Labour Funding Program

The Labour Funding Program (LFP) provides financial assistance to eligible organizations for a variety of projects and activities linked to labour relations, workplace health and safety, and international labour affairs.


The Government of Canada is committed to addressing the labour dimensions of economic integration and trade. It does so by promoting good governance, the rule of law, respect for national and international standards, and a more equitable distribution of the benefits of globalization, as well as by participating in domestic and international efforts to improve respect for labour rights and improved health and safety in the workplace.

The Labour Funding Program is divided into two streams:

International Trade and Labour (ITL)

Canada is an active member in key international and multilateral labour organizations and institutions, and has entered into a number of international and intergovernmental agreements, arrangements and treaties, such as Labour Cooperation Agreements (LCA), which typically accompany Free Trade Agreements.

Through LCAs and other cooperative frameworks, Canada provides technical assistance and engages in related cooperative activities in developing partner countries around the world to help them build the capacity they need to effectively apply and enforce their labour laws and thereby meet their obligations under labour agreements.

The Labour Funding Program (LFP) provides the financial support needed for Canada to enter into such cooperative activities and provide technical assistance to partner countries. In other words, the ITL stream of the LFP provides the mechanism for Canada to meet commitments emanating from participation in key international institutions and forums, and international agreements.

With funding received through the ITL stream, organizations may prepare and publish reports on labour issues, promote social dialogue, oversee cooperative activities, and intergovernmental consultations, and manage independent evaluations and dispute resolution related to the enforcement of labour laws.

Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Prevention (OHSFP)

The OHSFP stream of the Labour Funding Program provides financial assistance to eligible organizations for projects and activities that support federal workplace health and safety and fire prevention objectives linked to Part II of the Canada Labour Code.

OHSFP also supports the government's priorities concerning the protection of health, safety and economic security of persons working in federally regulated businesses or industries.

Application Information

Who Can Apply

Categories of Eligible Recipients under the ITL stream are:

  • International labour or labour-related organizations, and international and national organizations mandated to assist countries in meeting their obligations under a LCA or other cooperative framework;
  • Legally incorporated, national and international, not-for-profit organizations providing technical assistance on labour issues;
  • Secretariats or international organizations mandated with the administration of the labour dimension of trade agreements as established by Canada and its partner countries under current, planned, and future LCA; and,
  • Publicly funded universities and colleges.

Categories of Eligible Recipients under the OHSFPstream are:

  • Legally incorporated not-for-profit organizations with objectives that address workplace occupational health and/or safety, fire safety, or fire prevention; and,
  • Publicly funded universities and colleges.

How to Apply and When to Apply

  • We are not accepting applications at this time.