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Travel Support Available for IPY2012 Participants From France

The Office Franco-Québécois pour la Jeunesse is offering support to French students, researchers or scientists (between the ages of 18 and 35) to participate in the International Polar Year 2012 Conference. For more Application deadline is Thursday, March 20, 2012. For more information and to apply please visit the OFQJ web site.


As part of the IPY 2012 Conference, the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists is inviting everyone to catch Frostbytes. Frostbytes are short abstracts of your research recorded as an audio file, slideshow or video. All Conference attendees are invited to create a Frostbyte to help share information about your research and attract delegates to your poster or oral presentation. Frostbytes are easy to make and the first ones are already posted. Check them out on the Conference Youtube Channel. Links will be posted to Frostbytes as part of the online conference program. Prizes will be awarded for the best Frostbyte at the Conference Banquet. For more information see: apecs/frostbytes.

Travel Support

Travel support is available to students and early career scientists on a competitive basis to support their travel to attend the conference. The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is administering the application and review process on behalf of conference organizers. The deadline to apply for student and early career travel support was September 30, 2011. Candidates will be informed of their successful applications in early 2012.

Support to student travel is being provided by the following organizations:

Career Development Workshop

For students and early career scientists, the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and the ArcticNet Student Association are working together on a career development workshop entitled From Knowledge to Careers to be held April 19-22, 2012. For more information please visit the workshop website at

Reduced Registration Fee

Students and early career scientists benefit from a reduced registration fee of $295 to attend the IPY 2012 From Knowledge to Action Conference.