Proactive disclosure of contracts over $10,000

Alert:Tenders and procurement-related notices

Starting June 1, 2013, Canada Revenue Agency tenders and procurement-related notices will be published on a Government of Canada web site at Documents posted on MERX and not closed as of May 31, 2013 will be migrated to this site.


Under the Canada Revenue Agency Act, the Agency has full contracting authority as well as the authority to establish its own administrative policies in respect of the procurement function. The Agency’s Procurement Policy reflects a commitment to fair, open and transparent procurement practices.

On March 23, 2004, the government introduced a new policy requiring the mandatory publication of contracts over $10,000.  Commencing on October 31, 2004, this Web site began providing information on new contracts awarded by or on behalf of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) where the original contract value exceeded $10,000.

Since January 30, 2009, the CRA began including information on contracts with an amended value over $10,000. Contract options included in the original contract, if exercised, are disclosed by the CRA as amendments.

Effective January 1, 2013, contracts over $10,000 issued to former public servants in receipt of a pension under the Public Service Superannuation Act will be identified as such.

Every three months the CRA reports contracts and amendments awarded in the previous quarter. Please note that information that would normally be withheld under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act does not appear on this Web site.