
  • Canadian Genealogy Centre
    Discover the roots of your ancestors and the role they played in our Canadian heritage.
  • Canadian Genealogy and History Links
    A comprehensive directory of links to web sites that provide genealogical and historical information on a wide variety of themes.
  • Fichier Origine (French only)
    A computerised directory of acts found as part of a franco-québécois research project on the family origins of French emigrants and foreigners established in Quebec, from the beginning up to 1865.
  • FrancoGène
    A gateway to Franco-American and French-Canadian Genealogy on the Internet that provides links to resources and sites for countries that contributed to North American Francophone communities.
  • Le centre de généalogie francophone d'Amérique (French only)
    This site provides access to information and databases on the ancestry and genealogy of North American francophone families.
  • National Library and Archives of Québec
    Composed of civil status registers from 1635 to 1900 (baptisms, marriages, burials), notarial records from the mid-17th century to the 1920s and surveyors' records, mostly from the 19th century.
  • Our Roots
    A library, archive, museum and school all in one. Find Canadian local histories in French and in English.
  • The Research Program in Historical Demography
    Search a computerized register that contains an exhaustive reconstruction of the population of Quebec from the beginnings of French colonization in the seventeenth century, composed of biographical files on all individuals of European ancestry who lived in the St. Lawrence Valley.
  • Your Folks is a Canadian genealogy website that will help you to trace family ancestors in Quebec, Ontario, and Manitoba, and to build, share, maintain and print a family tree.