International markets 

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Discover new markets for your products and services by studying market research reports which are organized by country and by industry sector. You can study general international statistics and international demographics to give you a better understanding of foreign marketplaces.

General international statistics

Find comparable statistics from a number of countries, made available by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and others.

  • OECD Stat Extracts

    Get information on a wide variety of socio-economic themes for the OECD and select non-member countries.

  • OECD Factbook

    Get statistics from OECD member countries for various economic, environmental and social indicators.

  • OECD iLibrary

    Browse the online library to find reports, statistics, projections and other information on a number of socio-economic themes.

  • UNdata

    Access a wide variety of global statistical information provided by the United Nations. UNdata is your single entry point to search UN databases.

  • International Monetary Fund data and statistics

    Browse financial statistics and resources, including the World Economic Outlook databases and the Global Financial Stability Report.

  • World Bank data and research

    Browse key national and international statistics and research publications, and view analyses of global trends and future prospects.

  • Fedstats

    Access official U.S. government statistics covering over 400 different topics.

  • Euro Indicators

    Browse the latest European economic indicators or search for statistics in Eurostat's latest publications and datasets.

  • U.S. Economy at a Glance

    Get an up-to-date picture of the U.S. economy using data produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

  • U.S. Economic Indicators

    Get a snapshot of the most recent economic indicators published by the U.S. Census Bureau, including data on trade, manufacturing, spending and housing.

  • Foreign Labor Trends Reports Series

    View labor market information, such as recent labor developments in key foreign countries, as offered by the United States Department of Labor.

Market research reports by country

Find information on the general socio-economic conditions in foreign countries, as well as information on particular markets for your goods and services in those countries.

Market research reports by industry

Find information on foreign markets for your industry sector.