Funding: Sectoral Initiatives

The Sectoral Initiatives Program funds partnership-based projects that are national in scope and/or nationally significant and that support the development of labour market information, national occupational standards and certification/accreditation regimes, to address skills shortages in strategic sectors of Canada’s economy.

Application Information

We are not currently accepting applications.


Who can apply

The following types of organizations that have a demonstrated capacity to lead national partnership-based projects are eligible to submit concept papers or proposals (depending on what is requested in the competitive process):

  • Aboriginal organizations;
  • Education or training bodies;
  • Municipalities;
  • Not-for-profit organizations;
  • Professional associations;
  • Provincial and Territorial Governments;
  • Voluntary sector organizations; and
  • Workplace organizations, including chambers of commerce, unions and business associations.

Economic Sectors

Specific economic sectors of interest have been identified through an analysis of macro-economic indicators, the extent and commonality of human resources and skills issues, and Government of Canada priorities.

The Objectives of the Sectoral Initiatives Program are to:

  • Improve the balance between the supply of skills and job market demand in key sectors of economy;
  • Facilitate employer’s human resource planning and management;
  • Produce critical information and quality assurance programs that enable job seekers, employers, students and educators to make sound decisions regarding labour market needs and skills development investments and facilitate labour mobility;
  • Contribute to greater labour market efficiency.

Eligible Activities

The four key components and activities associated with the Sectoral Initiatives Program are:

  • Develop, validate and distribute detailed, timely and national sectoral or cross-sectoral labour market intelligence and forecasts;
  • Develop/update, validate and promote industry validated National Occupational Standards (NOS) or competency frameworks/analyses;
  • Develop, validate, market, implement, evaluate and maintain certification and recertification programs.
  • Develop, validate, market, implement, evaluate, publish results of, maintain, and conduct surveillance for accreditation and reaccreditation programs.