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Public Service Renewal

Renewal is about strengthening the capacity of the federal Public Service to meet the needs of Canadians and deliver on the business of Government. It is an ongoing process underpinned by shared values to ensure that the Public Service – as a vital national institution and Canada’s largest employer – remains a non partisan, diverse and dynamic institution serving Canadians with excellence, now and into the future.

Renewal will enable the Public Service to continue to provide Canadians with excellent programs and services. It is about attracting the best recruits possible and building a Public Service where everyone belongs. It is about making sure our workplaces are effective and efficient. Ultimately, renewal is about ensuring the long-term success of the Public Service.

Workplace and workforce renewal are central to remaining competitive as an employer, providing our employees the tools they need to do the best job possible and ensuring outstanding service to Canadians.

Through renewal we can and will create a more modern and inclusive Public Service, where everyone can find their niche and where public servants of all ages and backgrounds can make a valuable contribution.

The Deputy Minister Committee on Public Service Renewal drives the renewal agenda and advises the Clerk of the Privy Council on forward looking priorities. In collaboration with the broader deputy minister community, they work to ground renewal initiatives in the business of government to ensure that the public service reflects excellence and leadership at all levels.

Public servants accessing this site through the Government of Canada network can find additional information on Public Service Renewal at

Public Service Renewal Action Plans

In past years, the Deputy Minister Committee on Public Service Renewal developed annual Action Plans, which established specific and measurable commitments to advance priorities.


Since being appointed Clerk in July 2009, I have taken the opportunity to travel across the country to meet with public servants, listen to their views, and share my priorities as head of the public service. As I noted in my Annual Report to the Prime Minister, Public Service Renewal is my top management priority.

Continued renewal of the federal public service is important because it is key to maintaining a professional, dynamic, well-trained and well-led civil service that can support our duly elected governments and Canadians as well in the future as it has in the past. Canada is facing significant public policy and labour market challenges adapting to demographic, economic and technological change. Like other countries, we need to continue to modernize to ensure our public sector has the people, capacity and tools required to serve Canadians.

To help you learn more about my views on PSR and what it entails, I’ve included some excerpts from my recent speeches and statements.