Responsible Resource Development

About 950,000 Canadians currently work in natural resource sectors. Another 850,000 in every province and territory work in industries that service the sector. That’s a powerful economic engine, creating 10 percent of all jobs in Canada.


Responsible Resource Development achieves the right balance to unleash the potential of our resource sectors to create high-value jobs across Canada while strengthening safety and environmental protection. The development of our natural resources will only proceed if it can be done safely and responsibly.


Natural resources are driving economic growth across the country. Saskatchewan’s PotashCorp is a sustainable business, providing quality jobs, essential training, support to the local community, and a valuable product for agriculture around the world.

Responsible Resource Development Supports Our Communities and Helps Meet Global Needs

The Honourable Joe Oliver, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, announced the latest step in the Harper Government’s plan to support jobs and further enhance Canada’s pipeline system by requiring companies operating major pipelines to have the financial capability to respond to any incident and remedy damage.

Harper Government Announces Latest Steps to Enhance Canada’s Pipeline System
  • Responsible Resource Development and Jobs1
  • Responsible Resource Development: Environmental Protection and Safety2
  • Responsible Resource Development Supports Our Communities and Helps Meet Global Needs3
  • Harper Government Announces Latest Steps to Enhance Canada’s Pipeline System4

Responsible Resource Development

Natural resources are an important part of the fabric of Canada’s economy. This country has enormous natural wealth, from huge reserves of energy to massive tracts of forest and an abundance of minerals and metals.

Responsible Resource Development (RRD) means jobs, long-term growth and prosperity for all Canadians — both today and for generations to come. [More. . .]

Photo – Person kneeling and planting a seedling

Strengthening Environmental Protection

Responsible Resource Development will strengthen Canada’s world-class environmental standards through effective new measures that focus resources where they matter most.
[More. . .]

Photo – Man working on pipeline

Enhancing Pipeline and Marine Safety

Under Responsible Resource Development a number of steps are being taken to reduce the risks associated with resource development and transportation of these resources to market.
[More. . .]

Photo - Interior photo of an industrial plant

Responsible Resource Development and Jobs

Canada’s abundant natural resources are the backbone of our economy. Natural resources jobs are in every part of Canada from coast to coast to coast — in rural communities, in the North and in Aboriginal communities.
[More. . .]

Photo – Coast line with trees and hills

Responsible Resource Development Initiatives

To maximize the value that Canada draws from its natural resources, the Economic Action Plan delivers initiatives that promote sustainable management, now and over the long term.
[More. . .]

Photo – Sun shining through tall trees

Learn More

Responsible Resource Development is the federal government’s systematic and comprehensive plan to create jobs, growth, and long-term prosperity while strengthening our world-class protection of the environment for future generations of Canadians.
[More. . .]

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Working in Canada

Search for the latest job opportunities and skill requirements in Canada's job market including mining, forestry, and various trades.
Did You Know?
Did You Know?

$35.7 million over two years is being provided to strengthen Canada’s tanker safety regime.

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Did You Know?

In Canada, close to 1.8 million jobs are directly and indirectly linked to natural resources. These jobs are in every province and region of Canada.

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Did You Know?

Financial penalties of up to $400,000 were introduced for companies that do not meet environmental assessment requirements.

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Did You Know?

National Energy Board inspections of oil and gas pipelines are increasing by 50 percent annually to improve pipeline safety across Canada.

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Did You Know?

$13.5 million over two years is being provided to strengthen pipeline safety, including doubling the number of annual comprehensive audits.

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Did You Know?

Canada is strengthening environmental protection; major resource projects will be subject to equivalent or stronger rigour than in the past.

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Did You Know?

With support from the Government, the Nature Conservancy of Canada has already protected 835,637 acres of natural habitat – an area larger than the individual landmass of 80 countries in the world.

Did You Know?
Did You Know?

The natural resource sector is the largest private sector employer of Aboriginal people in the country.


  • Science and Technology
  • Energy Efficiency