Press Releases

For media enquiries, please contact:

Tracy O’Hearn
Executive Director
613-238-3977 ext. 226

Latest Press Release

Posted on December 4, 2015

Response to the 2015 Speech from the Throne


Ottawa, ON (December 4, 2015) Pauktuutit welcomes the commitment made today by the federal government to address violence against indigenous women in its 2015 Speech from the Throne. “We are always a willing partner in working with others, and particularly governments, in addressing the priorities of our membership. We have already started talking with the Minister and her officials about the need to ensure the full and equitable participation of Inuit women at all stages of a national inquiry on missing and murdered indigenous women,” said Rebecca Kudloo, President.

The Pauktuutit Board has had many discussions about a potential national inquiry and, along with other Inuit organizations and experts, know many of the immediate steps that need to be taken to prevent violence in Inuit families and communities. Pauktuutit requires more information about the mandate, scope and timeline of this inquiry and continues to call for the immediate development of a national action plan to address Inuit-specific priorities.

Minister Bennett is planning to consult with family members in the Ottawa area on December 11. Pauktuutit is working with Tungasuvvingat Inuit (TI) to reach out to families in Ottawa who may want to participate in the meeting with Minister Bennett, Jodi Wilson-Raybould, Minister of Justice, and Patty Hajdu, the Minister Responsible for the Status of Women. TI, through Mamisarvik, will provide supports to Inuit participants.

‘We have recommended to the Minister that a pre-consultation meeting be held specifically with Inuit families and others from across Inuit Nunangat, including Inuit in urban areas, at the first opportunity and I hope that she and her Cabinet colleagues will support our approach. We know that there are a number of Inuit organizations that must be involved in these pre-consultation discussions and throughout the inquiry. We will be reaching out to them to coordinate all of our work the best way possible.” Kudloo concluded.


Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada