Discounted Publications

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Result pages:

  1. Atlas des pucerons piégés dans les champs agricoles: A43-1901/1994F
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: A43-1901/1994F
    Price: $6.00 CAD $3.00 CAD per issue
    Department/Agency: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
    Branch Name: Research Branch
    Author: Gualtieri, Lola L.
    Date: 1994
    Weekly Checklist Number: 94-18
    Publication Type: Monograph
  2. Atlas of Aphids Trapped in Agricultural Crops: A43-1901/1994E
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: A43-1901/1994E
    Price: $6.00 CAD $3.00 CAD per copy
    Department/Agency: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
    Branch Name: Research Branch
    Author: Gualtieri, Lola L.
    Date: 1994
    Weekly Checklist Number: 94-18
    Publication Type: Monograph
  3. Common and Scientific Names of Weeds in Canada: A53-1397/2000
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: A53-1397/2000
    Price: $6.00 CAD $3.00 CAD per copy
    Department/Agency: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
    Author: Darbyshire, S. J.
    Date: 2000
    Weekly Checklist Number: 01-03
    Publication Type: Monograph
  4. Our Strawberries: A22-307/2005
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: A22-307/2005
    Price: $12.00 CAD $2.40 CAD per copy.
    Department/Agency: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
    Date: 2005
    Weekly Checklist Number: 05-34
    Publication Type: Monograph
  5. 111 Range and Forage Plants of the Canadian Prairies: A53-1751/1983E
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: A53-1751/1983E
    Price: $6.00 CAD $3.00 CAD per copy
    Department/Agency: Agriculture Canada
    Branch Name: Research Branch
    Author: Looman, J.
    Date: 1983, reprinted 1992
    Publication Type: Monograph
  6. A Catalog of Types of Coleoptera in the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Supplement III: A53-1884/1993
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: A53-1884/1993
    Price: $6.00 CAD $3.00 CAD per copy
    Department/Agency: Agriculture Canada
    Branch Name: Research Branch
    Author: McNamara, Jean
    Date: 1993
    Weekly Checklist Number: 93-09
    Publication Type: Monograph
  7. The Grasshoppers, Crickets, and Related Insects of Canada and Adjacent Regions (Ulonata: Dermaptera, Cheleutoptera, Notoptera, Dictuoptera, Grylloptera, and Orthoptera): A42-42/1985-14E
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: A42-42/1985-14E
    Price: $6.00 CAD $3.00 CAD per copy
    Department/Agency: Agriculture Canada
    Branch Name: Research Branch
    Author: Vickery, Vernon R.
    Issue: Part 14
    Date: 1985, ©1986, reprinted 1993
    Publication Type: Series - View Master Record for A42-42/1985-14E
  8. Canada: Living With Radiation: CC172-7/1995E
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: CC172-7/1995E
    Price: $6.00 CAD $3.00 CAD per copy
    Department/Agency: Atomic Energy Control Board
    Author: Myers, David
    Date: 1995
    Weekly Checklist Number: 95-37
    Publication Type: Monograph
  9. Canada: vivre avec le rayonnement: CC172-7/1995F
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: CC172-7/1995F
    Price: $6.00 CAD $3.00 CAD per issue
    Department/Agency: Atomic Energy Control Board
    Author: Myers, David
    Date: 1995
    Weekly Checklist Number: 95-37
    Publication Type: Monograph
  10. Canada 125: Its Constitutions, 1763-1982: P60-4/5-1992E
    Subtitle: Evolution of a Democracy
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: P60-4/5-1992E
    Price: $10.00 CAD $5.00 CAD per copy
    Department/Agency: Canada Communication Group
    Branch Name: Publishing
    Author: Tanguay, J. Fernand
    Date: 1992
    Weekly Checklist Number: 92-48
    Publication Type: Monograph
  11. Canada 125: ses constitutions, 1763-1982: P60-4/5-1992F
    Subtitle: évolution d'une démocratie
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: P60-4/5-1992F
    Price: $10.00 CAD $5.00 CAD per issue
    Department/Agency: Canada Communication Group
    Branch Name: Publishing
    Author: Tanguay, J. Fernand
    Date: 1992
    Weekly Checklist Number: 92-48
    Publication Type: Monograph
  12. Canadian War Posters: P60-4/8-1993E
    Subtitle: 1914-1918; 1939-1945
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: P60-4/8-1993E
    Price: $10.00 CAD $5.00 CAD per copy (discounted price)
    Department/Agency: Canada Communication Group
    Branch Name: Publishing
    Author: Choko, Marc H.
    Date: 1994
    Weekly Checklist Number: 94-21
    Publication Type: Monograph
  13. Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects: R62-299/1997E
    Subtitle: Based on the Parks Canada Classification System for Historical Collections: Volume I
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: R62-299/1997E
    Price: $5.00 CAD $2.50 CAD per copy
    Department/Agency: Canadian Heritage
    Branch Name: Parks Canada
    Author: Bernard, Louise
    Date: 1997
    Weekly Checklist Number: 97-25
    Publication Type: Monograph
  14. Les fortifications de l'Île aux Noix: R61-2/9-61F
    Subtitle: reflet de la stratégie défensive sur la frontière du Haut-Richelieu aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: R61-2/9-61F
    Price: $5.00 CAD $2.50 CAD per issue
    Department/Agency: Canadian Heritage
    Branch Name: Parks Canada
    Author: Charbonneau, André
    Date: 1994
    Weekly Checklist Number: 94-15
    Publication Type: Series - View Master Record for R61-2/9-61F
  15. The Fortifications of l'Ile aux Noix: R61-2/9-61E
    Subtitle: A Portrait of the Defensive Strategy on the Upper Richelieu Border in the 18th and 19th Centuries
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: R61-2/9-61E
    Price: $5.00 CAD $2.50 CAD per copy
    Department/Agency: Canadian Heritage
    Branch Name: Parks Canada
    Author: Charbonneau, André
    Date: 1994
    Weekly Checklist Number: 94-15
    Publication Type: Series - View Master Record for R61-2/9-61E
  16. Je Parle Français: CH4-40/1999E
    Subtitle: A Portrait of La Francophonie in Canada
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: CH4-40/1999E
    Price: $6.00 CAD $3.00 CAD per copy
    Department/Agency: Canadian Heritage
    Date: 1999
    Weekly Checklist Number: 99-45
    Publication Type: Monograph
  17. Je parle français: CH4-40/1999F
    Subtitle: un portrait de la francophonie canadienne
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: CH4-40/1999F
    Price: $6.00 CAD $3.00 CAD per issue
    Department/Agency: Canadian Heritage
    Date: 1999
    Weekly Checklist Number: 99-45
    Publication Type: Monograph
  18. Je parle français: CH4-40/1999-1F
    Subtitle: un portrait de la francophonie canadienne
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: CH4-40/1999-1F
    Price: $6.00 CAD $3.00 CAD l'exemplaire. (Canada)
    Department/Agency: Canadian Heritage
    Date: 1999
    Publication Type: Monograph
  19. Journal d'une amitié: CH4-55/2001F
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: CH4-55/2001F
    Price: $10.00 CAD $5.00 CAD per issue
    Department/Agency: Canadian Heritage
    Date: 2001
    Weekly Checklist Number: 02-09
    Publication Type: Monograph
  20. The Climates of Canada: En56-1/1990E
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: En56-1/1990E
    Price: $4.00 CAD $2.00 CAD per copy. (Canada)
    Department/Agency: Environment Canada
    Date: 1990
    Weekly Checklist Number: 90-40
    Publication Type: Monograph
  21. Les climats du Canada: En56-1/1990F
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: En56-1/1990F
    Price: $4.00 CAD $2.00 CAD l'exemplaire. (Canada)
    Department/Agency: Environment Canada
    Date: 1990
    Weekly Checklist Number: 90-40
    Publication Type: Monograph
  22. Évaluation du milieu marin de l'estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent: Fs23-292/1997F
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Fs23-292/1997F
    Price: $4.00 CAD $2.00 CAD per issue
    Department/Agency: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    Author: White, Louise
    Date: 1997
    Weekly Checklist Number: 97-31
    Publication Type: Monograph
  23. Marine Environmental Assessment of the Estuary and the Gulf of St. Lawrence: Fs23-292/1997E
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Fs23-292/1997E
    Price: $4.00 CAD $2.00 CAD per copy
    Department/Agency: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    Author: White, Louise
    Date: 1997
    Weekly Checklist Number: 97-31
    Publication Type: Monograph
  24. The Canadian Guide to Clinical Preventive Health Care: H21-117/1994E
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: H21-117/1994E
    Price: $30.00 CAD $15.00 CAD per copy
    Department/Agency: Health Canada
    Date: 1994
    Weekly Checklist Number: 94-44
    Publication Type: Monograph
  25. Guide canadien de médecine clinique préventive: H21-117/1994F
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: H21-117/1994F
    Price: $30.00 CAD $15.00 CAD per issue
    Department/Agency: Health Canada
    Date: 1994
    Weekly Checklist Number: 94-44
    Publication Type: Monograph

Result pages: