Access to Justice for Aboriginal Women


Violence against women remains a problem in Canada and throughout the world, affecting women’s personal safety and their ability to participate in and contribute to society. The risk of violence is compounded for Aboriginal women (First Nations, Inuit, Métis and non-status Indians), who are three and one-half times more likely to experience violent victimization than non-Aboriginal women.  Aboriginal women report higher rates of violence committed by strangers and more serious forms of family violence.  They are significantly over-represented as victims of homicide and are also three times more likely to be victims of spousal violence than non-Aboriginal women.

The Government of Canada has committed to supporting projects and activities that contribute to reducing the victimization of Aboriginal women.  Individuals already exposed to violence, whether as victims, witnesses or perpetrators, in particular where this violence stems from gang activity, addictions, exposure to the sex trade or cognitive impairments such as foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), are most at risk to further violence.  To that end the initiative aims to support the development of school-based and community-based projects that promote resilience and provide alternatives to high-risk behaviour of young Aboriginal women, directed toward reducing the vulnerability of Aboriginal women to violence.

Who is eligible?

  • National, provincial, municipal, regional, Aboriginal, community or professional not-for-profit organizations;
  • Provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments;
  • Canadian educational institutions;
  • Bands, tribal councils, self-governing First Nations and Inuit.


The objective is to support initiatives that contribute to reducing the vulnerability of young Aboriginal women to violence.


Some of the activities that may be supported include:

  • Workshops, conferences, symposiums;
  • Training sessions; and
  • Development of resources and tools that provide alternatives to risky behaviour and awareness of resources.

How to Apply for Funding

Official Languages

In support of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act, the Department is committed to facilitate the participation of official language minority communities and their organizations in the development and assessment of the Department's policies, programs and services having significant impact on the development of the communities; and to take measures to ensure that the Department of Justice's programs and services reach official language minority communities. In the context of project funding, these measures include:

  • outreach to official language minority communities to enhance their understanding of the Department of Justice funding programs; and
  • encouraging contacts between organizations that are receiving financial assistance and official language minority organizations/groups to ensure that the needs of these communities are taken into consideration in relation to the proposed projects to be considered for Department of Justice Canada funding.

Sustainable Development

The Department of Justice encourages you to submit proposals electronically.  If you submit your application on paper, please consider printing on both sides of the paper. These actions will minimize environmental impacts.

Publications and Resources

Contribution Funds for Non-Governmental Organizations, a Handbook (PDF Version)
We designed this guide as a reference tool to help you better understand and comply with the financial requirements described in contribution agreements.  We recommended that you review this handbook if you receive funding for your project.

Contact Information

Department of Justice Canada
Programs Branch
284 Wellington Street, 6th Floor
Ottawa ON  K1A 0H8
Telephone: 613 941-4193
Fax: 613 941-2269