Guide to the Canadian House of Commons

The Canadian Parliament

Who's Who in the House

A Working Day in the Commons Chamber

Parliamentary Highlights

Making Canada's Laws

The Role of a Member of Parliament

Being Part of Parliament

The Canadian Parliament

Photo of the Parliament of Canada

Photo: Library of Parliament / Roy Grogan

Our system of government is part of the reason why Canada is known around the world as a good place to live. Canada's parliamentary system is open and democratic. It offers the opportunity for people to give their input and it is designed to make sure proposals for laws are carefully considered.

Canada's Parliament consists of three parts: the Queen, the Senate and the House of Commons. They work together to make the laws for our country. The executive branch consists of the Queen, the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and the departments of government. They implement the laws. The legislative branch makes the laws, and the judicial branch — which is not part of Parliament — interprets them.

Canada’s Parliamentary System

Image of Canada’s Parliamentary System

The Queen

Canada is a constitutional monarchy. This means that the laws governing Canada recognize the Queen as the formal Head of State. All federal laws are made in the Queen's name. She also performs many important ceremonial duties when visiting Canada.

The Governor General

Image of the Governor General's Standard

The Governor General's Standard is a symbol of the Crown's sovereignty in Canada.

The Governor General is the Queen's representative in Canada. The Queen appoints the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Governor General usually serves for five years. One of the most important roles of the Governor General is to ensure that Canada always has a Prime Minister. For example, if no party had a clear majority after an election, or if the Prime Minister were to die in office, the Governor General would have to choose a successor.

The Governor General acts on the advice of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The duties of the Governor General include: summoning, opening and ending sessions of Parliament; reading the Speech from the Throne; giving Royal Assent to bills; signing state documents; and dissolving Parliament for an election.

The Senate

Distribution of
Senate Seats
Area Seats
Ontario 24
Quebec 24
Maritimes 24
Nova Scotia 10  
  New Brunswick 10  
  Prince Edward Island 4  
Western Provinces 24
  Manitoba 6  
  British Columbia 6  
  Saskatchewan 6  
  Alberta 6  
Additional representation 9
  Newfoundland and Labrador 6  
  Northwest Territories 1  
  Yukon Territory 1  
  Nunavut 1  
Total 105

The Senate studies, amends and either rejects or approves bills passed by the House of Commons. It can also introduce its own bills, except those to spend public money or impose taxes, which must be introduced in the House of Commons. No bill can become law until it has been passed by the Senate. Senators also study major social, legal and economic issues through their committee work.

One of the duties of the Senate is to represent the interests of Canada's regions, provinces, territories and minority groups. Seats in the Senate are distributed to give each major region of the country equal representation.

The Senate has 105 members. Senators are appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister and hold office until age 75.

The House of Commons

Distribution of
House of Commons Seats
Area Seats
Ontario 106
Quebec 75
Nova Scotia 11
New Brunswick 10
Manitoba 14
British Columbia 36
Prince Edward Island 4
Saskatchewan 14
Alberta 28
Newfoundland and Labrador 7
Northwest Territories 1
Yukon Territory 1
Nunavut 1
Total 308

Many laws in Canada first begin as bills in the House of Commons. In the Commons Chamber, Members devote most of their time to debating and voting on bills. The Chamber is also a place where Members represent constituents' views, discuss national issues and call on the government to explain its actions.

To become a Member of Parliament, you must first run in a federal election, which is held about every four years. In each of the country's 308 constituencies, or ridings, the candidate who gets the most votes is elected to the House of Commons, even if he or she gets less than half of the total votes.

Seats in the House of Commons are distributed roughly in proportion to the population of each province and territory. In general, the more people in a province or territory, the more Members it has in the House of Commons. Every province or territory must have at least as many Members in the Commons as it has in the Senate.

Photo of the House of Commons

Photo: Library of Parliament / Roy Grogan

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