Typhoid Fever

Related Travel Health Notices


What is Typhoid Fever?

Typhoid fever is an infection caused by a bacteria found in contaminated food or water. The disease is commonly associated with eating foods prepared in unsanitary conditions and with eating uncooked foods or drinking untreated water in areas where sewage is not disposed of safely.


The bacterium Salmonella typhi.

Risk to Travellers

Greatest among those going to high-risk regions.

Risk is higher among travellers visiting rural areas, those visiting friends and relatives, or those with weakened immune systems.

Risk is usually low for travellers going to tourist and business centres with higher standards of accommodation and sanitation, and safe food handling practices.


Without appropriate antibiotic treatment, up to 16% of infected people die from typhoid fever.


Practise safe food and water precautions.

Vaccination will reduce the risk, but will not eliminate it.


Can be treated with antibiotics.   


  • Usually appear one to three weeks after being infected.
  • Some people develop no symptoms, while others may develop a fever, headache, discomfort, loss of appetite, dry cough, and constipation for adults and older children.
  • Without treatment, more severe cases develop a persistent high fever, rash on the body trunk, slowing of heart rate, enlargement of both the liver and spleen and may lead to death.


  • Eating food or drinking beverages that have been handled by a person who is infected.
  • Drinking water that has been contaminated by sewage.
  • Eating shellfish taken from sewage-polluted beds, or eating raw fruits and vegetables fertilized with human waste.

Where is Typhoid Fever a concern?

High risk regions include South Asia as well as developing countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Central and South America. 


Consult a doctor, nurse or health care provider, or visit a travel health clinic preferably six weeks before you travel.

  1. Practise safe food and water precautions
  2. Get vaccinated if you may be at risk

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