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Canada's Constitutional History
Aboriginals: Treaties and Relations
Pioneers and Immigrants

Canada's Constitutional History

New France, 1759

Eastern North America, 1763

Eastern North America, 1774

British North America, 1791

British North America, 1840

Canada, 1867

Canada, 1873

Canada, 1905

Canada, 1999


Aboriginals: Treaties and Relations

Area of the Peace and friendship Treaties

Area of the Upper Canada Treaties

Area of the Province of Canada Treaties

Douglas Treaties (Vancouver Island Treaties)

Numbered Treaties One to Five

Numbered Treaties Six and Seven

Numbered Treaties Eight to Eleven

Area of the Williams Treaties

Area of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement

Area of the Western Arctic Claims Settlement Act, 1984



Pioneers and Immigrants

New Brunswick, 1784

The Canadian Pacific Railway

The Alaska Boundary Dispute, 1903



Canada's Constitutional History

Common Law and Civil Law

Judicial Committee of the Privy Council

The Written and Unwritten Constitution

Representative Government

Responsible Government

The Upper and Lower Canada Rebellions

The Deportation of the Acadians

Aboriginals: Treaties and Relations

Numbered Treaty Overview

Motivations Behind the Numbered Treaties

Aboriginal Political Agitation

Aboriginal Residential Schools

Aboriginal Women's Issues

The Riel Rebellions

Pioneers and Immigrants

The Métis

Immigration Acts (1866 - 2001)

Asian Immigration


Canada's Constitutional History

International Convention at Québec of Delegates of the Legislatures of Canada, 1864

Aboriginal Peoples

Natives Outside a Communal House, Nootka

Costumes of Canadians

A Labrador Eskimo in his canoe drawn from nature

Inside of an Indian Tent


1608 - 1759: New France

Champlain in an Indian Canoe, 1603

Arrival of Champlain at Québec in 1608

A View of the Intendant's Palace, 1761

Reception of the Marquis de Tracy and the Intendant Talon by Mgr. Laval, 1665

Chain of authority in New France


1749 - 1759: Nova Scotia

The founding of Halifax, 1749

Nova Scotia Assembly which met for the first time in the Court House, Halifax, 1758

The Governor's House and St. Mather's Meeting House, Hollis Street... Halifax, 1764


1759 - 1763: Martial Law

A View of the Launching Place Above the Town of Québec, Describing the Assault of the Enemy, 13 September, 1759

Painting: The Death of Wolfe


1763 - 1774: The Struggle for French Canadian Rights

A View of the City of Québec

A View of the Bishop's House with the Ruins as they appear in going down the Hill from the Upper to the Lower Town

James Murray

General Sir Guy Carleton

An East view of Montreal, in Canada, 1762


1774 - 1791: Revolutionary Changes

The coming of the Loyalists, 1783

Boston Tea Party

A View of the City of Montreal, 1784

Encampment of the Loyalists at Johnstown, 1784


1791 - 1837: A New Constitution

York, Upper Canada, 1804

Proclamation of the Constitution Act, 1791

Lower Canada Legislative Assembly (Chapel of Bishop's Palace, Québec City)

Chain of authority in the Canadas

An Officer of the British Army and a Merchant of Québec in their Winter Dress, 1810


1791 - 1837: Agitating for Change

Cataraqui Creek, Kingston, Ontario, ca. 1833/1834

An election during the struggle of responsible Government

Settlement on Long Island on the Rideau River, Upper Canada, 1830

Government House [Halifax] from the S. W., 1819


1837 - 1839: Rebellion

Papineau addressing a crowd

Back View of the Church of St. Eustache and Dispersion of the Insurgents, 1837

Lord Durham


1839 - 1849: Union and Responsible Government

Lord Durham

House of Assembly, North Front, Québec, 1842

The Arrival of Lord Sydenham Governor General. Opening of the Union Parliament, Kingston, 1841

Letters Patent Granting Royal Assent to the Union Act, 1840

The Earl and Countess of Elgin, Lady Alice Lambton (left) and Lord Mark Kerr (standing)

Burning of the Parliament buildings, Montreal in 1849

Entrance to Toronto, 1840


1850 - 1867: On the Road to Confederation

City of Ottawa, Canada West, ca. 1859

Grand Trunk Railway of Canada Victoria Bridge over the River St. Lawrence at Montreal, 1860

Alexander Galt, 1869

Province House and Market Building, 1865

The Pigeon Hill (Eccles Hill) camp of the 60th Battalion which played a major part in the Fenian Raid of 25 May 1870

Delegates who gathered at the Charlottetown Conference to consider the confederation of the British North American colonies, 1864


1867 - 1931: Becoming a Nation

Centre Block, Parliament Buildings under construction, 1865

A Proclamation for Uniting the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick into one Dominion, May 22, 1867

Chain of authority after Confederation

Dutch settlers clearing bush before ploughing new land, ca. 1886-1950

Canadian delegates attending the Imperial Conference, 1926

Canadian machine gunners dig themselves in, in shell holes on Vimy Ridge, 1917


1867 - 1931: Territorial Expansion

Canadian Pacific Railway Locomotive #5068

Louis D. Riel

First Legislative Council of the United Colony of British Columbia, 1867

Panning gold during the Klondike Gold Rush, ca. 1897 - 1908

View looking west on Jasper Avenue from about 97th Street, Edmonton, Alberta, 1912


1931 - 1982: Toward Renewal and Patriation

First official Canadian Citizenship ceremony at the Supreme Court building, 1947

Strikers from unemployment relief camps en route to Eastern Canada during "March on Ottawa", 1935

Delegation negotiating the union of Newfoundland with Canada, 1947

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Mr. Jean Chrétien, Minister of Justice, during Constitutional Conference, 1981


1982 - 2002: The Modern Constitution

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with Prime Minister The Rt. Hon. Pierre Elliott Trudeau signing the Constitution, 1982

Mr. Brian Mulroney and Mrs. Mila Mulroney speaking to Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau at the gala event for the swearing-in of the Governor-General Jeanne Sauvé held at the National Art Centre, 1984


Common Law and Civil Law

Supreme Court of Canada, 1940

Centre Block, Parliament Buildings under construction, 1865

Louis XIV as a young man


Judicial Committee of the Privy Council

Supreme Court of Canada, 1940

Mrs. Nellie McClung


The Written and Unwritten Constitution

The opening of Canadian Parliament, 1920

Supreme Court of Canada, 1940

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Mr. Jean Chrétien, Minister of Justice, during Constitutional Conference, 1981


Representative Government

Nova Scotia Assembly which met for the first time in the Court House, Halifax, 1758

The Governor's House and St. Mather's Meeting House, Hollis Street... Halifax, 1764

Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, 1870

Lt. Gov. Bulyea and members of Alberta first Legislative Assembly, Edmonton, 1905


Responsible Government

Burning of the Parliament buildings, Montreal in 1849

An election during the struggle of responsible Government

Lord Durham

The Earl and Countess of Elgin, Lady Alice Lambton (left) and Lord Mark Kerr (standing)


The Upper and Lower Canada Rebellions

The Insurgents, at Beauharnois, Lower Canada, 1838

View of Québec City, 1838

Papineau addressing a crowd

Back View of the Church of St. Eustache and Dispersion of the Insurgents, 1837

William Lyon Mackenzie

Attack & defeat of rebels at Dickinson Landing, Upper Canada, 1838

Lord Durham


The Deportation of the Acadians

Reading the Order of expulsion to the Acadians in the parish Church at Grand Pré, in 1755

Exile of the Acadians from Grand Pré, 1755

Wolfe wading ashore through the surf at Louisbourg


Aboriginals: Treaties and Relations

Delegates to Six Nations Conference

1492 - 1779: From First Contact to the Peace and Friendship Treaties

Arrival of Champlain at Québec

Inside an Indian Tent (Manitoba)

White Cap, Sioux chief, pledging his friendship...


1763 - 1791: Royal Proclamation (1763) and Québec Act (1774)

Indian encampment on the Prairies

Buffalo Hunt


1764 - 1836: Pre-Confederation Treaties I

Iroquois Chiefs from the Six Nations Reserve reading Wampum belts

Sir William Johnson

Pontiac Meeting Governor Haldimand


1811 - 1867: Pre-Confederation Treaties II

Death of Tecumseh

Selkirk Settlement, Manitoba

Fort Vancouver


1867 - 1870: British North America Act, 1867 and Sale of Selkirk Treaty Lands (1869)

Métis Traders

Pawnee Indians on the war path


1871 - 1875: First Five Numbered Treaties

Smallpox Quarantine Station, Dawson, Yukon

One of the boys


1876 - 1877: The Indian Act, 1876 and Numbered Treaties Six and Seven

Blood Indian pow-wow dance

Indian Burial

Medicine Circles

Arriving to sign Treaty Seven


1878 - 1898: Deculturation

View of Fort Qu'Appelle Indian Industrial School

An Indian prayer meeting with Roman Catholic clergy

Louis Riel


1899 - 1922: Last of the Numbered Treaties

Aboriginal men in car

Crowd assembled for treaty payment, Fort Rae, Northwest Territories

Duck Hunting...


1923 - 1950: Williams Treaties and Land Transfer Agreements

Fishing At Sault Ste. Marie (Ontario)

Indian Sun Dance

Delegates to Six Nations Conference


1951 - 1981: Aboriginal Rights Movement

Senator James Gladstone

Alberta tipis, 1970

Oil Distillation Tower


1982 - 2003: Constitutional Reforms and Crises

Queen Elizabeth II with Prime Minister Trudeau signing the Constitution, 1982


Numbered Treaty Overview

Hunting the Buffalo in Herds

Treaty Number One

Smallpox Quarantine Station, Dawson, Yukon

Medicine Circles

Arriving to sign Treaty Seven

Crowd assembled for treaty payment, Fort Rae, NWT

One of the boys


Motivations Behind the Numbered Treaties

Prairie Covered with Buffalo


Aboriginal Political Agitation

Delegates to Six Nations Conference

Arrival of Champlain at Québec

Duck Hunting...

Senator James Gladstone


Aboriginal Residential Schools

Mi'kmaq girls in sewing class at Indian Residential School

View of Fort Qu'Appelle Indian Industrial School

Dogs plowing Potato Crops


Aboriginal Women's Issues

Two Indian women

A young Indian mother fording a stream

An Indian and his squaw


The Riel Rebellions

Louis Riel and his associates

Métis casualties

Big Bear


Pioneers and Immigrants

Galician Family at Immigration Shed in Québec

1497 - 1760: Exploration and Early Settlement

Jacques Cartier at Mount Royal

Samuel de Champlain

A View of Louisburg in North America


1608 - 1763: New France

Canoe Manned by Voyageurs

Ursuline nuns in New France


Filles du roi


1775 - 1812: Loyalists, the First Refugees

Bedford Basin Near Halifax

A Black Wood Cutter at Shelburne, Nova Scotia

Elizabeth Simcoe


1811 - 1870: Selkirk Settlement / Creation of Manitoba

Red River Colonists

First Council of Assiniboia, Fort Garry, June 1813

Summer View of Fort Douglas on the Red River


1814 - 1830: Post-Loyalist Settlement I

Battle of Queenston Heights, 1813

Barracks at Queenston and camp on the mountain

The Settlement of Coldwater


1830 - 1867: Post-Loyalist Settlement II

Forges on the St. Maurice River near Trois-Riviéres, Canada East

General Hospital, Lower Canada

Slave Market in Charleston, South Carolina

Catherine Parr Traill, her daughter and two granddaughters, 1899


1842 - 1903: Canada-U.S. Relations

Encampment on the Red River, Hind Expedition, 1857-58

A surveyor in the Maine - New Brunswick Boundary Commission party

Portrait of Thomas D'Arcy McGee

Covered wagons from the United States in Southern Alberta

Mount Hood, Alaska, by moonlight


1851 - 1885: Building the National Railways

Canadian Pacific Railway Locomotive No. 374

The First Locomotive With A Steel Boiler

Construction of a Chinese Camp (Kamloops, B.C.)


1870 - 1896: Prairie Settlement: The First Major Wave

Settler's House (near Edmonton)

Personnel of the North West Mounted Police (Dawson, Yukon)

Immigrants for Domestic Service (Québec)

A Boy Ploughing at Dr. Barnardo's Industrial Farm


1896 - 1914: The Last Best West

Settler's House (Grande Prairie, Alberta)

Doukhobor Ox Cart

A Prospector in Dawson, Yukon

Galician Family at Immigration Shed in Québec


The Métis

Indian or Métis Family in Manitoba

First Council of Assiniboia, Fort Garry, June 1813

Camp scene of Métis people on the Prairie, Manitoba


Immigration Acts (1866 - 2001)

Galician Family at Immigration Shed in Québec

World War I Recruitment Poster

Doukhobor Ox Cart

First Citizenship Ceremony, 1947


Asian Immigration

Construction of a Chinese Camp (Kamloops, B.C.)

Japanese Canadian Internment Camp, B.C.

Lim D. Lee, Chinese Pharmacist in Vancouver, B.C.


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