Facility Greenhouse Gas Reporting

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Program

Accurate tracking of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is an important part of assessing Canada’s overall environmental performance. In March 2004, the Government of Canada announced the introduction of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Program (GHGRP).

Facility GHG emissions reporting contributes to the development, implementation and evaluation of climate change and energy use policies and strategies by providing a more precise picture of the sources and amounts of GHG emissions from Canada's largest emitters.

The GHGRP applies only to the largest industrial GHG emitters in Canada. All facilities that emit the equivalent of 50 000 tonnes (50 kilotonnes) or more of GHGs in carbon dioxide equivalent units (CO2 eq) per year are required to submit a report.

Industrial Smoke

Reporting to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Program

Information for operators of facilities required to report to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Program.

Stack of Documents

Reported Facility Greenhouse Gas Data

Search facility-reported greenhouse gas emissions, view data summaries and trends analysis.

Search Reported Facility Data

Search facility-reported greenhouse gas emissions in Canada (2011 data)