Alternative Formats and Plug-ins

Information throughout the Canada Site is provided in HTML5 as the primary format. In some cases, other software formats are provided as alternatives. To open these alternate formats, you may need to download and install one or more of the following on your computer:

PDF – Portable Document Format. To access these files you must have a PDF reader installed. If you do not already have such a reader, there are numerous PDF readers available for free download or for purchase on the Internet:

PPT – Microsoft PowerPoint format. To access these files you will need PowerPoint Presentation Viewer.
DOC – Microsoft Word format. To access these files you will need Microsoft Word Viewer.
RTF – Rich Text format. To access these files use the document conversion features available in most word processing software, or use a file viewer capable of reading RTF.
XLS – Microsoft Excel format. To access these files you will need Microsoft Excel Viewer.

Media Players (to access audio, video, and Flash files)

If you have problems accessing the multimedia applications, you may want to download and install a free copy of one of the following software: