Industry Canada Selected Titles

Result(s) 1 - 25 of 135 on page 1 of 6 for "Industry Canada" sorted by relevance descending

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Result pages:

  1. Aerospace Review - Mandated by the Government of Canada. Volume 1: Iu44-89/2012
    Subtitle: Beyond the Horizon - Canada's Interests and Future in Aerospace
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu44-89/2012, Electronic-[French]for Iu44-89/2012
    Catalogue Number: Iu44-89/2012
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Date: November 2012
    Weekly Checklist Number: 12-51
    Publication Type: Monograph
  2. Aerospace Review - Mandated by the Government of Canada. Volume 2: Iu44-90/2012
    Subtitle: Reaching Higher - Canada's Interests and Future in Space
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu44-90/2012, Electronic-[French]for Iu44-90/2012
    Catalogue Number: Iu44-90/2012
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Date: November 2012
    Weekly Checklist Number: 12-51
    Publication Type: Monograph
  3. Antenna Towers in Your Community: Iu64-32/2007
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu64-32/2007
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications
    Date: [2007]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 08-08
    Publication Type: Monograph
  4. Be Informed About Identity Theft: Iu23-20/2-2008E
    Subtitle: Watch Out!
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu23-20/2-2008E
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu23-20/2-2008E
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Office of Consumer Affairs
    Date: [2008]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 08-41
    Publication Type: Monograph
  5. Be Informed About Internet Safety: Iu23-20/4-2008E
    Subtitle: Safety Net
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu23-20/4-2008E
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu23-20/4-2008E
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Office of Consumer Affairs
    Date: [2008]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 08-41
    Publication Type: Monograph
  6. Be Informed About Landlords and Tenants: Iu23-20/3-2008E
    Subtitle: Home Sweet Rented Home
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu23-20/3-2008E
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu23-20/3-2008E
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Office of Consumer Affairs
    Date: [2008]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 08-41
    Publication Type: Monograph
  7. Be Informed About Making a Complaint: Iu23-20/5-2008E
    Subtitle: It's Your Right to Complain
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu23-20/5-2008E
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu23-20/5-2008E
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Office of Consumer Affairs
    Date: [2008]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 08-41
    Publication Type: Monograph
  8. Bid-Rigging: Iu54-17/2011
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu54-17/2011, Electronic-[French]for Iu54-17/2011
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu54-17/2011
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Competition Bureau
    Date: [2011]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 13-15
    Publication Type: Monograph
  9. Build Your Buying Skills: Iu23-28/2010E
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu23-28/2010E
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu23-28/2010E
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Date: [2010?]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 11-51
    Publication Type: Monograph
  10. Business Innovation and Strategy - A Canadian Perspective: Iu173-3/2011E
    Subtitle: Report Based on the Results of the Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy (SIBS)
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu173-3/2011E
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu173-3/2011E
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Date: [2011]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 11-50
    Publication Type: Monograph
  11. Business Innovation and Strategy - A Canadian Perspective: Iu173-3/1-2011E
    Subtitle: Report Based on the Results of the Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy (SIBS) - Executive Summary
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu173-3/1-2011E
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Economic Research and Policy Analysis Branch
    Date: [2011]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 12-38
    Publication Type: Monograph
  12. Canada Business Network Year in Review 2010-2011: Iu185-6/2011E
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu185-6/2011E
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Issue: 2010-2011
    Weekly Checklist Number: 12-13
    Publication Type: Periodical - View Master Record for Iu185-6/2011E
  13. Canada Small Business Financing Act - Annual Report, 2007-2008: Iu185-1/2008
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu185-1/2008, Electronic-[French]for Iu185-1/2008
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu185-1/2008
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Small Business Policy Branch
    Date: [2008?]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 09-16
    Publication Type: Monograph
  14. Canada Small Business Financing Act - Annual Report, 2008-2009: Iu185-1/2009
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu185-1/2009
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Small Business Policy Branch
    Date: [2009]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 09-52
    Publication Type: Monograph
  15. Canada Small Business Financing Act Annual Report 2009-2010: Iu185-1/2010
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu185-1/2010, Electronic-[French]for Iu185-1/2010
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu185-1/2010
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Issue: 2009-2010
    Weekly Checklist Number: 11-09
    Publication Type: Periodical - View Master Record for Iu185-1/2010
  16. Canada Small Business Financing Act Annual Report 2010-2011: Iu185-1/2011
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu185-1/2011, Electronic-[French]for Iu185-1/2011
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu185-1/2011
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Issue: 2010-2011
    Weekly Checklist Number: 12-11
    Publication Type: Periodical - View Master Record for Iu185-1/2011
  17. Canada Small Business Financing Act Comprehensive Review Report: Iu188-1/2009
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu188-1/2009, Electronic-[French]for Iu188-1/2009
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu188-1/2009
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Issue: 2004-2009
    Weekly Checklist Number: 10-31
    Publication Type: Periodical - View Master Record for Iu188-1/2009
  18. Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Sector Profile 2008: Iu41-3/2008E
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu41-3/2008E
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Date: [2009?]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 09-39
    Publication Type: Monograph
  19. Centre de recherches sur les communications Canada - 2007-2010 plan stratégique: Iu105-2/6-2007F
    Subtitle: tracer la voie de la R-D dans les télécommunications
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu105-2/6-2007F
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Communications Research Centre
    Date: [2007]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 08-16
    Publication Type: Monograph
  20. Centre de recherches sur les communications Canada - plan stratégique 2011-2014: Iu105-2/6-2011F
    Subtitle: renforcer l'excellence du Canada en recherche et en innovation dans le domaine des TIC
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu105-2/6-2011F
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Communications Research Centre
    Date: [2011]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 11-40
    Publication Type: Monograph
  21. Communications Research Centre Canada - 2007-2010 Strategic Plan: Iu105-2/6-2007E
    Subtitle: Leading the Way in Telecommunications R&D
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu105-2/6-2007E
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Communications Research Centre
    Date: [2007]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 08-16
    Publication Type: Monograph
  22. Communications Research Centre Canada - Highlights: Iu105-2009
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu105-2009, Electronic-[French]for Iu105-2009
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu105-2009
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Communications Research Centre
    Issue: 2008-2009
    Weekly Checklist Number: 09-49
    Publication Type: Periodical - View Master Record for Iu105-2009
  23. Communications Research Centre Canada - Strategic Plan 2011-2014: Iu105-2/6-2011E
    Subtitle: Strengthening Canada's Excellence in ICT Research and Innovation
    Format: Paper
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu105-2/6-2011E
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Communications Research Centre
    Date: [2011]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 11-40
    Publication Type: Monograph
  24. Les communications sans fil et la santé: Iu64-37/2009F
    Subtitle: un aperçu
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[French]for Iu64-37/2009F
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu64-37/2009F
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Branch Name: Communications and Marketing Branch
    Date: [2009]
    Weekly Checklist Number: 10-25
    Publication Type: Monograph
  25. Compete to Win: Iu173-1/2008E
    Subtitle: Final Report
    Format: Paper
    Other Formats: Electronic-[English]for Iu173-1/2008E
    Shopping Cart
    Catalogue Number: Iu173-1/2008E
    Price: Free
    Department/Agency: Industry Canada
    Date: June 2008
    Weekly Checklist Number: 08-29
    Publication Type: Monograph

Result pages: