Bank of Canada

Bank of Canada Bank of Canada Bank of Canada Bank of Canada Bank of Canada Bank of Canada Bank of Canada Bank of Canada Bank of Canada
We are Canada's central bank. We work to preserve the value of money by keeping inflation low and stable.

(US) USD-CAD Noon Rate:

2013-10-01: 0.9678 Past 3 months (USD-CAD) (1 CAD = 0.9678 USD)

Currency Converter

1 October 2013:
In 2000, the Bank of Canada adopted a system of eight pre-set dates per year on which it announces its key interest rate.


1 October 2013

Global Growth and the Prospects for Canada’s Exports

Remarks - Tiff Macklem  -  Toronto, Ontario
Economic Club of Canada

Senior Deputy Governor Tiff Macklem discusses global growth and the prospects for Canada’s exports.

27 September 2013

Bank of Canada Calls for Nominations for the 2014 Fellowship and Governor’s Awards

Press Release  - Ottawa

The Bank of Canada is calling for nominations under its Fellowship Program for 2014. This Program fosters excellence in research and analysis in Canada, and develops partnerships with experts outside of the Bank.

24 September 2013

Born of Necessity and Built to Succeed: Why Canada and the World Need the Financial Stability Board

Remarks - Lawrence Schembri  -  Ottawa, Ontario
CFA Society (Ottawa)

Deputy Governor Lawrence Schembri discusses why the world needs the Financial Stability Board.

18 September 2013

Returning to Natural Economic Growth

Remarks - Stephen S. Poloz  -  Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Board of Trade

Bank of Canada Governor Stephen S. Poloz discusses the preconditions for a return to natural economic growth for Canada.

18 September 2013

Bank of Canada Governor Stephen S. Poloz Discusses Canada’s Return to Natural Economic Growth

Press Release  - Vancouver, British Columbia

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