Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Northwest Territories Recruiting Events

The RCMP holds recruiting events in a number of cities and towns throughout the year. Please check the listings frequently to see if one has been scheduled in your area.

Regular Member (Police) Recruiting Events

Civilian Recruiting Events

Regular Member Career Presentation

To register

Call 1-877-726-7472 or email

Be sure to include the following information:

  • Your name and address
  • Phone numbers - home, work, cell
  • Email address
  • Location of presentation (province and city)
  • Date and time of presentation


  • Scheduled according to demand

Aptitude Battery - RPAB

To register

Register Online or call 1-877-726-7472 or email


  • October 16 at 7:00 PM
    RCMP Yellowknife, 5010 Veterans Memorial Drive
  • January 16 at 7:00 PM
    RCMP Yellowknife, 5010 Veterans Memorial Drive
  • March 13 at 7:00 PM
    RCMP Yellowknife, 5010 Veterans Memorial Drive

Physical Abilities - PARE

Northwest Territory applicants will be contacted to make arrangements to complete the PARE at the appropriate stage in the application process. If you have any questions, please contact Pare Coordinator Cpl. Tammy McKenzie at (867) 669-5115 or (867) 765-8600 or

  • Scheduled according to demand

Special Events

  • Nothing presently scheduled

Civilian Recruiting Events

Telecommunications Operator Career Presentation


To register, call 867-669-5220

  • Scheduled according to demand

Telecommunications Operator Aptitude Test (TOAT)


To register, call 867-669-5220

  • Scheduled according to demand