Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Application Process

A RCMP Cadet is standing at attention in the drill hall at Depot.

  1. Career Presentation
    When considering a career as a police officer your first step is to attend a career presentation. You will have the opportunity to hear first-hand from a police officer about the recruiting process, training expectations, mobility requirements and so much more. Attending a career presentation will assist you in deciding if this is the right career for you.
  2. Application and RCMP Police Aptitude Battery (RPAB)
    You can formally apply to be a Regular Member by submitting an Applicant Information Sheet. You will normally complete and submit the application at the time of the RPAB. The RPAB is made up of two separate tests that all Regular Member applicants must complete as part of the Recruiting process.

    Once applicants have completed the RCMP Police Aptitude Battery (RPAB), they will have their scores ranked on the Initial Rank List (IRL).
  3. Selection Package
    Should you be selected to continue in the process, you will be sent various documents that must be completed and returned by a specified date.
  4. Regular Member Applicant Questionnaire
    Contains questions that explore suitability, reliability, and assist in the security clearance assessment.
  5. Physical Abilities Requirement Evaluation (PARE)
    The PARE is a job-related physical ability test that simulates a critical incident of chasing, controlling and apprehending a suspect.
  6. Regular Member Selection Interview (RMSI)
    This is a one on one interview that will help determine if you meet the organizational competencies needed to become a police officer.

    Once an applicant successfully completes the RMSI, they will be placed on the Post Interview Ranked List (PIRL).
  7. Suitability / Reliability Interview - Polygraph Examination
    The Pre-Employment Polygraph (PEP) Interview and Examination is designed to help verify suitability and reliability.
  8. Field Investigation and Security Clearance
    A thorough investigation into your background is conducted to help assess your character. If found suitable and reliable, a security clearance is then issued.
  9. Health Assessment
    The health assessment is completed by RCMP designated physicians and includes a full medical, dental and psychological exam.
  10. Prerequistes and Enrollment
    Once deemed suitable you are enrolled as a Cadet to start your training at Depot, the RCMP Training Academy in Regina, Saskatchewan. Here you will be assigned to a troop of 32 cadets, and begin the 24-week Cadet Training Program.