Funding: Social Development for Disability Programs

The Disability Component of the Social Development Partnerships Program (SDPP-D) supports projects intended to improve the participation and integration of people with disabilities in all aspects of Canadian society. More specifically, the Program supports not-for-profit organizations across Canada in tackling barriers faced by people with disabilities with respect to social inclusion.

The objectives of the SDPP-D are to:

  • support the development and utilization of effective approaches to address social issues and challenges;
  • develop, exchange and apply knowledge, tools and resources that address the social needs of individuals, families and communities;
  • foster partnerships and networks to address existing and emerging social issues;
  • recognize and support the ability of not-for-profit organizations to identify and address social development priorities; and
  • recognize and promote community engagement initiatives (e.g. volunteerism, corporate social responsibility, innovation by not-for-profit organizations, partnerships, coalitions).

Approved funding projects

Application Information

We are not currently accepting applications.


Acknowledgment letter

We acknowledge receipt of your application within 21 calendar days of receiving your application package. This is our timeline under normal conditions, which complies with Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) service standards.

Final decision

The Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development makes the final decision on projects recommended for funding. HRSDC will make every effort to process your application in a timely manner. The amount of time it takes to process applications is determined by the volume of applications received. Once a final decision has been made on all applications, HRSDC will notify applicants in writing of the review outcome (approval or rejection).

Project start date

Recipients must not start their projects until they receive an HRSDC approval letter and an agreement has been signed by an HRSDC representative.


If you have any questions about the Social Development Partnerships Program – Disability Component, contact us.

Inquiries will be answered within five working days of receipt.