Sources of private sector financing 

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Find out about the financial services and assistance available for your business needs. Browse and locate members of these private sector associations who provide debt and equity financing to businesses.

Debt Financing

Debt financing means borrowing money. If you are looking to start your business, to finance your operations, to buy or lease equipment, or to expand, members of the following organizations may be able to help.

  • Canadian Bankers Association

    For banking, commercial loans and other debt financing services, you can turn to Canadian chartered banks and foreign bank subsidiaries.

  • Canadian Finance and Leasing Association

    Procure equipment, vehicles and related items or services by way of leases, secured loans or conditional sales contracts obtained through this association.

  • Credit Union Central of Canada

    Find out about commercial loans, credit options and banking services that are available from your local credit union branch.

  • Cooperatives — Desjardins Group
    Applies only to: Ontario, Québec, Manitoba, New Brunswick

    You can access financial services such as commercial loans and credit through this financial cooperative.

Equity Financing

Look beyond traditional banks. Private equity financing or capital funds represent an investment in your company and an alternative method to raise the money you need to innovate and grow your business. Members of these associations may help.

Other Private Sector Sources of Financing

There are other sources of private sector financing to consider. These include merchant bankers, international trade financing companies, and specialized financial institutions such as insurance companies, commercial mortgage lenders, and specialty equipment financing.