Parliament Section
Officers and Officials of Parliament Political Officers - Senate - Leaders of the Opposition
1867 to Date
Selected by the largest non-government party, the Leader of the Opposition coordinates party members’ activities in the Chamber and in committees. The Leader is often official spokesperson for the Opposition party as well. With the help of a Deputy Leader, the Leader negotiates with the Government on legislative business and the Senate sitting schedule.

NamePolitical Affiliation
during Tenure
Term (year)
Cowan, James S. Liberal 2008 -
Hervieux-Payette, Céline Liberal 2007 - 2008
Hays, Daniel Liberal 2006 - 2007
Kinsella, Noël A. Conservative 2004 - 2006
Lynch-Staunton, John Progressive Conservative 1993 - 2004
Frith, Royce Herbert Liberal 1991 - 1993
MacEachen, Allan Joseph Retired on September 30, 1991; retained his seat in the Senate. Liberal 1984 - 1991
Flynn, Jacques Was Leader of the Government during 31st Parliament. Progressive Conservative 1980 - 1984
Perrault, Raymond J. Liberal 1979 - 1979
Flynn, Jacques From October 31, 1967. Progressive Conservative 1967 - 1979
Brooks, Alfred Johnson Retired on October 31, 1967; retained his seat in the Senate. Progressive Conservative 1963 - 1967
Macdonald, William Ross Liberal 1957 - 1963
Haig, John Thomas From September 12, 1945. Progressive Conservative 1945 - 1957
Ballantyne, Charles Colquhoun Leader from May 7, 1942; retired as Leader of the Opposition in the Senate on September 11, 1945. Conservative (1867-1942) 1942 - 1945
Ballantyne, Charles Colquhoun (Acting) Acting Leader from January 22, 1942. Conservative (1867-1942) 1942 - 1942
Meighen, Arthur Resigned from Senate on January 16, 1942 to seek election of the House of Commons as leader of the Conservative Party. Conservative (1867-1942) 1936 - 1942
Dandurand, Raoul Liberal 1930 - 1935
Willoughby, Wellington Bartley Conservative (1867-1942) 1929 - 1930
Ross, William Benjamin Died January 10, 1929 between sessions. Conservative (1867-1942) 1926 - 1929
Dandurand, Raoul On June 29, 1926, Dandurand became Opposition Leader until end of the session. Liberal 1926 - 1926
Ross, William Benjamin The King Government resigned on June 28, 1926; Meighen Government formed. Conservative (1867-1942) 1926 - 1926
Lougheed, James Alexander Died Novermber 2, 1925 between sesions; duties performed by G.D. Robertson at start of 1925 (14th Parliament, 4th Session) due to illness. Liberal-Conservative 1922 - 1925
Bostock, Hewitt Liberal 1920 - 1921
Dandurand, Raoul (Acting) Duties performed by Raoul Dandurand at the start of 1919 (13th Parliament, 2nd Session), while Bostock out of country due to illness of his mother. Liberal 1919 - 1919
Bostock, Hewitt From March 19, 1914; duties performed by Raoul Dandurand at the start of 1919 (13th Parliament, 2nd Session), while out of country due to illness of his mother. Liberal 1914 - 1919
Ross, George William Died March 7, 1914, during the session. Liberal 1912 - 1914
Cartwright, Richard John Died on September 24, 1912 between sessions. Liberal 1911 - 1912
Lougheed, James Alexander Elected Conservative leader in the Senate by mail ballot during March-April 1906. Liberal-Conservative 1906 - 1911
Bowell, Mackenzie Stepped down in order to make room for a younger leader; retired in March 1906. Conservative (1867-1942) 1896 - 1906
Scott, Richard William Liberal 1879 - 1896
Campbell, Alexander The Mackenzie Government formed on November 7, 1873. Campbell became opposition leader on the last day of the session. Conservative (1867-1942) 1873 - 1878
Letellier de St-Just, Luc Nationalist Liberal 1867 - 1873

Updated on: 2010.10.15

Revised on: 2010.10.15

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