Tax information videos, events, seminars, and tax preparation clinics

Select a link below to find out about the tax information videos, events, and seminars offered by the Canada Revenue Agency and the Volunteer Tax Clinics offered by community organizations through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program.

Tax information videos

The CRA has a selection of online videos, on topics for individuals and business owners. Below is a list of some of our tax information videos. Check back regularly as more titles are added to the selection.

For individuals:

For Businesses:

Information sessions/seminars

Charities Directorate Information Sessions
Free face-to-face or webinar presentations offered to registered charities covering different topics, to help them understand their legal requirements for continued registration.

Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED)

SR&ED program information seminars
Public seminars - These give a general overview of the program, explaining applicant and expenditure eligibility and how to file an SR&ED claim.
Industry-specific seminars - These explain how program eligibility criteria relate to specific industries.

Volunteer Tax Preparation Clinics
Find out if you are eligible to attend a clinic and get help with your income tax and benefit return. Clinics are held primarily from February to the end of April but some tax clinics operate year round. Find a Volunteer Tax Preparation Clinic.