Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Date Founded ( 1932.08.01
Last Official Leader: Argue, Hazen Robert
Notes: In 1961 the C.C.F. became the N.D.P.
^ Party Leader
NameTerm (
Argue, Hazen Robert Elected leader of the C.C.F. without contest, on August 11, 1960, at the national convention held in Regina.
Resigned from the New Democratic Party on February 20, 1962 and later joined the Liberal Party.
1960.08.11 - 1961.08.02
Coldwell, Major James William Unanimously elected C.C.F. president (leader), at Toronto, in July 1942.
Defeated in the 1958 general election, Hazen Argue served as parliamentary leader until August 1960.
1942.07 - 1960.08.10
Woodsworth, James Shaver President from July 1933 until October 1940, and honorary president from October 1940 until March 21, 1942. During his sickness, Coldwell served as parliamentary leader from 1940 until 1942. 1933.07 - 1942.03.21
Woodsworth, James Shaver (Acting) Unanimously elected temporary president (leader) at the founding meeting of the C.C.F., at Calgary, on August 1, 1932; there were 105 delegates present. A year later, at the first national convention, July 19-21, 1933, in Regina, was unanimously elected president (leader) of the C.C.F.; 131 delegates were present. 1932.08.01 - 1933.07

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