  • Saskatchewan North-Western Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Canadian Northern Railway Company, 1912, c. 77

  • Saskatchewan and Peace River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 81

  • Saskatchewan Railway and Mining Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 56

    • — 1889, c. 56, s. 3 amended; time extended, 1890, c. 88

    • — 1889, c. 56, s. 3 repealed; powers extended, 1891, c. 78

    • — acts relating to revived; 1889, c. 56, s. 6 amended; 1891, c. 78, s. 2 amended, 1898, c. 85

    • — 1898, c. 85, s. 3 amended, 1899, c. 89

  • Saskatchewan Valley and Hudson’s Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 132

  • Saskatchewan and Western Railway Company

    • — declaratory; time extended, 1901, c. 83

  • Saskatoon and Hudson Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 137

    • — time extended, 1914, c. 108

  • Saskatoon and Northern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 85

  • Sault Ste. Marie and Hudson’s Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 64

  • Sault St. Mary Railway and Bridge Company

    • — incorporated, 1871, c. 50

    • — 1871, c. 50, new s. 9; powers extended, 1872, c. 86

  • Schomberg and Aurora Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1896, c. 34

    • — extension of line; agreement with Metropolitan Railway Company, 1900, c. 81

    • — lines authorized; time extended, 1906, c. 160

  • Shore Line Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1895, c. 63

  • Shuswap and Okanagon Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 82

    • — 1886, c. 82, s. 15 amended; time extended, 1888, c. 88

    • — agreement with C.P.R., 1891, c. 72

    • — agreement with C.P.R.; securities, 1913, c. 194

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956-57, c. 40

  • Simcoe, Grey and Bruce Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 140

    • — time extended, 1913, c. 195

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 52

  • Similkameen and Keremeos Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 84

    • — powers of construction; time extended, 1904, c. 124

  • Souris and Rocky Mountain Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1880, c. 58

    • — powers extended, 1880-81, c. 47

    • — powers extended, 1882, c. 79

    • — 1880-81, c. 47, ss. 2, 7 repealed; ss. 9, 10, 14, 15 amended; 1880, c. 58, s. 12 amended; time extended, 1884, c. 72

    • — name changed to “The North-West Central Railway Company”, 1884, c. 72

  • South Eastern Railway Company

    • — sale to Montreal and Atlantic Railway Company, 1891, c. 68

  • South Norfolk Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 86

    • — sale to Grand Trunk, Georgian Bay and Lake Erie Railway Company, 1888, c. 57

  • South Ontario Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 85

    • — time extended, 1889, c. 70

    • — 1887, c. 85, s. 3 amended; s. 17 repealed; time extended, 1891, c. 92

    • — time extended, 1896, c. 35

    • — time extended, 1901, c. 85

    • — 1901, c. 85 repealed; time extended, 1906, c. 161

    • — time extended, 1908, c. 157

    • — 1906, c. 161 repealed; 1908 c. 157 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 163

    • — securities; line authorized; time extended, 1911, c. 142

    • — 1910, c. 163 repealed; agreement with C.P.R.; line authorized; time extended, 1912, c. 151

    • — 1912, c. 151, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1914, c. 109

    • — 1914, c. 109, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1915, c. 54

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956, c. 55

  • South Saskatchewan Valley Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1880, c. 56

    • — 1880, c. 56, ss. 2, 21 repealed; ss. 22, 27 amended; powers extended; time extended, 1882, c. 82

    • — 1882, c. 82, s. 4 repealed; time extended, 1884, c. 71

    • — 1882, c. 82, s. 1 repealed; line authorized; time extended, 1885, c. 17

  • South Shore Line Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 82

  • South Shore Railway Company, Limited (Nova Scotia)

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1895, c. 64

  • South Shore Railway Company (Quebec)

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1896(2nd Session), c. 10

    • — time extended, 1902, c. 101

    • — sale of railway, 1905, c. 158

  • South Shore Suburban Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1896, c. 36

  • South-Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 52

    • — time extended, 1891, c. 83

    • — amalgamation with St. Lawrence and Adirondack Railway Company, 1896, c. 37

  • Southern Central Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 191

    • — 1903, c. 191, ss. 1, 2 amended; line authorized; time extended, 1906, c. 162

    • — 1906, c. 162, ss. 1, 2 amended; s. 4 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 135

    • — 1903, c. 191, s. 10; 1906, c. 162, ss. 2, 3 and 1909, c. 135, ss. 2, 3 repealed; line authorized; time extended, 1911, c. 141

    • — 1911, c. 141, ss. 2, 5 repealed; lines authorized; agreements authorized, 1913, c. 198

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 53

  • Springhill and Parrsborough Coal and Railway Company (Limited)

    • — powers extended, 1877, c. 86

    • — winding-up; sale to Cumberland Coal and Railway Company, 1884, c. 77

    • — name changed to “Cumberland Railway and Coal Company”, 1884, c. 77

  • St. Catharines and Niagara Central Railway Company

    • — declaratory; branch line, 1887, c. 60

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1888, c. 78

    • — 1888, c. 78, s. 8 amended, 1888, c. 79

    • — powers extended, 1890, c. 54

    • — bonds; lease to C.P.R. or Canada Southern Railway Company, 1891, c. 87

    • — time extended, 1892, c. 58

    • — time extended, 1894, c. 92

    • — powers extended; name changed to “The Niagara, Hamilton and Pacific Railway Company”, 1895, c. 61

  • St. Chrysostôme Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 186

  • St. Clair Frontier Tunnel Company

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 82

  • St. Francis and Megantic International Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1870, c. 54

    • — capital stock; electric power, 1872, c. 70

    • — branch line; bonds; agreements authorized, 1873, c. 85

    • — bonds, 1874, c. 72

    • — name changed to “International Railway Company”, 1877, c. 59

  • St. John and Maine Railway Company

    • — lease to New Brunswick Railway Company, 1884, c. 75

    • — modification of lease to New Brunswick Railway Company, 1892, c. 59

  • St. Lawrence and Adirondack Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 64

    • — 1888, c. 64, s. 19 amended; agreements authorized, 1893, c. 60

    • — 1888, c. 64, s. 2 amended; 1893, c. 60, s. 1 repealed; agreements authorized, 1894, c. 93

    • — 1888, c. 64, s. 10 amended, 1895, c. 62

    • — lease to Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1896, c. 18

    • — amalgamation with Malone and St. Lawrence Railway Company; lease to Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1896, c. 32

    • — amalgamation with South-western Railway Company, 1896, c. 37

    • — bonds, 1897, c. 62

    • — bonds, 1901, c. 82

    • — lease to New York Central Railroad Company, 1915, c. 55

    • — renewal of lease to New York Central Railroad Company, 1936, c. 52

  • St. Lawrence and Atlantic Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 78

    • — time extended, 1889, c. 72

  • St. Lawrence and Northern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 99

  • St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company

    • — incorporated; name changed from “The Ottawa and Prescott Railway Company”, 1867, c. 20

    • — extension of line; capital stock, 1872, c. 67

    • — debenture stock, 1876, c. 47

    • — bondholders, 1884, c. 76

    • — sale of lands, 1896, c. 33

  • St. Lawrence and Pacific Railway Ferry Company

    • — incorporated, 1877, c. 62

  • St. Lawrence Railway Ferry Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 127

  • St. Leon Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 128

  • St. Mary’s River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 79

    • — extension of line; 1900, c. 79, ss. 4, 8 amended, 1903, c. 187

    • — amalgamation with Canadian North-west Irrigation Company and Alberta Railway and Coal Company under name “Alberta Railway and Irrigation Company”, 1904, c. 43

  • St. Mary’s and Western Ontario Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 155

    • — time extended, 1907, c. 130

    • — lines authorized, 1909, c. 136

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1958, c. 54

  • St. Maurice and Eastern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 137

  • St. Maurice Valley Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 123

    • — 1904, c. 123, s. 8 amended, 1905, c. 156

    • — 1904, c. 123, s. 11 amended, 1907, c. 131

    • — time extended, 1910, c. 159

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1958, c. 54

  • St. Stephen and Milltown Railway Company

    • — agreement with C.P.R., 1898, c. 84

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1962, c. 38

  • Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly Railway Company

    • — borrowing powers; capital stock; sale of railway, 1888, c. 54

    • — 1888, c. 54, s. 12 amended, 1888, c. 55

  • Sudbury, Kepawa and Bell River Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1914, c. 70

  • Sudbury and Wahnapitae Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 90

  • Superior and Western Ontario Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 139

  • Sydney and Louisburg Railway Company

    • — declaratory, 1960-61, c. 74

  • Teeswater and Inverhuron Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 90

  • Temiscouata Railway Company

    • — 48-49 V., c. 58, s. 14 amended; charter confirmed; capital, 1887, c. 71

    • — powers extended, 1893, c. 61

    • — 1893, c. 61 revived; s. 1 repealed; extension of line, 1895, c. 65

    • — line authorized, 1897, c. 63

    • — time extended, 1899, c. 91

    • — charter amended; bonds, 1904, c. 129

    • — 1904, c. 129, s. 15 amended, 1904, c. 40

    • — scrip certificates, 1907, c. 137

    • — sale to Government of Quebec, 1949(2nd Session), c. 39

  • Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission

    • — agreements with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1912, c. 157

  • Thessalon and Northern Railway Company

    • — declaratory; agreements authorized; time extended, 1909, c. 140

    • — 1909, c. 140, s. 1 amended; time extended, 1914, c. 110

  • Thorold and Lake Erie Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 131

    • — 1904, c. 131, ss. 1, 10 amended, 1904, c. 132

    • — time extended, 1906, c. 168

  • Thousand Islands Railway Company

    • — merged with Gananoque, Perth and James’ Bay Railway Company, 1888, c. 75

    • — powers extended, 1896, c. 38

    • — powers; time extended, 1900, c. 83

    • — annual meeting, 1921, c. 72

  • Three Rivers and North Shore Electric Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 86

  • Three Rivers and Western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 64

  • Thunder Bay Colonization Railway Company

    • — name changed to “Port Arthur, Duluth and Western Railway Company”; Dominion incorporation, 1888, c. 84

  • Thunder Bay Silver Mines Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 80

  • Tilsonburg, Lake Erie and Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 56

    • — 1890, c. 56, s. 3 revived; extension of line; time extended, 1902, c. 105

    • — 1902, c. 105, s. 4 repealed; time extended, 1904, c. 133

    • — 1904, c. 133, repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 141

    • — 1909, c. 141, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1914, c. 111

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1958, c. 54

  • Timagami, Cobalt and Timiskaming Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 167

  • Timagami Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 87

    • — 1898, c. 87 revived; new s. 4; time extended, 1900, c. 84

    • — 1900, c. 84, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1902, c. 106

    • — 1898, c. 87, s. 1 amended; s. 6 repealed; 1902, c. 106, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1904, c. 134

    • — 1898, c. 87, s. 10 amended; s. 14 repealed; 1902, c. 106 repealed; line authorized, 1905, c. 161

    • — name changed to “The Ontario Northern and Timagami Railway Company”, 1905, c. 161

  • Tobique Gypsum and Colonization Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 71

  • Tobique Valley Railway Company

    • — agreement with C.P.R., 1892, c. 60

  • Toronto Belt Line Railway Company

    • — agreement with City of Toronto, 1892, c. 61

  • Toronto Eastern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 167

    • — time extended, 1915, c. 56

  • Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway

    • — lease to Ontario and Quebec Railway Company, 1884, c. 61

    • — declaratory; bonds, 1884, c. 66

    • — conveyance of land, 1888, c. 53

  • Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company

    • — Dominion incorporation; purchase of Brantford, Waterloo and Lake Erie Railway Company, 1891, c. 86

    • — by-laws; time extended, 1893, c. 62

    • — City of Hamilton by-law; powers extended, 1895, c. 66

    • — 1895, c. 66, amended, 1896, c. 39

    • — bonds, 1903, c. 197

    • — directors, 1905, c. 165

    • — amalgamation with Erie and Ontario Railway Company, 1915, c. 57

    • — agreement with Michigan Central Railroad Company, Canada Southern Railway Company, New York Central Railroad Company and C.P.R., 1916, c. 50

    • — agreements authorized, 1917, c. 58

    • — 1917, c. 58, s. 1 amended; agreement with Hamilton and Dundas Street Railway Company, 1918, c. 57

    • — trust indenture with Royal Trust Company, 1947, c. 81

  • Toronto and Hamilton Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 196

    • — 1903, c. 196, s. 11 amended; s. 15 repealed; extension authorized; time extended, 1904, c. 135

    • — preference stock, 1905, c. 163

    • — line authorized, 1905, c. 164

    • — 1903, c. 196, s. 3 amended; 1904, c. 135, s. 4 repealed; line authorized; time extended, 1906, c. 169

    • — name changed to “The Toronto, Niagara and Western Railway Company”, 1906, c. 169

  • Toronto and Hudson Bay Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 88

  • Toronto, Niagara and Western Railway Company

    • — name changed from the “Toronto and Hamilton Railway Company”, 1906, c. 169

    • — 1906, c. 169, s. 5 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 143

    • — 1903, c. 196, s. 10 repealed; electric power; time extended, 1914, c. 112

    • — 1903, c. 196, ss. 7, 13 amended; 1914, c. 112, ss. 8, 9 amended; time extended, 1916, c. 51

    • — time extended, 1918, c. 58

  • Toronto and North-western Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Huron and Ontario Railway Company”, 1913, c. 135

  • Toronto, Simcoe and Muskoka Junction Railway Company

    • — lease to Northern Railway Company of Canada, 1871, c. 45

    • — amalgamation with Northern Railway Company, 1872, c. 66

  • Toronto Terminals Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 170

    • — 1906, c. 170, ss. 1, 14 amended, 1913, c. 202

    • — 1913, c. 202, s. 2 amended, 1914, c. 113

    • — 1906, c. 170, s. 9A added, ss. 10, 14 amended, 1915, c. 58

    • — 1906, c. 170, s. 15 amended; s. 15A added, 1924, c. 70

    • — 1906, c. 170, s. 15A amended, 1925, cc. 28

    • — 1906, c. 170, s. 15 amended, 1925, c. 29

    • — 1906, c. 170, s. 15A amended, 1928, c. 51

    • — time extended, 1929, c. 73

    • — 1906, c. 170, s. 15A amended, 1930, c. 46

  • Trail Creek and Columbia Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 67

    • — powers extended, 1897, c. 64

  • Trans-Canada Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The Trans-Canada Railway Company”, 1897, c. 65

    • — 1895, c. 68, s. 2, 6 amended; powers extended; time extended, 1902, c. 108

    • — 1902, c. 108, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1904, c. 136

    • — 1904, c. 136, s. 3 repealed; time extended, 1908, c. 164

  • Trans-Canadian Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 68

    • — line authorized; name changed to “The Trans-Canada Railway Company”; time extended, 1897, c. 65

  • Union Forwarding and Railway Company

    • — capital stock, 1873, c. 16

    • — capital stock, 1877, c. 66

  • Union Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 63

  • Upper Columbia Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 95

  • Vancouver and Coast-Kootenay Railway Company

    • — declaratory, 1903, c. 199

    • — 1903. c. 199, s. 11 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 171

    • — 1905, c. 171, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 170

  • Vancouver, Fraser Valley and Southern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 175

    • — time extended, 1909, c. 145

    • — 1909, c. 145 repealed; time extended; agreements authorized, 1912, c. 162

  • Vancouver Island and Eastern Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1908, c. 167

    • — securities; line authorized; time extended, 1910, c. 171

    • — 1910, c. 171, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1912, c. 163

  • Vancouver and Lulu Island Railway Company

    • — declaratory; sale or lease to C.P.R., 1901, c. 86

    • — time extended, 1906, c. 174

    • — agreement with C.P.R. and British Columbia Electric Railway Company, Limited, 1907, c. 66

    • — vested in C.P.R., 1956, c. 55

  • Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway and Navigation Company

    • — sale to C.P.R., 1898, c. 89

    • — time extended, 1902, c. 111

    • — 1902, c. 111 repealed; time extended, 1904, c. 137

    • — 1898, c. 89, s. 4 repealed; 1904, c. 137 repealed; declaratory; line authorized; time extended, 1905, c. 172

    • — 1905, c. 172, s. 5 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 172

    • — agreement with Kettle Valley Railway Company, 1914, c. 92

    • — 1910, c. 172 repealed; time extended, 1915, c. 59

    • — agreement with Kettle Valley Railway Company, 1916, c. 45

    • — agreements with Canadian Northern Pacific Railway Company, 1917, c. 59

    • — agreement with Northern Pacific Railway Company, 1918, c. 59

    • — agreement with Northern Pacific Railway Company, 1932-33, c. 60

    • — lease to Great Northern Railway Company (Minnesota), 1944-45, c. 55

    • — 1944-45, c. 55, ss. 6, 7, 8, 9 added; sale to Great Northern Railway Company (Minnesota); agreements with C.P.R., Great Northern Railway Company (Minnesota) and Kettle Valley Railway Company, 1945, c. 42

  • Vancouver, Westminster and Yukon Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 87

    • — 1901, c. 87, s. 3 amended; s. 10 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 173

    • — 1901, c. 87, s. 9 amended; 1905, c. 173, s. 1 amended; line authorized; time limited, 1906, c. 176

    • — 1906, c. 176, s. 4 repealed; time extended, 1909, c. 146

    • — 1905, c. 173, s. 3 repealed; agreements authorized; time extended, 1910, c. 173

  • Vaudreuil and Prescott Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 84

    • — name changed to “The Montreal and Ottawa Railway Company”, 1890, c. 58

  • Vaudreuil Railway company

    • — line authorized, 1870, c. 52

    • — name changed to “Ottawa, Vaudreuil, and Montreal Railway Company”, 1871, c. 46

  • Velvet (Rossland) Mine Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers, 1902, c. 112

  • Victoria and Barkley Sound Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 147

  • Victoria and North American Railway Company

    • — ferry across Straits of Fuca, 1891, c. 101

  • Victoria, Saanich and New Westminster Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 48

    • — re-incorporated, 1891, c. 75

  • Victoria and Sault Ste. Marie Junction Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 80

    • — 1886, c. 80, s. 19 repealed; time extended, 1890, c. 53

  • Wabush Lake Railway Company Limited

    • — declaratory; application of provincial statutes; agreements authorized, 1960, c. 63

  • Walkerton and Lucknow Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 138

    • — lines authorized, 1905, c. 175

    • — time extended, 1909, c. 149

    • — 1905, c. 175, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 174

    • — 1909, c. 149 repealed; time extended, 1911, c. 147

    • — vested in C.P.R.; company dissolved, 1956, c. 55

  • Waskada and North-eastern Railway Company

    • — lease to Canadian-Northern Railway Company, 1901, c. 53

    • — amalgamation with Northern Pacific and Manitoba Railway Company, Winnipeg Transfer Company, Portage and Northwestern Railway Company under name “Manitoba Railway Company”, 1901, c. 73

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 72

  • Waterloo Junction Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1893, c. 47

  • Waterloo and Magog Railway Company

    • — line authorized, 1887, c. 68

  • Welland Railway Company

    • — conversion of bonds into stock, 1879, c. 60

    • — sale to Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1884, c. 53

  • Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway Company

    • — amalgamation with Grand Trunk Railway Company, 1893, c. 47

  • West Ontario Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1885, c. 87

    • — 1885, c. 87, ss. 2, 11, 12, 14, 19, 21 amended; s. 22 repealed; time extended, 1886, c. 70

    • — line authorized; agreements authorized, 1906, c. 178

    • — time extended, 1908, c. 169

    • — 1906, c. 178, s. 4 repealed; 1908, c. 169 repealed; time extended, 1910, c. 176

    • — 1910, c. 176 repealed; time extended, 1912, c. 167

    • — 1912, c. 167 repealed; time extended, 1914, c. 114

  • Westbourne and North-Western Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers extended; name changed to “Portage, Westbourne and North-western Railway Company”, 1882, c. 80

  • Western Alberta Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 90

    • — time extended, 1900, c. 85

    • — powers of construction, 1903, c. 200

    • — 1900, c. 85 repealed; 1903, c. 200, s. 3 repealed; time extended, 1905, c. 176

    • — 1905, c. 176, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1908, c. 170

    • — 1908, c. 170, s. 1 repealed; 1898, c. 90, s. 4 amended; ss. 5, 6, 7, 8, 16 repealed; agreements authorized; time extended, 1911, c. 148

  • Western Canada Power Company, Limited

    • — declaratory; line authorized, 1910, c. 175

  • Western Central Railway Company

    • — declaratory; extension of line; capital stock; time extended, 1911, c. 150

  • Western Counties Railway Company

    • — declaratory; powers extended, 1887, c. 77

    • — name changed to “The Yarmouth and Annapolis Railway Company”; powers extended; debt payments, 1893, c. 63

  • Western Dominion Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 168

    • — amalgamation with Alberta Pacific Railway Company; lines authorized, 1914, c. 115

    • — 1914, c. 115, s. 3 repealed; time extended, 1915, c. 60

    • — 1915, c. 60, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1917, c. 60

    • — 1917, c. 60 repealed; time extended, 1919, c. 92

    • — 1919, c. 92, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1921, c. 73

  • Western Extension Railway Company

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 72

  • Western Ontario Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1888, c. 69

  • Western Power Company of Canada, Limited

    • — operation of railway of Western Canada Power Company, Limited, 1918, c. 75

  • Wetaskiwin, Yellowhead and Revelstoke Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 207

  • White Horse and Alsek Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1904, c. 142

    • — time extended, 1906, c. 181

  • Windsor and Annapolis Railway Company, Limited

    • — purchase of Yarmouth and Annapolis Railway Company; declaratory, 1895, c. 47

    • — winding-up; sale of railway, 1895, c. 69

    • — winding-up; sale to Dominion Atlantic Railway Company, 1900, c. 59

  • Windsor, Chatham and London Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 183

    • — time extended, 1908, c. 171

    • — securities; 1906, c. 183, s. 14 repealed; time extended, 1912, c. 170

  • Windsor, Essex and Lake Shore Rapid Railway Company

    • — declaratory; agreements authorized, 1906, c. 184

    • — securities; time extended, 1909, c. 152

  • Winnipeg and Atlantic Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1892, c. 62

  • Winnipeg Great Northern Railway Company

    • — name changed from “The Winnipeg and Hudson Bay Railway Company”, 1894, c. 94

    • — branch line; time extended, 1896, c. 40

    • — amalgamation with Lake Manitoba Railway and Canal Company under name “The Canadian Northern Railway Company”, 1899, c. 57

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 72

  • Winnipeg and Hudson Bay Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Winnipeg and Hudson’s Bay Railway and Steamship Company”, 1887, c. 81

    • — 1887, c. 81, s. 33 amended; time extended, 1890, c. 80

    • — agreement with Government of Canada, 1891, c. 81

    • — 1887, c. 81, s. 33 repealed; time extended; name changed to “The Winnipeg Great Northern Railway Company”, 1894, c. 94

    • — 1891, ch. 81, s. 1 amended, 1895, c. 8

  • Winnipeg and Hudson’s Bay Railway and Steamship Company

    • — incorporated, 1880, c. 59

    • — amalgamation with Nelson Valley Railway and Transportation Company, 1883, c. 69

    • — 1880, c. 59, ss. 3, 13, 14 amended; 1883, c. 69 repealed; corporation continued, 1884, c. 70

    • — 1880, c. 59, ss. 5, 10, 13 amended; shares, 1886, c. 73

    • — consolidation act; name changed to “Winnipeg and Hudson Bay Railway Company”, 1887, c. 81

  • Winnipeg and North Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1886, c. 84

    • — 1886, c. 84, s. 21 amended; time extended, 1889, c. 68

  • Winnipeg and North-western Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 141

    • — 1907, c. 141, s. 7 amended; securities; time extended, 1909, c. 154

  • Winnipeg and Prince Albert Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1885, c. 89

  • Winnipeg Transfer Railway Company, (Limited)

    • — lease to Canadian Northern Railway Company, 1901, c. 53

    • — amalgamation with Northern Pacific and Manitoba Railway Company, Portage and North-western Railway Company, Waskada and North-eastern Railway Company under name “Manitoba Railway Company”, 1901, c. 73

    • — time extended, 1905, c. 72

  • Wolseley and Fort Qu’Appelle Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 95

  • Wood Mountain and Qu’Appelle Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 74

    • — 1883, c. 74, ss. 1, 17 amended; ss. 2, 22 repealed; line authorized; time extended, 1885, c. 16

    • — time extended, 1888, c. 87

    • — 1885, c. 16, s. 2 amended; s. 4 repealed; 1888, c. 87, s. 1 repealed; time extended, 1889, c. 66

    • — 1889, c. 66, s. 4 repealed; time extended, 1890, c. 83

    • — 1890, c. 83 repealed; sale or lease of railway; time extended, 1892, c. 63

    • — 1892, c. 63, s. 2 repealed; time extended, 1894, c. 96

  • Yarmouth and Annapolis Railway Company

    • — name changed from “Western Counties Railway Company”, 1893, c. 63

    • — sale to Windsor and Annapolis Railway Company Ltd., 1894, c. 69

  • Yukon Pacific Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 115

  • Zenith Mining and Railway Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 92