Alternative Formats

EPUB Format

EPUB format is an electronic book format that can be opened in most e-readers, tablets and mobile devices (except for the Kindle, which uses a different file format).

EPUB files can also be read on computers, although you may have to install a software program or Web browser plug-in first.

MARC 21 Format

MARC 21 is a format commonly used by library computer systems to organize and exchange information about library items such as publications. For a detailed description of this format, please visit the MARC 21 Standards site (www).

Since April of 2006, Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has been creating download files of MARC 21 bibliographic records for each issue of the Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications. The records in the download file are in the form of a continuous delimited text file intended for importation into catalogue applications that support the MARC 21 data format and MARC editors. They are made available on the Government of Canada Publications Web site in association with the Weekly Checklist issue listing the publications associated with the records contained in the file.

LAC creates MARC 21 bibliographic records for all monographs and new serial titles in hard copy and electronic formats. New download files are added to the Government of Canada Publications Web site as cataloguing for a given Weekly Checklist issue is completed by LAC. The time required for this varies according to the number of publications listed in a given issue.

Note that download files of MARC 21 records are not created for Supplementary Checklists, although bibliographic records for individual titles may be available from the LAC online catalogue AMICUS.

Portable Document Format (PDF)

To access the Portable Document Format (PDF) version you must have a PDF reader installed. If you do not already have such a reader, there are numerous PDF readers available for free download or for purchase on the Internet: