Environment Canada’s Single Window System

March 13, 2013: The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) and partners module of the Single Window System is now available for 2012 reporting. The deadline for reporting to the NPRI for the 2012 calendar year is June 1, 2013. Because June 1, 2013 is a Saturday, reports for 2012 will be considered on time if they are submitted by Monday June 3, 2013.

Environment Canada’s online Single Window system consists of three components: GCKey, Single Window Information Manager (SWIM) (formerly Secure Services), and various reporting modules, where reporters can manage organizational information and report to a number of programs. The reporting programs available in the system include:

  • National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) and partners
    • Ontario Ministry of the Environment – Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 and Ontario Regulation 455/09
    • Ontario Ministry of the Environment – Ontario Regulation 127/01
    • Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) – National Emissions Reduction Masterplan (NERM) Survey
    • Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) – National Framework for Petroleum Refinery Emission Reductions (NFPRER)
    • Alberta Environment – Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA)
  • Environment Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) and partners
    • Alberta Environment – Specified Gas Reporting Regulation
    • British Columbia (B.C.) Ministry of Environment – B.C. Regulation 272/2009
    • Ontario Ministry of the Environment – Ontario Regulation 452/09
  • Chemicals Management Plan eSubmissions for various Section 71 notices.
  • Renewable Fuels Regulations Electronic Reporting System (RFRERS).
  • Vehicle Engine and Emission Reporting Registry (VEERR).


This section provides information on getting started with the NPRI’s On-line Reporting System.

  • Login to Single Window - Select this link to begin the submission process for your NPRI report.

  • Instructions for filing your NPRI report on-line - This section provides instructions for registering and submitting your NPRI report using Single Window.

  • Contact the NPRI Helpdesk - For questions regarding this year's reporting criteria or completing your report online.

  • Forgotten User ID or Password?
    • How to set up your GCKey - If you have forgotten your User ID or Password to log-in to SWIM and cannot recover them using your recovery questions, you will need to register for a new GCKey User ID and Password and “Recover” your account.

  • Access to Historical Facility Data
    • Using the Single Window system, you will be able to pre-populate (prefill) your 2012 report using your historical data from the 2011 reporting year.
    • If you require access to historical data for your facility for other reporting years, please contact the NPRI Helpdesk at 1-877-877-8375 or inrp-npri@ec.gc.ca.