Federal government Section
The Ministry and its Responsibilities

The Library of Parliament provides this list for reference purposes. A Table of Public Statutes and Responsible Ministers is available at the Justice Canada web site. Ministerial responsibility, as listed below, concerns only the current parliament.

Search Criteria
^ Agriculture and Agri-Food
Ritz, Gerry
  • Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Minister of State
Bernier, Maxime
  • Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism and Agriculture)

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Moore, Rob
  • Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency)

Minister of State
Bernier, Maxime
  • Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism and Agriculture)

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Canadian Heritage
^ Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Aglukkaq, Leona
  • Minister of the Environment
  • Minister for the Arctic Council
  • Minister of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Citizenship and Immigration
Alexander, Chris
  • Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

Minister of State
Uppal, Tim
  • Minister of State (Multiculturalism)
Kenney, Jason
  • Minister for Multiculturalism
  • Minister of Employment and Social Development

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Lebel, Denis
  • Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs
  • President of the Queen's Privy Council
  • Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Environment
Aglukkaq, Leona
  • Minister of the Environment
  • Minister for the Arctic Council
  • Minister of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Finance
^ Fisheries and Oceans
Shea, Gail
  • Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Foreign Affairs
Baird, John
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs

Minister of State
Yelich, Lynne
  • Minister of State (Foreign Affairs and Consular)
Paradis, Christian
  • Minister for La Francophonie
  • Minister of International Development

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Health
^ Human Resources and Skills Development
^ Indian Affairs and Northern Development
^ Industry
^ Intergovernmental Affairs
Lebel, Denis
  • Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs
  • President of the Queen's Privy Council
  • Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

^ International Cooperation
Paradis, Christian
  • Minister for La Francophonie
  • Minister of International Development

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ International Trade
Fast, Edward
  • Minister of International Trade

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Justice
^ Labour
^ Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
Van Loan, Peter
  • Leader of the Government in the House of Commons

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Leader of the Government in the Senate
^ National Defence
^ National Revenue
Findlay, Kerry-Lynne D.
  • Minister of National Revenue

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Natural Resources
^ Prime Minister of Canada
Harper, Stephen
  • Prime Minister

Minister of State
Duncan, John
  • Minister of State and Chief Government Whip
Poilievre, Pierre
  • Minister of State (Democratic Reform)

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Privy Council Office
Lebel, Denis
  • Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs
  • President of the Queen's Privy Council
  • Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
^ Public Works and Government Services
^ Transport
^ Treasury Board
^ Veterans Affairs
Fantino, Julian
  • Minister of Veterans Affairs

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

^ Western Economic Diversification
Rempel, Michelle
  • Minister of State (Western Economic Diversification)

Minister of State
Rempel, Michelle
  • Minister of State (Western Economic Diversification)

Responsibilities of Lead Minister

Updated on: 2013.07.15

Revised on: 2013.07.16

© Library of Parliament