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LHF is a national Aboriginal charitable organization whose purposes are to educate, raise awareness and understanding of the legacy of residential schools, including the effects and intergenerational impacts on First Nations, Inuit, and Métis, and to support the ongoing healing process of Residential School Survivors. Fulfilling this mandate contributes towards reconciliation among generations of Aboriginal peoples, and between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in Canada. Click here to learn more about the LHF.



Reconciliation Way Forward PNG Cover

Reconciliation and the Way Forward

Released on June 1, 2015, at the Truth and Reconciliation final event in Ottawa, this collection of 17 essays deliberates the simple but profound question What does reconciliation look like? Contributors include Garnet Angeconeb, Katsi’tsákwas Ellen Gabriel, Tony Belcourt, Georges Erasmus, Stephen Lewis, Shelagh Rogers, Justice Harry S. Laforme, and The Right Honourable Paul Martin.




100 Years Title

 100 Years of Loss Curriculum

Are you an educator looking for more information about the 100 Years of Loss curriculum? This resource has been out-of-stock but the good news is that we are producing more. Watch this space for updates.



100 Years of Loss: The Residential School System in Canada  Exhibition
Bookings available beginning 1 October 2015 in both Western and Eastern Canada.


We Were So Far Away: The Inuit Experience of Residential School Exhibition
Bookings available in Western Canada and the North from 15 September to 15 October and again as of 1 December 2015.

 Free Downloads

 Hope & Healing 2014 Cover WWSFA  Forgotten Workshop Guide    Forgotten Booklet
 Hope & Healing (2014)  We Were So Far Away book (2011)  Forgotten Workshop Guide   Forgotten Booklet

Click below to download our out-of-print publications.

 Inuit and the RS  100YOL Accordion Cover Hope and Healing   WATC Cover
 Inuit and the Residential School System (2013) 100 Years of Loss  (2012)  Hope and Healing (2010)    Where are the Children? (2003)


 Métis PowerPoint English