Financing your new business 

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Entrepreneurs often report that getting financing is the most challenging aspect of starting a business. There are both government and private-sector sources of financing that you can tap into to get your business off the ground.

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Government financing

The government provides financing to help entrepreneurs like you start a business. Some of this financing is targeted at specific demographic groups or industry sectors, and some is more widely available. The financing includes grants and contributions (which generally do not have to be repaid) and loans and loan guarantees (which generally do have to be repaid).

  • CYBF Newcomer Program

    If you are a recent immigrant to Canada and are between the ages of 18 and 39 years old, you can apply for money to start a business.

  • CYBF Start-Up Program

    Are you between 18 and 39 years old? If you are a Canadian resident with a good business idea, you could get $15,000 or more to start or run a business full-time.

  • APEX Investment Fund
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    If your business is in one of three key industry sectors, you may be able to attract an equity investment of up to $5 million from this private fund.

  • ATB Financial
    Applies only to: Alberta

    If you are looking for money to help you start or operate your small business in Alberta, you may be eligible for financing opportunities.

  • AVAC Ltd.
    Applies only to: Alberta

    If you operate a new Alberta agricultural business, you can apply for money for R&D; and to help you market your product or service.

  • Aboriginal Business Development Fund (Ulnooweg Loan)
    Applies only to: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador

    Funding for Aboriginal people in Atlantic Canada to start, buy, grow or refinance a business.

  • Aboriginal Business Development Program
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon

    If you are Aboriginal and live in the territories, you could get financing to start or grow a business.

  • Aerospace Tax Holiday
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    Your PEI aerospace business may be eligible for a tax rebate.

  • Agricultural Development Loans
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    Access loans for your Aboriginal agriculture business. Agricultural loans are available to First Nations individuals, bands, tribal councils and First Nation owned corporations.

  • Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Lending
    Applies only to: Alberta

    Access loans and services to start or grow farm, agribusiness or other small business.

  • Alberta BoostR
    Applies only to: Alberta

    This crowdfunding platform can help your Alberta businesses raise money through a community of supporters, in exchange for a reward.

  • Alberta Foundation for the Arts Grants
    Applies only to: Alberta

    Learn about grants and resources for artists in Alberta.

  • Alberta Indian Investment Corporation
    Applies only to: Alberta

    If you are an Aboriginal entrepreneur seeking financing and business support, learn about loans, equity investments and services available to you.

  • Apeetogosan (Métis) Development Inc.
    Applies only to: Alberta

    Are you an established or budding entrepreneur seeking financing and business support services? If so, learn about direct business financing, equity investments, and business services.

  • Atlantic Association of Community Business Development Corporations
    Applies only to: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island

    If you live in a rural region of Atlantic Canada, you can access business counselling, financing and training to help start or grow your business.

  • Atuqtuarvik Corporation — Loan Services
    Applies only to: Nunavut

    If you are Inuit and live in Nunavut, you may get money to start, buy or grow a business.

  • BDC financing

    You could get money to help you start or grow your business.

  • BDC growth capital for aboriginal business

    Find out how you could get money to help start or grow your Aboriginal business.

  • BDC subordinate financing

    Do you own a successful business, but lack the collateral to get a conventional loan? Discover an alternative way to finance your business growth.

  • Black Business Initiative — Financial support
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    As an African Nova Scotian entrepreneur, you could access a loan of up to $25,000 to start or expand your business.

  • Business Assistance — Immigrant Investor Program
    Applies only to: Québec

    If your business is in one of the eligible industries and obtains a positive recommendation from an accredited financial intermediary, you could receive funding.

  • Business Attraction Fund
    Applies only to: Newfoundland and Labrador

    Get a loan or equity investment to establish your company in Newfoundland and Labrador.

  • Business Development Centres of Nunavut
    Applies only to: Nunavut

    If you live in Nunavut, you can apply for loans, training and business counselling to help you start or grow a business.

  • Business Development Program
    Applies only to: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island

    Access funds to start, expand or improve your business in Atlantic Canada.

  • Business Start Program
    Applies only to: Manitoba

    Are you a new owner/operator ready to begin your business journey? Access this three-day business workshop and loan guarantee program to start things off on the right foot.

  • Buying a business

    Find out how you may get financing to buy an existing business.

  • CEED — SEED Capital Loan Program
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You could get financing of up to $20,000 to start, expand or modernize your urban business.

  • Canada Small Business Financing Program

    Access funds for your small business with the help of this loan guarantee program.

  • Canadian Agricultural Loans Act program

    Find out how you could use this loan guarantee program to secure credit for your farming business.

  • Capitalization of social economy companies
    Applies only to: Québec

    You could obtain a capitalization loan or benefit from the purchase of preferred shares for your social economy company.

  • Clarence Campeau Development Fund
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    If you are Métis, you could get money to help you start a business or grow the one you have.

  • Commercial loans
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    Learn about commercial loans for your Aboriginal business in Saskatchewan.

  • Community Business Development Corporations – Social Enterprise Loan
    Applies only to: Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island

    Find out how you could get a loan of up to $150,000 to start-up, renovate or grow your social enterprise in rural Atlantic Canada.

  • Community Business Development Corporations — Loans for Atlantic entrepreneurs
    Applies only to: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island

    You could borrow up to $150,000 to start, grow, or modernize a business in a rural area of Atlantic Canada.

  • Community Futures Alberta — Small Business Loans
    Applies only to: Alberta

    You could get a loan to start or grow a business if you live in rural Alberta.

  • Community Futures British Columbia — Financing programs for entrepreneurs
    Applies only to: British Columbia

    You could get money to start or grow a business if you live in a rural area of British Columbia.

  • Community Futures Program
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You could receive funding to start or grow your business in Northern Ontario or in rural areas of Southern Ontario.

  • Community Futures Saskatchewan — Loan products for small businesses
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    You could get a loan to start or grow a business if you live in rural or northern Saskatchewan.

  • Community Futures Self Employment Programs
    Applies only to: British Columbia

    In rural British Columbia you can receive business training and access to financial assistance if you are unemployed and looking to start a new business.

  • Community Futures Treaty Seven – Business development
    Applies only to: Alberta

    Are you an Aboriginal entrepreneur wishing to start or grow your business? You may be eligible for a business loan.

  • Conseil de la coopération de la Saskatchewan: Financing
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    If you are a Francophone living in Saskatchewan, you may be able to get financing to start or grow a business.

  • Direct Equity Tax Credit Program
    Applies only to: Newfoundland and Labrador

    Invest in a new or expanding small business in Newfoundland and Labrador and receive a provincial income tax credit.

  • Economic Development Council for Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities: Financing
    Applies only to: Manitoba

    If you are a Francophone living in Manitoba, you may be able to get financing to start or grow a business.

  • Emerging Music Business Program
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You could be eligible for funding for your emerging music business in Nova Scotia.

  • Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    If you live in the Cape Breton or Mulgrave areas, you could get money to help you start or grow your business or to upgrade your website.

  • Entrepreneur Loan Program
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    You may be eligible to receive up to $50,000 directly from authorized lenders backed by a government guarantee for your new or expanding business.

  • Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program
    Applies only to: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan

    If you are an entrepreneur with a disability and you live in Western Canada, you could get help to start or grow a business.

  • FACTOR funding for the recording industry

    If you have a recording business or if you are a song-writer, composer or musician and record in English, you could get money for certain activities.

  • Farm Credit Canada Products and Services

    You could access capital for your farming or agri-business operation.

  • Femmessor — Réussir en affaires
    Applies only to: Québec

    You could obtain funding, training or mentoring for the acquisition, start-up, expansion or consolidation of your company.

  • Fiducie du Chantier de l'économie sociale
    Applies only to: Québec

    Do you need funding to start a business or develop new social economics projects?

  • Financial Assistance to Industry Program
    Applies only to: New Brunswick

    You could get a loan or loan guarantee to start, grow or maintain your business in New Brunswick.

  • Financial programs
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories

    Are you looking to obtain financing for your business? This program offers term loans, equity, contributions and letters of credit.

  • Financing for starting a business

    Learn how you could get money to start or buy a business or to buy property or equipment to set up your business.

  • First Nation Youth Livestock Program
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    If you are an Aboriginal youth interested in a livestock operation, this program can help you build equity by providing financing, training and support.

  • Fishing Licence Loan Program
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Apply for a loan to buy a New Entrant or New Species fishing licence.

  • Fishing Vessel Loan Program
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Apply for a loan to purchase, build or modify your fishing vessel in Nova Scotia.

  • Fonds afro-entrepreneurs — Loans to Afro-Québécois businesspeople
    Applies only to: Québec

    Are you a member of one of Quebec's black communities? You could receive a loan or loan guarantee for your business' needs.

  • Fonds de développement des entreprises d'économie sociale
    Applies only to: Québec

    Do you have a social enterprise? If so, this development fund can help you.

  • Funding programs for Nunavut filmmakers
    Applies only to: Nunavut

    If you are a filmmaker, producer or owner of a production company based in Nunavut, you may get money to create films, television shows and digital media.

  • General business loans
    Applies only to: Ontario

    As a member of the Six Nations or New Credit aboriginal communities, you could qualify for a term loan of up to $300,000 to buy land, buildings and equipment for your business.

  • Grant — Fondation Montréal Inc
    Applies only to: Québec

    If you are a young Montreal entrepreneur, you could receive a grant of between $5,000 and $30,000 to start up your business as well as advice or training.

  • Immigrant Small Business Loan Program
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    As a recent immigrant to Nova Scotia, you can apply for a loan to start, buy or expand your business.

  • Indian Business Corporation services
    Applies only to: Alberta

    If you are a First Nations person looking for financing for a new or existing business, learn about loans and business services available to you.

  • Industry-Academic Collaboration Programs
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Learn about financing and support that may help you develop and commercialize innovative techniques, products and services in Ontario.

  • JEDI Aboriginal Development Fund
    Applies only to: New Brunswick

    If you are Aboriginal and live in New Brunswick, you can apply for up to $2,500 to start or grow a business.

  • Jeunes Promoteurs
    Applies only to: Québec

    If you want to start up your first business and you are between the ages of 18 and 35, you may be eligible to obtain financial assistance.

  • Junior Exploration Assistance
    Applies only to: Newfoundland and Labrador

    You could receive a grant to conduct advanced mineral exploration and prospection.

  • Livestock Loan Guarantee Program
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    Find out about alternative financing solutions to purchase livestock or construct feedlot facilities.

  • Local investment fund
    Applies only to: Québec

    Apply for financing to start or expand a business in Quebec.

  • Marketing Support Program
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    You could obtain financial assistance for marketing costs from start-up through to international exporting.

  • NB Growth Program
    Applies only to: New Brunswick

    You could get a grant of up to $100,000 to start a business, or up to $60,000 to expand, diversify or improve your small business.

  • Natural Stone Assessment
    Applies only to: Newfoundland and Labrador

    Access a grant for the exploration and assessment of new or undeveloped natural stone sites.

  • New Entrant Farmer Loan Program
    Applies only to: New Brunswick

    You could get up to $750,000 in loans to help you buy a farm.

  • NextStep to Success
    Applies only to: Alberta

    You could access loans of up to $150,000 if you are an Aboriginal woman in Alberta who owns a business or who would like to start one.

  • Northern Ontario Entrepreneur
    Applies only to: Ontario

    Apply for a grant of up to $125,000 towards eligible costs of starting a new business in Northern Ontario.

  • Northern Ontario Young Entrepreneur
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You could receive a grant of up to $25,000 if you are between the ages of 18 and 29 and plan to start a new business in Northern Ontario.

  • Nova Scotia Business Development Program
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You could qualify for a government rebate to help vitalize your start-up or existing business.

  • Nova Scotia Farm Loans
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Apply for a loan to help fund your agricultural business.

  • Nunavut Business Credit Corporation
    Applies only to: Nunavut

    If you live in Nunavut, you could get up to $1 million to start or grow a business there.

  • Ontario Catapult Microloan Fund for Social Enterprises
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may be eligible for a loan of $5,000 to $25,000 for your innovative Ontario-based social enterprise.

  • Ontario Disability Support Program: Employment Supports
    Applies only to: Ontario

    If you are an entrepreneur with a disability, you can get help starting a business.

  • Ontario Innovation Demonstration Fund
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may qualify for funding to help commercialize your innovative green technologies.

  • Ontario Self-Employment Benefit
    Applies only to: Ontario

    You may be able to turn your employment insurance eligibility into support for planning a new business of your own.

  • Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities

    If you are a person with disabilities who wants to start a business or if you are an employer who would like to hire someone with a disability, you could qualify for funds.

  • Prospectors Assistance
    Applies only to: Newfoundland and Labrador

    You could receive funding for mineral exploration activities and prospector training.

  • Quebec Economic Development Program
    Applies only to: Québec

    Find out about resources that can help you develop your Quebec business.

  • Réseau québécois du crédit communautaire
    Applies only to: Québec

    You could obtain microfinancing from this network to start a business in Quebec.

  • Regional Economic Intervention Fund (FIER)
    Applies only to: Québec

    Your business could obtain financial assistance in the form of equity for your start-up, development, succession and recovery projects.

  • Self Employment Option
    Applies only to: Northwest Territories

    Interested in starting your own business in the Northwest Territories? If you are unemployed, you could continue to receive benefits and get help to start your business.

  • Self Employment Program
    Applies only to: Manitoba

    Are you collecting Employment and Income Assistance? Are you ready to be your own boss? The Self Employment Program might be the next step for you.

  • Self-Employ PEI
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    Interested in starting your own business? If you are currently unemployed, you may be eligible to receive benefits to help you do so.

  • Self-Employment Benefit — Workforce Expansion
    Applies only to: New Brunswick

    Do you want to start a business and be your own boss? Find out about a program that could help you get started.

  • Self-Employment Program
    Applies only to: Alberta

    If you are unemployed, you could get self-employment training, continue to receive benefits, and get assistance for living expenses.

  • Self-Employment Program (Nova Scotia)
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Get support and training to start a business to create your own job.

  • Self-employment support
    Applies only to: Québec

    Receive financial and technical support to start or purchase a microbusiness.

  • Settlement Investment Corporation
    Applies only to: Alberta

    As a Métis business owner, you could get support with direct business loans and services such as business plan development and training.

  • Sivummut Grants to Small Businesses
    Applies only to: Nunavut

    If you live in the Baffin (Qikiqtaaluk) region of Nunavut, you could get up to $25,000 to start or grow a business there.

  • Small Business Loans
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    You could obtain a small business loan to purchase or expand a business, to consolidate debt, or undertake new construction.

  • Small Business Loans Association Program
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    You may be eligible for a loan of up to $20,000 even if you have had difficulty getting financing through traditional methods.

  • Strategic Investments Program — Nunavut Equity Investment Fund
    Applies only to: Nunavut

    If you live in Nunavut, you could get money to start or grow a business in mining, tourism, cultural industries or fisheries.

  • Student Entrepreneurship
    Applies only to: New Brunswick

    Are you looking for a summer job? You could get an interest-free loan of up to $3,000 to operate your own business.

  • Students in Business
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    You could apply for an interest-free loan to start your own business if you are between 15-34 years old and planning to go to school.

  • Summer Company
    Applies only to: Ontario

    If you are a student between 15 and 29 years of age, you may be eligible for up to $3,000 to help you start and run a summer business.

  • TEAM Work Opportunity Fund
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    If you have a self-identified disability, you could access funding to help you become an entrepreneur.

  • Tax deduction for new small business
    Applies only to: Nova Scotia

    Find out how you can avoid paying Nova Scotia corporate income tax for the first three years of your new incorporated business.

  • The Prince's Operation Entrepreneur

    If you are a transitioning Canadian Forces member looking to establish a small business, this program could be for you.

  • Tourism loans
    Applies only to: Prince Edward Island

    If you own a tourism establishment other than a bed and breakfast, you may be able to get a loan to buy, build, renovate or expand your business or consolidate debts.

  • Women's Enterprise Initiative Loan Program
    Applies only to: Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, British Columbia

    If you are a woman living in Western Canada, you could get a loan to start, grow or buy a business.

Private-sector financing

You can also turn to the private sector for financing for your business. You can look to Canada's major financial institutions, such as banks, credit unions, and cooperatives. Depending on the type of business you want to start, you might also be able to secure venture capital or financing from angel investors.