Library and Archives Canada
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Index to Federal Royal Commissions


This index provides bibliographic access to materials associated with more than 200 federal Royal Commissions that have taken place since Confederation. There are approximately 7000 items in the index that includes commission reports, briefs, submissions, evidence, working papers and other documents.

Users can search for records of interest by entering keywords, the name of the commission, the chairperson, the commissioner or the author and other access points in either the basic or the advanced search screen. Most materials cited in this index are held in the Canadian Official Publications collection of Library and Archives Canada. Links to other pertinent websites are also included.

Unpublished records of federal royal commissions are described in the following guide:

AMICUS No. 9399263
National Archives of Canada. Government Archives Division. Records of federal royal commissions (RG 33) / James Murray Whalen -- Ottawa : National Archives of Canada, 1990-1994. -- 2 v. ; 28 cm. -- ISBN 0662572173

See Also:

Commissions of Inquiry

Alberta Digital Royal Commissions

New Brunswick Commissions of Enquiry