
Submit a claim

Contact Customer Service or complete our online Claim Form if:

  • You received incorrect or damaged items. We ask that you return the item within 7 days with a copy of the invoice. Refer to How to return items for more details.
  • You're missing an issue of a subscription or standing order and the shipping period has passed or you have already received the subsequent issue.
  • You have not received your order within 6 weeks in Canada and 12 weeks outside Canada.

Note: Please read our Return policies prior to submitting your claim.

Note: Occasionally, we are not able to ship all items in an order due to insufficient stock. In this situation, all available documents will be shipped to you while items on back order will be shipped as they become available. Your packing slip will indicate the publications that are on back order.

Submit a Weekly Checklist claim (Depository Libraries only)

Complete our online Weekly Checklist Claim Form if:

  • You received incorrect or damaged items. We ask that you return the item within 7 days with a copy of the packing slip. Refer to How to return items for more details.
  • You're missing an issue of a subscription or standing order and the shipping period for the Weekly Checklist has passed.
  • You have not received your order within the following claim periods:
    1. For Depository Libraries within Canada: Claims must be submitted within 10 weeks of the checklist date. Allow 6 weeks for delivery prior to submitting a claim.
    2. For Depository Libraries outside Canada: Claims must be submitted within 14 weeks of the checklist date. Allow 12 weeks for delivery prior to submitting a claim.

Note about automated serial tracking systems: Serial tracking systems that automatically output claims often attempt to claim items that have not been published, have ceased, have been suspended, or are not distributed by our service. In addition, some automated claims do not include all of the required information. The Purchase Order Number alone does not identify you as a Depository Library nor does it identify in which Weekly Checklist an item appeared. Make sure that your claim meets all the requirements with regard to eligibility, claim period and required information before submission.