Extend your stay in Canada as a visitor

If you want to extend your stay in Canada, you must apply to do so. Check your temporary resident visa to make sure you apply before the expiry date. You should apply 30 days before your status expires to:

  • extend your visitor, student or work status,
  • change your permit type (for example, from a student permit to a work permit) or
  • change your permit condition (for example, if you are studying and you want to change schools, or if you are working and you want to change jobs).

Find out how to extend your visitor visa.

Implied status

If you apply to extend your permit, and your visitor visa expires while you are waiting for a decision, you still have temporary resident (visitor) status. This is known as implied status.

Working or studying in Canada

Most visitors to Canada cannot work or study in Canada without a permit.

You must apply for a work or study permit before you come to Canada. If you are visiting Canada and you want to work or study, you must leave Canada and apply from your home country. In some cases, you are allowed to work or study without a permit. For more information, see:

Getting a visitor visa from within Canada

If you are currently a temporary resident in Canada with a valid status (i.e. study or work permit), you can apply for a new visitor visa to return to Canada before you leave.

Becoming a permanent resident of Canada

To stay in Canada as a permanent resident, you must leave the country and apply from outside Canada, except in the special cases listed below. To become a permanent resident, you must meet Canada's immigration requirements.

You can apply to become a permanent resident from inside Canada if you:

Find more information about becoming a permanent resident.

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