Communist Party of Canada
Date Founded ( 1921.06
Last Official Leader: Figueroa, Miguel
Notes: Founded secretly in June 1921 in Guelph, Ont. Emerged in February 1922 as the "Workers' Party of Canada". In 1924 became known as the Communist Party of Canada. Declared illegal in 1940, operated under the name of "Labor Progressive Party" until October 1959.
^ Party Leader
NameTerm (
Figueroa, Miguel 1992.12.01 -
Hewison, George 1988 - 1992.05.22
Kashtan, William 1965 - 1988
Morris, Leslie T. 1962 - 1964
Buck, Timothy 1956 - 1962
Buck, Timothy 1929 - 1956
MacDonald, John (Jack) 1921 - 1929

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