Funding: North American Mobility

The North American Mobility in Higher Education program aims to improve and increase:

  • the quality of human resource development and ways to prepare students for work in the global economy;
  • North American student mobility;
  • institutional partnerships among post-secondary schools in Canada, the United States and Mexico; and,
  • a trilateral exchange of knowledge and expertise in higher education and training.
Background on the program

The Program was established in 1995, in keeping with the spirit of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), to encourage co-operation in higher education and training among the three countries with a focus on student mobility. Since its inception, universities and colleges from all regions of Canada have participated in a wide range of trilateral projects with institutions in the United States and Mexico. The trilateral partnership activities include the innovative use of new learning technologies to maximize student participation.

Application Information

We are no longer accepting applications.

Program Outcomes

The key outcomes for this program allow:

  • Canadian students to acquire employment-related international skills, knowledge and expertise, including linguistic and cultural understanding, within a North American context.
  • Canadian universities and colleges to develop academic credit transfer agreements with partner institutions in the United States and Mexico which facilitate student mobility.
  • Students' knowledge and understanding within their disciplines of study to be strengthened and enhanced through trilateral development of curriculum, courses, and teaching materials.