Questions and Comments Form

Use this Questions and Comments Form to submit an enquiry or to tell us your thoughts on current issues and Government of Canada policies. To share your ideas about how the Canada Site can be improved, please use the Tell Us What You Think form.

In order to respond to your enquiry, the Government of Canada will need to collect a limited amount of information (such as your email address).

Please do not include sensitive personal information in the Questions/Comments box, such as your Social Insurance Number, personal finance data and medical or work history.

The information you provide is collected and will be stored in the Personal Information Bank entitled Public Communications (PSU 914). It may also be used for policy analysis, research and/or evaluation purposes. Your personal information is collected and administered under the authority of the Privacy Act and other applicable laws. You have the right to access your personal information. For more information on this, please access the Info Source Web site.

Questions and Comments