Senate Section
Party Standings in the Senate
This list is intended to reflect day-to-day events. For confirmation of official party standings in the Senate, click here.
Search Criteria
Province / TerritoryC.P.C.Lib.Ind.Ind. P.C.Occupied
seats (Women)
seats (Total)
% Women
Alberta1113650.00 %
British Columbia213560.00 %
Manitoba213475.00 %
New Brunswick2241040.00 %
Newfoundland and Labrador11616.67 %
Northwest Territories10.00 %
Nova Scotia111010.00 %
Nunavut10.00 %
Ontario71192240.91 %
Prince Edward Island22450.00 %
Quebec5272330.43 %
Saskatchewan2215683.33 %
Yukon10.00 %
Total221321389938.38 %


Updated on: 2013.08.26

Revised on: 2013.08.27

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