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Getting Your Views – Reporting Form

Blueprint2020 – Getting Started – Getting Your Views

Blueprint 2020: Getting Started – Getting Your Views describes what the Public Service needs to be in the future and frames the changes required to get there. We want to hear your thoughts and ideas on the proposed Blueprint 2020 vision and development of the action plan. Your views will help build the Public Service of tomorrow.

* Mandatory fields.

Reporting Form
  • *
    (Name of individual or organization, address/contact information.) 1

  • *
    (What was the engagement process used? Date of event(s), location, number of participants, in-person forum or online forum.)

  • Consultation Questions: (Please tell us what you think. The following questions are provided to help organize your input. In your response, please summarize your views and, if applicable, major themes or ideas that came up during discussions, identify key priorities for action and explain why change is necessary from your perspective.)
    1. What does the vision mean for you?
      • Does it cover the right areas of change from your perspective?
      • How do you see it applying in your work environment?
    2. What is needed to make the vision a reality?
      • What are the two or three changes that would best enhance our ability to serve Canadians in the future? What would make the most difference for you personally, for your organization and for the public service?
      • Who needs to play what role to make these changes happen?
    3. What can you do to help achieve the vision?
      • Are there best practices inside or outside of your world we should look at?
      • How can we better tackle barriers and manage risks?
  • *
    (Please keep to 150 words or less.)

  • *
    (Use bullet points.)

1 The Government of Canada is committed to protecting your personal information. All personal information you provide is protected under the federal Privacy Act. We are seeking your voluntary input on the Blueprint 2020 vision to develop a Blueprint 2020 action plan on the future of the Public Service of Canada. Your response to these consultation questions, or parts thereof, may be selected for use in publications, including publicly available ones, that are produced as the result of the Blueprint 2020 process. You will be contacted before publication to seek your consent to attribute your name if your response is selected. Even if you do not consent to have your name included, your input may be included without attribution.