Thursday, April 25, 2013
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Tory backbenchers voice support for a House committee to better protect MPs’ freedom, powers in Commons
Some 10 Tory MPs have voiced concerned about MPs’ privileges being infringed by party control.


‘Definitely something going on’ in political landscape, shift

‘Definitely something going on’ in political landscape, shift
The Liberals are leading in a number of recent polls, which may not be sustainable in the long-run, but the polls are like a midterm report card and the Conservatives and NDP are paying attention.

Feds now calling it Canadian 'Armed' Forces, critics say move illustrates government’s preoccupation with military

Feds now calling it Canadian 'Armed' Forces, critics say move illustrates government’s preoccupation with military
The federal government has begun officially referring to the Canadian Forces as the Canadian Armed Forces in departmental statements and speeches, a name change that one of Canada’s leading peace groups says will turn the Defence Department into a ‘political actor’ in Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s efforts to expand his party’s conservative base.

Transport Committee reports Rail Transport Bill back to House, stakeholders unhappy with changes

‘It’s fair to say that neither side is totally happy with the bill,’ says Conservative MP Larry Miller.

Liberals, New Democrats tied at 32% as most effective opposition: Forum Research poll

Liberals, New Democrats tied at 32% as most effective opposition: Forum Research poll
The federal Liberals have gained ground over the past year as the party voters believe is the most effective opposition and risen significantly at the expense of the NDP, according to a Forum Research poll.

Liberals buoyed by polls, money, plot summer strategy

Liberals buoyed by polls, money, plot summer strategy
The federal Liberals, buoyed by an injection of financial donations generated by their recent leadership race and the public spotlight on new leader Justin Trudeau, are plotting summer strategy.

Liberals launch ‘hope and hard work’ campaign, but have lots of work ahead in Quebec, British Columbia

Liberals launch ‘hope and hard work’ campaign, but have lots of work ahead in Quebec, British Columbia
The federal Liberal Party has launched a so-called ‘Hope and Hard Work’ campaign on the heels of its record-setting leadership election of Justin Trudeau—but leadership vote numbers in Quebec show it may take more hard work than just hoping to win back the province that has overwhelmingly rejected the Liberals for two decades outside the party’s Montreal strongholds.


‘We’re still in a structural deficit,’ says former PM Martin

Former Liberal prime minister and finance minister Paul Martin reflects on the Liberals’ financial legacy and Conservatives’ missteps managing the economy.

A look at Liberal Party leadership conventions

The Liberal Party of Canada officially came into existence on July 1, 1867, upon the Confederation of Canada.



April 22, 2013
  • The 81 Closest Ridings Where MPs Won by 10 Per Cent or Less
  • Chiefs of Staff, Communications Directors, Press Secretaries to Cabinet Ministers
  • Cabinet’s Directors of Communications and Chiefs of Staff List 2011
Commons passes controversial anti-terrorism bill, NDP says feds should put money back into RCMP, border security, and CSIS instead
NDP, Liberals suspicious of timing on alleged terrorism plot arrests Monday and anti-terrorism bill debate in House
Opposition MPs say feds must table robocalls legislation ‘well before’ next election
Saskatchewan Tories opposed to boundaries, but now propose smaller changes to urban-only riding plan
Tories, NDP not worried by polls, but Liberals say they should be
Tories, NDP not worried by polls, but Liberals say they should be
Margaret Thatcher's funeral April 17, 2013: Bishop of London, Richard Chartres' sermon in full
Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney introduces then British prime minister Margaret Thatcher to speak to the House of Commons in 1988.

Grits elect Trudeau party leader with 80% of vote on April 14 in Ottawa April 15, 2013

The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Liberal MP Justin Trudeau, pictured on Sunday, April 14, in the Confederation Room at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregoire.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Former Liberal prime minister Jean Chrétien and his wife, Aline.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Justin supporters and their swag.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau.
The Hill Times photograph by Jake Wright
Former prime minister Jean Chrétien, Aline Chrétien, and Arlene Perly-Rae.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Former interim Liberal leader Bob Rae speaks to the crowd at the Westin Hotel.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Liberal MP and leadership candidate Joyce Murray, who won 10 per cent of the vote.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Liberal leadership candidate Deborah Coyne.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Liberal leadership candidates Joyce Murray and Karen McCrimmon.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Liberal leadership candidate Martha Hall Findlay.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Former prime minister Jean Chrétien speaks to crowd at the Westin Hotel.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Liberal leadership candidate Martha Hall Findlay.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Newly-elected Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, his wife Sophie Gregoire, and their children Ella-Grace and Xavier.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
New Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau said he plans to rebuild the party and said it was the end of Liberal Party infighting.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
The candidates: Karen McCrimmon, Deborah Coyne, Joyce Murray, Martha Hall Findlay, Martin Cauchon, and Justin Trudeau.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Justin Trudeau, his wife Sophie Gregoire, and their children Grace-Ella and Xavier.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Martin Cauchon and Martha Hall Findlay smile for the cameras.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Martin Cauchon flashes his red socks.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Justin Trudeau's mother, right, Margaret Trudeau, and her grandchildren and daughter-in-law have a laugh.
The Hill Times photograph by Steve Gerecke
Newly-elected Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau.