RSS Feeds

Subscribe to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada's RSS feeds to receive updates from our Media Room pages. Subscribers will receive the content title, a brief summary, the date published and a link to the full content on the AANDC website.

RSS Feed News Releases & Speeches RSS - News releases and speeches on current and historical matters relevant to Aboriginal people and Northerners.

RSS Feed Media Advisories RSS - Media Advisories relevant to Aboriginal people and Northerners

RSS Feed e-Bulletin RSS - A summary of recent AANDC announcements, opportunities and initiatives.

More information on RSS feeds

How to subscribe to RSS feeds

Users can add RSS feeds to their readers in one of two ways. Most sites offering RSS feeds provide RSS or XML buttons with links to instantly add a feed to the user’s reader.   Or, users can copy and paste the URL of the feed into their reader.  RSS feeds will display available information they’re added to a reader.

How to unsubscribe to RSS feeds

Users who decide they no longer want to receive updates can simply delete the RSS feed or URL from their reader.

What is RSS?

Real Simple Syndication, is a tool for staying updated on selected issues and topics.  Users subscribe to RSS feeds, which then broadcast content updates to their RSS reader, (also called an aggregator).  In their RSS reader, users can review the latest updates to all of their feeds at their convenience.

RSS Readers

In order to receive RSS feeds, users must have an RSS reader, (also called an aggregator). There are several RSS Readers available for free download or for purchase on the Internet.

Note: Links to web sites not under the control of the Government of Canada are provided solely for the convenience of users. The government is not responsible for the accuracy, currency or the reliability of the content nor does it endorse the sites or their content. (see also Important Notices)

Why use RSS feeds?

  • RSS feeds are a convenient way to monitor information from a variety of sources, allowing you to customize how you receive and process notifications of new content.
  • RSS feeds are a good alternative to subscribing to updates via email. You do not have to provide personal information (such as an email address) to subscribe to an RSS feed, and you do not run the risk of missing important updates because an email gets deleted or caught in your spam filter.
  • A feed reader allows you to subscribe to news, blogs and other frequently updated content and view the new information at your convenience, separate from your email inbox.
  • RSS feeds are also easier to manage because the feeds are grouped together by feed, showing at a glance how many items you have not yet read.

Learn even more about RSS  .