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Genealogy and Family History

How to Begin

Genealogy is a wonderful pursuit and part of lifelong learning. For some, it is an enjoyable hobby. For others, it becomes a passion.

This section of the Genealogy and Family History website will help you begin your family history research. While other sections of the website have more detailed explanations, this section is specifically for those new to genealogical research.

Regardless of what your level of involvement is now or in the future, you will find information here to help you get started.

  • What To Do First: basic principles;
  • Choosing a Strategy: deciding what you want to accomplish, and what approach to take;
  • Finding Information: where to look for information on your family;
  • Organizing Information: how to record and store the information you collect;
  • Guides: several online guides that will be useful.
  • Learning More: additional resources that will be helpful;

At any time, you may ask a question if you do not find the answer first in this section.

Good luck in your research!