Understanding Taxes and Benefits

Canada’s tax system supports the quality of life that all Canadians enjoy. The contribution you make through your taxes helps fund many things—from building roads and bridges to Canada’s education and health care system. Paying our taxes is an important part of being a responsible citizen. There’s no doubt—taxes can be complex. The Canada Revenue Agency is making it easier by creating resources to help you better understand Canada’s tax system: how you benefit from it and what your obligations are.

To learn more

Get tax information anytime, anywhere!

Find basic information on topics such as preparing your income tax and benefit return, tax‑free savings accounts, and charitable contributions, in our video gallery.

Online self-study course: Learning About Taxes is an independent, self-paced course that introduces you to Canada's tax system and helps you prepare a simple income tax return.

Newcomers: If you have recently arrived in Canada, visit Newcomers to Canada for information on how to file your first tax return.

Child and family benefits: When you file your tax return, you open the door to benefits and credits that may be available to you. For more information, see Child and Family Benefits

Life events: During your lifetime, there may be certain life events that can affect your taxes, such as moving or dealing with the death of a loved one.

Tools for teachers and professors

Share the gift of financial literacy with your students. See Teaching Taxes for free class materials and instructions you can share with your students about preparing their income tax returns. Also see Responsible Citizenship and Canada's Tax System to explore with them the relationship between our tax system and the quality of life in Canada.

Related links

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada