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Research Publications

The Library of Parliament offers a wide range of research publications that provide analysis to parliamentarians, parliamentary committees and parliamentary associations on current and emerging key issues, legislation and major public policy topics. The publications provide non-partisan, reliable and timely information on subjects that are relevant to parliamentary and constituency work.

Current Publications

Under Current Publications you will find Background Papers which provide in-depth studies of policy issues, including historical background, current information and references. Many of these papers anticipate the emergence of the policy issues. You will also find In Briefs which are short briefings on current issues that may refer the reader to more substantive sources published on the same topic.

Legislative Summaries

Legislative Summaries outline government bills concerning major new initiatives or significant changes to existing legislation. They are not prepared for money bills (appropriation bills and borrowing-authority bills, budget implementation bills, or measures relating to ways and means motions as part of the budgetary process) or emergency bills. Legislative Summaries explain the purpose and history of bills, analyze their key clauses, and, where available, include media reaction and comments from interest groups. They are updated as needed to reflect amendments made during the legislative process.


Designed in formats for desktop and mobile devices, HillNotes provide concise overviews of current and emerging issues of immediate interest, with links to related resources and recent news clippings. HillNotes are available each sitting week.

Trade and Investment Series

The Trade and Investment Activity publication series provides information on Canada’s trade and investment relationship with selected countries. Particular attention is paid to bilateral merchandise trade, trade in services and foreign investment.

Occasional and Commissioned Papers

Occasional Papers and Commissioned Papers are produced at the request of or with the assistance of the Library of Parliament, as part of its mandate to serve Parliament. Containing information, analysis or research on topics of interest to parliamentarians, they are prepared from time to time by Library staff, by other organizations or individuals, or in collaboration with the Library.

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