Elections and Ridings Section
Federal Election Trivia About Federal Election Trivia

Elections are anything but trivial. Check out some interesting facts about Canadian federal elections.

For example:

  • What is the most popular season in which to hold a federal general election in Canada?
  • Which Prime Minister won the most consecutive elections with a governmental majority?
  • Who was the youngest sitting Member of Parliament?
  • How many women candidates ran in the last general election and how many were elected?

Increase your election savvy and have fun. Enjoy!

Bibliographic Sources

Canadian Guide of Electoral History and Leadership, 1867 to Date. Edited by Wayne D. Madden. Ottawa: Library of Parliament, 1988-

Elections Canada opens up to conduct federal election across Canada. Ottawa: Elections Canada, 1993.

A History of the vote in Canada. Ottawa : Published by Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada for the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada, 1997.

Scarrow, Howard A. Canada votes : a handbook of federal and provincial election data. New Orleans : Hauser Press, 1962.



Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15

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